
  1. G

    XDM Can't Install Plugins

    I have tried a couple XDM installs, but the plugins don't work, the whole system doesn't work. When it tries to update itself it just fails and if you have auto update turned on you can never log into it again and have to delete it. I can't find why in it's log file. If I try to install any...
  2. B

    OpenVPN + PIA + Transmission Installation Issues

    What I've Tried So I hate opening a post about this topic as there are plenty of guides out there to how one can get the Transmission jail to tunnel through OpenVPN/PIA, however, I have tried countless of them with no success. I had used these guides before to successfully set up a jail with a...
  3. sdgenxr

    Nextcloud: Jail vs. VM

    I want to install an instance of Nexcloud and would like to know the pro's and con's of installing it in a jail setting and a VM setting. The basic understanding I have is that a VM is less likely to have issues during a FreeNAS update. Whereas a jail, I've had issues in the past with system...
  4. Basil Hendroff

    SOLVED Restarting jail fails to autostart dnsmasq service.

    I have created a jail in release 11.1-U4 and installed dnsmasq 2.79 (to be used as a DHCP server). The DHCP server works like a charm. However, I notice that the dnsmasq service does not autostart when the jail is restarted or the server is rebooted (dnsmasq_enable="YES" in...
  5. Z

    Cannot start mysql57 service

    Currently using FreeNAS-11.1-U4 After installing a jail with all options as default, I run the following commands: pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install mysql57-server mysql57-client sysrc mysql_enable="YES" Problems start at: service mysql-server start It outputs the next and doesn't star the...
  6. John_n4s

    Help updating OpenSSL in a Freenas 9.3 Jail

    Hopefully someone can help me with this. I do not have the resources to upgrade my current Freenas setup and I am trying to get a script in my transmission jail working. When trying to upgrade this script I keep getting messages as follows: "There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate...
  7. wintered

    Network failing in VM after host network restarted

    Twice now I have observed that if my host networking is restarted (down then up, not really sure of the cause here), the networking in my jails ends up broken. Basically there are no longer IP address associated: root@home_11:/ # ifconfig bge0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST>...
  8. BlairEL

    Transmission with PIA VPN setup not working

    Hi all, I've banging my head on this for ages and just not making any progress, I hope someone can help. I am following the steps to setup PIA inside a transmission jail, I do not get any errors, but my public IP remains the same, rather than a PIA IP. I am following this guide LINK Here is...
  9. Julien485

    Modifier le contrôleur réseau d'une jails

    Bonjour, sur mon serveur Freenas j'ai 2 carte réseau. Voici les interfaces: re0 et re1. J'ai actuellement 2 réseau, un normale et un réseau VPN. Re0 est câbler sur le normale et le re1 sur le réseau VPN. Je souhaiterais que une de mes jails soit sur le contrôleur réseau re1. Mais je me suis...
  10. odragon

    Multiple VPN servers in OpenVPN?

    Hello all. I wanted to see if anyone knows or has tried to list multiple vpn servers in the openvpn.conf file of their openvpn clients? I have a transmission plugin with openvpn and ipfw running in the jail and it's working great. The only thing I wish I could do is list multiple vpn servers to...
  11. S

    Jail newcomer - quick overview on some basics?

    I'm new to jails, having not used them on FreeBSD or FreeNAS. The guide looks fairly straightforward. I'd like to check my understanding and make sure I have some stuff right, though. I'm happy using UI or CLI to manage them, but will probably create using GUI. *brain dump start * We have...
  12. M

    Upgrading iocage jails

    Hi, a while ago there has been a thread in the same spirit as this one, but with no result. With freenas moving from warden to iocage I'm wondering if that will bring any changes to the jail upgrade mechanism. In the past jails weren't that easy to upgrade so it was often suggested to scrap...
  13. odragon

    Plex will not display thumbnails

    Hello all. Currently seeing an issue where my Plex server just will not load any thumbnails. I found this thread relating to my problem but, for whatever reason, my plex server will not get out of the "/var/db/plexdata/Plex Media Server" location and look at just the "/media" location I mapped...
  14. T

