
  1. itskando

    SOLVED Troubleshooting installing OpenVPN in a jail

    Followed this well-established guide to start. Since I clearly do not have remote access running (heh), I'll post jail parameters later when I get local access. . . . With regard to: Should I be seeing something under the sockstat -4 -l command? (Restarted entire system.) [root@Deetz ~]#...
  2. A

    create own Plugins

    Hello everybody, I'm not sure if there is already a thread like this, if so please share the link with me, that would be very nice. My question is, if there is any option to create a FreeNAS Plugin by myself and install it on my Server? I'm looking for an Plugin like Plex but for Games (Web...
  3. B

    Authentication Error

    I'm a complete noob in FreeNAS and I need help in using the SHELL itself. I'm trying to update manually update my PLEX Jail. However, I'm running into an issue when i try to do a fetch -o. I get an authentication error. I would like to know what it means, and if you do is there any way around...
  4. R

    There is something missing in the documentation that might make sense to mention.

    In "14.5.1. Managing iocage Jails" the user is explained how to "To open the console in the started jail, use iocage console" and right after that how to stop it: "Jails are shut down with iocage stop:" But what isn't said is how to leave the jail after entering it via the command "iocage...
  5. M

    Openvpn in a jail, no traffic

    Hi i have just set up a openvpn client in a freenas 9.10u6 jail The service is running and its listening on port 10011 When i put my .opvn file onto my phone it connects and shows upstream traffic but i get nothing downstream i am unable to access the internet or devices on the network See...
  6. S

    SOLVED Problem with perl found but not found during make install in unifi iocage jail [FNAS11.1U6]

    Hello people! I'd like to ask for a little help from someone more knowledgeable than me. I've tried creating an iocage jail and installing unifi controler software on it. Been running it in the old jail system up till this evening and decided it would be a good idea to try and set it up as an...
  7. Brownz

    lazylibrarian install in 11.2 iocage jail help

    Im attempting to install lazy librarian into 11.2 iocage. I found after a hard search there is a severe lack of install guides...something I'm quite dependent on being a freenas noob. so far I have muddled along using similar python based install guides: Current Install: pkg update pkg upgrade...
  8. Digitaldreams

    What interface do I choose when creating a new jail for plex with a static IP?

    Hi everyone. When creating a jail in FreeNAS prior to 11.2, it was very straightforward using basic mode to assigning a static IP. In 11.2, I have options to choose VNET, Berkeley Packet Filter and IPv4 Interface. If all I want to do is to mimic the old jail configuration to simply set a...
  9. UF8FF

    OpenVPN wont create tun0 in transmission jail

    Hey everyone, I have been having issues with my transmission jail so I decided to start from scratch. I have gone through setting up openVPN but here's the error I'm getting: openvpn --config /usr/local/etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf Wed Dec 5 18:32:08 2018 WARNING: file...
  10. P

    11.2 permissions for plugins+samba

    What is the simplest way to configure permissions for 11.2? I tried a few things out in RC2 and it was trickier than expected. I will have multiple plugins, multiple jails, and multiple SMB shares all pointed at the same media with combinations of read-only as well as read/write. Should I...
  11. itskando

    SOLVED pkg can't install anything

    I want to install openvpn in a jail; however, the use of pkg install <anyProgram> (including pkg install openvpn) states that <anyProgram> isn't listed in the repository. pkg: No packages available to install matching '<anyProgram>' have been found in the repositories I do not believe that I...
  12. P

    Plex plug in is running, but I can't find it...

    I'm running PMS as a plug in, I do have 'plexpass' and it's working, but when I look for it under jails/plug-ins/vm I don't see it. But it is running!? Here's the process /usr/pbi/plexmediaserver-amd64/bin/python2.7 It seems that the old configuration is in...
  13. Janus Ng

    Run mount_smbfs by a non root user

    Background: I want to mount a SMB share and use it inside a jail. I have tried various ways to do it on the base system and add the mount point to the storages of jails. But none survives a reboot. I have posted my trials on other threads...
  14. H

    Adding hard drive to plex jail

    I setup a freenas server strictly as a plex media server (I'm probably under-utilizing freenas) and I've used it for a while buy I'm maxing out my storage and wanted to add a hard drive to my existing plex jail library. So I have 1 hard drive now as my media jail with movies and TV shows...
  15. itskando

    Windows permissions without Windows

    I run myfreeNAS webGUI off of macOS. I setup a dataset for media storage with Windows permissions such that I could make it into an authenticated CIFS/SMB share for easy drag/drop. /mnt/POOL/media/ Permissions: Windows User: root Group: public How do I modify specific permissions without...
  16. itskando

    freeNAS permissions: Affecting Plex transcoder?

    Plex sees my media files; however, it is not able to transcode large files. When attempting to play a large file, the plex receiver app begins a process percentage, hits 13%, and then hangs on 33% before timing out. This. is. a. common. issue; however, I have exhausted all suggested fixes...
  17. Stoffern

    Typing in Jail Shell doesn't register

    I've recently been in the process of setting up my first system running FreeNAS, so I suppose you could say I am a total beginner. Though I've had some issues with FreeNAS that has been resolved thus far, this one occurred today, and I can't seem to figure it out or find any solutions online...
  18. Stoffern

    Plex - Cannot access the Plex web interface

    In a nutshell: I can't seem to access my plex media server. I'm a complete newbie to FreeNAS, as I just installed it today. I've watched a few videos on how to set it up, but no success thus far. From what I've seen, there's supposed to be a "Management" button in between the Stop and Delete...
  19. lulu

