Category: TrueNAS CORE

Continuing on from where FreeNAS left off, TrueNAS CORE offers the same mature and reliable storage trusted by millions of installations worldwide.

TrueNAS CORE & Enterprise 13.0-U4 Delivers Additional Quality

TrueNAS CORE & Enterprise 13.0-U4 Delivers Additional Quality

Building on the Enterprise maturity of prior versions, TrueNAS 13.0-U4 was released today. The previous version, TrueNAS 13.0-U3, has proven to be the highest quality release in TrueNAS history and is already the most widely-deployed version of TrueNAS. Compared to...

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TrueNAS Delivers Billions in Value as a Digital Public Good

TrueNAS Delivers Billions in Value as a Digital Public Good

From humble beginnings in 2002, iX has grown to over 200 employees while exceeding $100M in bookings. From its founding and throughout the years, iX has continually invested significant portions of revenue to make Open Source technology even more valuable for business...

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The Modular TrueNAS R50 Stores a Petabyte

The Modular TrueNAS R50 Stores a Petabyte

The TrueNAS R50 Gen3 is a 4U workhorse with 48+4 drive bays, 100GbE capability, and the option of TrueNAS CORE, Enterprise, or SCALE. The 3rd generation of the TrueNAS R50 platform is now available with some major enhancements. Modular architecture with...

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iX and Storj Deliver Globally Distributed Storage to TrueNAS

iX and Storj Deliver Globally Distributed Storage to TrueNAS

Globally Distributed Storage (GDS) is a Web3 decentralized storage capability where each piece of data is stored redundantly across many globally distributed storage nodes. In the event of a failure, whether an individual node or even an entire geographic region, no...

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TrueNAS 13.0-U2 Release Delivers Enterprise Quality

TrueNAS 13.0-U2 Release Delivers Enterprise Quality

TrueNAS 13.0 retains all the unified storage services and middleware of TrueNAS 12.0 while significantly improving security, availability, quality, and performance. After the testing performed by over 25,000 users over the last four months, the second update (TrueNAS...

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TrueNAS 13.0 Succeeds TrueNAS 12.0

TrueNAS 13.0 Succeeds TrueNAS 12.0

TrueNAS 13.0 reached its RELEASE milestone today and is the natural successor to TrueNAS 12.0-U8, which has been the most widely deployed and highest quality TrueNAS version ever. TrueNAS 13.0 retains all the TrueNAS 12.0 services and middleware while providing...

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