    Tips for IOCAGE jail installation scripts

    Here is a example script that creates a simple "testjail" with iocage. This script may give you some practical hints, especially if you are writing installation scripts for iocage jails. For example, you can execute commands in the jail with iocage exec <jail> <command> There is also another...
  15. F

    HOWTO: Installing ZoneMinder in a FreeNAS 11 Jail

    Introduction Disclaimer: This is designed to provide a quick and dirty overview on getting ZoneMinder (ZM) up and running within a jail on FreeNAS. It is up to you to adapt this to your own circumstances and to ensure you secure everything after installation – this HOWTO does not result in a...
  16. awesomer

    Best way to give write permission outside jail

    Edit: Seems like the easiest way to give permissions for applications in jails to write outside the jail is to give the "Everyone" user permission to write? (This is using Windows sharing options)
  17. lopr

    Howto: OpenVPN in tap/bridge mode in iocage jail

    This is the discussion thread for the linked Resource. Please follow the tabs at the top of the thread to find the Resource. Feedback is appreciated!
  18. C

    Changing Apache default listen port and forward it

    Hi guys, I would like to host a website from my FreeNAS box in a jail, called domain.com, which is linked to my external IP. I would like to change the port from 80, to 8080. When I edit the Listen parameter in httpd.conf, I am able to access my website internally with <jail_ip>:8080 and...
  19. V

    Fresh 11.0 U3 // LAN only // ERROR: Failed to create ZFS base dataset

    Hi, I've recently installed running a freshly installed LAN only freenas 11.0 U3 and now I'd like to have a jail there. During the setup phase I got an error that .warden-files-cache/mtree is missing the file: freenas-standard-11.0-RELEASE.mtree I've provided it manually, which worked fine...
  20. A

    Best Practices For Setting Up Storage In ownCloud Jail

    Hello everyone! I just wanted to get some opinions on the storage setup in an ownCloud jail to prevent data loss as well efficiency? I personally created a ZFS dataset called ownCloud then used /mnt/zpool/ownCloud as my Source and /media/me/files as my Destination in the ownCloud jail storage...
  21. G

    FN 11.1-U1: Can't change a DHCP GUI created jail into static

    Hi, I have some jails that I initially created via GUI with DHCP. Now I want to convert them into static but the "interface" is grayed out and it keeps failing when I try to save. I can create static jails and in both cases when I edit them, interface is grayed out but they work. The problem...
  22. O

    Upgrading iocage jails

    Are there plans to implement this procedure (http://iocage.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-use.html#upgrading-jails) into the FreeNAS GUI? I understand that historically the standard line with upgrading Jails has been "delete it and start over" but that's ridiculous for those of us running...
  23. DeaDSouL

    sendmail inside jails does not work

    Hi, I have configured System->Email. And it is working just fine inside FreeNAS, but it doesn't work inside jails. How can I use the same email configuration in FreeNAS, to be able to send emails from jails? root@transmission_1:/ # cat /var/cover To: MyEmail@hotmail.com Subject: TESTING FROM...
  24. G

    SOLVED Unbound auto start in a jail

    Hi, I have freenas 11.1 and I am trying to install unbound in a jail. I can see that it's installed by default, I can create a config file in /var/unbound/unbound.conf (that's where unbound exec goes for it) but it's not having the script in rc.d to be able to start this as a service. I have...

    Properly creating iocage bridges for VNET

    What would the correct way to create a bridge for iocage VNET/VIMAGE to use on igb1? I'm currently doing the following which works but I end up with three bridges. Variable: ifconfig_bridge1 Value: addm igb1 up Type: rc.conf Variable: cloned_interfaces Value: bridge0 bridge1 Type...
  26. htavasoglu

    Domoticz Installation on FreeNAS - Autostart Problem...

