Requesting Software for 8.1 Plugin System

Beginning with 8.1, FreeNAS will support the installation of software packages through the use of a plugin system. These packages will be in the form of PBIs (Push Button Installers) which is the packaging system used by PC-BSD. There is a PBI forum where you can request the creation of PBIs. If there is an […]

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New FreeNAS 8 Forums

Until now, FreeNAS 8 forum discussions took place in a sub-forum of the Sourceforge FreeNAS forums. This was confusing to users as it wasn’t always clear if the information in the rest of the forums was applicable to 8 or only worked on earlier versions of FreeNAS. FreeNAS 8 now has its own dedicated Forums […]

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FreeNAS Review on Sourcetrunk

Dimitri Larmuseau, host of the Sourcetrunk podcast, recently took FreeNAS 8-RC5 for a test drive. The result is a 40 minute review (not counting the first 4 minutes where he discusses beer) that is available in MP3 and OGG formats at the Sourcetrunk website.

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FreeNAS 8 Documentation

FreeNAS 8 documentation is a work in progress and is steadily moving along. The documentation has been moved from the old wiki to a new wiki which can be accessed from the Documentation page of the website. Please update your bookmarks accordingly and point people to the new location as the old one is now […]

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FreeNAS 8 is Ready for Localization

Are you interested in seeing the menus in the FreeNAS 8 graphical administrative interface localized to your native language? If so, we are looking for translators! A Pootle server has been setup for FreeNAS 8 localization and all of the text strings have been imported into the server. Pootle is an easy way to find […]

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FreeNAS Sabanda Released!

The FreeNAS Development Team is pleased to announce the availability of FreeNAS 0.7.2 Sabanda. This is a maintenance release of FreeNAS 0.7. it improves it’s functions and the translations of the WEBGUI. Also we did add 2 new translations and give it some new features. New Features ========== – Samba 3.5.5. – AIO settings from […]

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iXsystems’ FreeNAS snapshot

Yesterday, iXsystems upload a snapshot of their new FreeNAS release on the SVN. The new FreeNAS is based on nanoBSD, then here are all the steps for generate the disk image of this release (from a FreeBSD 8.1 amd64). Refer to the README file for more information. cd /usr/src/tools/tools/nanobsd svn co freenas cd freenas […]

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BSDay 2010 (Nantes,France)

Hi, there is a BSDay at Nantes (France) the 1st june 2010. We will present pfSense, FreeNAS and FreeBSD ZFS. Free entry (no registration required) !

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