    Hi everybody, I have a FreeNAS server at home and want to install Domoticz in a Jail I followed the instructions I found on https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/FreeNAS I created a new jail, downloaded domoticz etc. Now, if I go to directory in the jail ( ~/domoticz/domoticz ) and input the...
  27. R

    em0 missing on bridge0 after upgrade to FreeNAS 11.1

    So decided to upgrade my FreeNAS to 11.1-U1 and started to recreate my jails using iocage. All went well initially, till after a reboot I appear to have lost em0 on my bridge0. As a result, my new jails (configured with static IP addresses) have no more network connectivity to my LAN. As you...
  28. B

    SOLVED installing packages error

    Hey, I've been trying to install Softether VPN server on a jail and it won't run. (missing file) Using "pkg add [link]" seems to work but every package needs a dependency and each dependency also needs more and more, so I found that using "pkg install [link]" would install its dependencies...
  29. Kennyvb8

    Fuse mount in iocage jail ?

    Hello! wondering if its possible now to use fuse mount in iocage jail ? the deal is, that i'm trying to use the program plexdrive to mount my google drive.. i can do this in host "freenas 11.1" and then map it into the iocage jail. how ever it doesnt automount, and so far i tried to use cron...
  30. K

    Jail cannot be reached after upgrade to 11.1

    Hi all, My FreeNAS box has been running fine for years. After upgrading to 11.1-RELEASE, all settings seem to continue to work, except for one of my jails. My jail hosting transmission cannot be reached, although it worked fine on 9.10.2. Another jail (with synthing) works fine. The jails are...
  31. Z

    SOLVED FreeNAS Jail can't obtain IP from DHCP

    Hello everyone, Recently I spend a lot of time on trying setting up jails with DHCP. For unknown reason jail wound't get IP from the DHCP server. Because solution was so simple, I want to share this story and I hope this can save some time for someone who might have similar issue. I have a...
  32. C

    Help building Mediawiki into jail

    Dear all, I would need someone's help to build a working Mediawiki. Here below is where I got up to. Created the jail Downloaded Apache24 via 'pkg install' Dowloaded PHP via 'pkg install' Downloaded Mediawiki via 'pkg install' I got the Apache running (as I managed to display the html file)...
  33. B

    Boinc and FreeNAS 11.1

    I am trying to install boinc in a jail, but the installation is failing. I have followed the post below, but it is for FreeNAS 9.3 and no longer works. https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/how-to-install-boinc-with-world-community-grid-in-a-freenas-9-3-jail.42738/#post-278409 and of...
  34. H

    sd card crashed - after new FreeNAS install, plugin not available even though jail exists

    Hello everybody, I'm a very happy FreeNAS user, even though not that experienced :rolleyes: As my sd card with the previous installation crashed, I just installed a new one with the latest FreeNAS release. FreeNAS itself has no problems with this upgrade :cool: - all data is still available in...
  35. M

    aMule stops working after downloading big files: "Pid 94148 (amuled), uid 1001: exited on signal 6"

    Hi, I'm writing because most of the times, when aMule finishes downloading a big file (e.g. 2+ Gigabytes), it stops working. I get this error message from the daily log: Pid 94148 (amuled), uid 1001: exited on signal 6 If I restart aMule or the Jail, then it works perfectly, till it finishes...
  36. R

    iocage - no route to gateway from jail

    == SOLUTION ALREADY FOUND (see below) :) == To become more familiar with iocage, I've been trying out a bunch of things using FreeNAS 11.1 that I installed under Virtualbox (Windows guest). FreeNAS VM network config: VBoxManage modifyvm "%VM_NAME%" --nic1 bridged --nictype1 virtio...
  37. N

    Wrong jail rc.conf block the entire FreeNAS to boot

    Hello Guys I wrote a bad command line into the rc.conf from one of my jail, now the FreeNAS cannot boot because I get Page Fault 12 when reading this rc.conf Do you have an idea how I could disable the jail from booting? Or how to edit the rc.conf to correct it? Thank you Nico
  38. Obilarius

    Zeitüberschreitung bei Plex Plugin

    Hallo Leute, ich habe ein kleines Problem mit meinem Plex Plugin. Habe alles nach dieser Anleitung installiert (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaiBWJ2r2Hg) Habe FreeNAS 11.1 auf einem ESXi 6.5 Server als VM laufen. Jetzt wollte ich wie im Video erklärt den Plex Server installieren. Soweit...
  39. itsryan

    Cannot destroy iocage jail

    Hello All, I have been messing around with iocage and I was able to get a new jail created no problem but now that in trying to destroy the jail I run into a error. Keep in mind that this exact same error appears when im trying to stop the jail. The error started after running this command...
  40. kjake

    Radarr for iocage

    FN10 convert, re-writing all of my Docker containers... There is a Sonarr plugin for iocage, but nothing for Radarr, so I put something together for a jail. This was written for an existing installation; not tested as a fresh install. Will allow radarr to update itself if you enable it...
  41. kjake

    Sorta Fresh Plex in iocage

    FN10 Docker convert here - jumping into iocage because warden is going away. I liked the Plex container in FN10 because it would pull the latest release when you restarted the container. I haven't gotten there yet (because I'm writing these for all of my old containers), but this is better than...
  42. O

    FreeNAS 11.1 Jail php-GD extension installation problem

    For a Owncloud X installation I need the php-gd library. What I get is : PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'gd.so' (tried: /usr/local/lib/php/20170718/gd.so (/lib/libz.so.6: version ZLIB_1.2.9 required by /usr/local/lib/libpng16.so.16 not found) Simple steps to get this error...
  43. ryanhunt

    Updated jail template for 11.1?

    So I went to install the Unifi port today, and was greeted with this error: root@unifi:/usr/ports/net-mgmt/unifi5 # make install clean /!\ ERROR: /!\ Ports Collection support for your FreeBSD version has ended, and no ports are guaranteed to build on this system. Please upgrade to a...
  44. House Of Cards

    FreeNAS 11.1 Update, Warden Template Gone Missing

    Folks, With the switch over to IOCAGE coming, I am looking to see if this behavior is by design or not... I have a JAILS dataset, which before the 11.1 update (11.0-U4) showed two items. My Plex server jail, and a ".warden..." template. After the update, I cannot see the ".warden..."...
  45. spotcatbug

    Plex plugin missing can't upgrade plexmediaserver jail...

    I'm fairly new to FreeNAS (loving it so far). I tried searching for a solution to this, but I got nothing. I'll just get right to it: I installed the PlexMediaServer plugin. Things were working as expected. Plugin shows in Installed plugins and "plexmediaserver_1" jail is there and working...
  46. N

    Jail trouble on 11.0-STABLE

    I updated my host to the FreeNAS-11-STABLE train (maybe not a good idea?). Now when I create a jail and attempt to build from the portsnap tree, I get complaints like "Ports Collection support for your FreeBSD version has ended, and no ports are guaranteed to build on this system. Please upgrade...
  47. C

    Shell Script in Jail: TAR doesn't quit

    I am having an issue backing up our moodle server. This is with FreeNAS11. For some reason it seems like the TAR never stops despite it finishing and creating an actual file. Or, for whatever reason, the Hard Drive is continually accessed at a rate of 20 to 30 MBs until I reset the jail with...
  48. P


    Hello, I am a beginner on FreeNas, and I would like to use Ubooquity, but I can not make it work ... I'm not sure how to get it right for installation, and after some research on web there is no definite solution, but you seem to have done it! Could you please, detail me every step of...
  49. E

    Check status of lftp process

    Hello, I'm using my freenas build to automatically get the downloads from my seedbox. I followed the steps outlined here https://github.com/CJBlake/feralhosting-freenas_lftp basically create a jail attach a storage to it, download the necessary packages inside the jail and run the lftp script...
  50. Junicast

    pkg update fails after installing jail from own template

    Hi, I created my own template and after overcoming some obstacles it worked. The jail template is marked as FreeBSD, x64. After using that very template to create a new jail I have trouble to do a pkg update Some additional information: host: FreeNAS-11.0-U4 (54848d13b) jail...