    Plex and Couchpotato won't startup on boot

    I have an issue with two jails they won't start up at boot only works when started up manually via WEB GUI I have several jails and only this two won't start up at boot they worked when I installed them. I attach debug I'm on 11.2-RC1 Oct 26 20:58:15 freenas kernel: em0: link state changed to...
  20. A

    Jail Migration Script (Tested on 11.1 -> 11.2)

    Hello all, EDIT: Please try the official migration script migrate_warden.py before this. This was written time ago when the official script sucked at getting jails to work out of the box. If your jails are starting and working fine after migrate_warden.py then you're good to go. I wrote this...
  21. sami

    iocage pool "disappears" on reboot (11.2-BETA3)

    Hi, Sure this strange issue is on a beta release, none the less I would like to learn why. I do not have any errors to post really so, please, help me out to which errors to look for. I have 3 pools connected to my test machine. freenas-boot (ada1 - freenas) tank (all media) iocage (ada0 -...
  22. N

    Problems running qBittorrent in a jail

    I've just installed qBittorrent following the instructions here, including the autostart script. It seems to have worked, but I'm having problems with logins and settings. Problem 1: downloads show peers but stall out almost immediately Problem 2: qBittorrent seems to have lost and then found...
  23. L

    OpenVPN fails in jail with libdl.so.1 not found error

    Newly created FreeNAS 11.1-U6 standard jail. Updated and upgraded everything. Installed OPENVPN from pkg. openvpn fails to execute with error: Shared object "libdl.so.1" not found, required by "openvpn". All install guides just assume that this will not occur. Cannot determine how to install...
  24. MarkEWaite

    Diagnosing mount order and jail startup issue

    I have a plex jail running on my FreeNAS Mini XL running FreeNAS-11.1-U6. When I restart the hardware (after an operating system upgrade, etc.), the plex server is unable to find the media that I had previously uploaded. When I restart the plex jail, without restarting the hardware, the plex...
  25. P

    11.2-BETA Plugin Uncertainties

    Hello I was eager to try out 11.2 betas but was a bit miffed by Sonarr being broken in BETA2 and TTRSS not working in BETA3. I have a whole bunch of random questions regarding plugins and permissions. In 11.1 I ran everything in jails and skipped the built-in extensions. Should I create...
  26. T

    Need some Assistance with Plex

    Let me tell you the adventure I've had with Plex and Freenas in general over the past few days. Specs: R710 with 16 GB of ram and 6x3 TB in Raid Z1. No failed disks or any other errors. I updated to 11.2 and decided to reinstall plex from scratch. I followed this-...
  27. kevanbrown

    How to Create a Linux (CentOS) Jail

    Forgive me for my noobness with this question, but I've only ever dealt with FreeBSD-based jails. I need to create a Linux jail using CentOS and have no idea where to start with the process. Of course, if there was a wonderful, pre-created template for iocage I could just fetch, that'd be...
  28. TheMunk

    Syncthing Jail - cant see synced files in SMB share after freenas update

    As the title says - any files created by the jail (e.g. synced items) can't be seen through my SMB share. A bit of troubleshooting so far: If I manually create a file through SMB, I can see the file through SSH'ing to the jail. If I manually create a file through SSH in the jail, I cannot see...
  29. N

    iocage exec/list or jexec/jls?

    Which one is preferred/more correct to use with 11.2+? Or does it not matter? I only see references to iocage in the manual, but pretty much every other resource I've seen uses jexec/jls. Thus the confusion.
  30. N

    How do you update jails?

    I'm new to both FreeBSD and FreeNAS, but so far I quite like the jails and have already accumulated about 6-7 jails, with plans to double or triple that number in the next month as I'm transitioning various things to FreeNAS. But with that I'm starting to get worried about stale packages in...
  31. N

    Installing Sonarr Plugin after Radarr plugin: "Jail: Radarr already exists!"

    I just installed the radarr plugin to give it a try and really liked it, so no I want to set up Sonarr. I tried doing the same thing I did for Radarr, Plugins->Available Plugins->Sonarr->Install Left all at default, and the jail name is "sonarr" But I get this error: Error...
  32. B

    After updating to 11.2, plugins and jails only showing in old UI, not new UI

    I updated my FreeNAS server to 11.2 and when I went to the jails and plugins section, nothing shows up. I went to test if my Plex server is working and it is which means that plugins are running I just can't see them. I then went to 192.168.1.xxx/legacy and saw the plugins and jails there. How...
  33. Sokonomi

    Jail mount point creation 'mount: <path>: File name too long'

    Hi all, I'm having a weird bug where it wont let me add a mount point to my jail. The destination path is '/mnt/Tank1/Cloud/Private/Home Media/' but it wont accept it, saying 'File name too long'. Detail print from the popup; Error: concurrent.futures.process._RemoteTraceback: """ Traceback...
  34. Brownz

    SOLVED Openvpn tun interface issues in iocage

    Hi all Im new to freenas, Have recently tried transitioning my quick and easy warden plugins to iocage manual jails. I followed these guides to setup openvpn: https://www.reddit.com/r/freenas/comments/41fhz3/configuration_guide_for_openvpn_and_ipfw_so_that/...
  35. L

    Upgraded 11.1-U5 to 11.2-Beta - Lost my plugins and jails

    I did the upgrade using the GUI to upgrade to the new version. Unfortunately the system hung up hard and I had to reboot. When I did, it came up in 11.2 but my jails and plugins were missing. I do not know if this is a side effect of upgrading or of it failing part way through. Should my jails...
  36. Sokonomi

    Jails not responding

    Hello all, Ive got 11.2 with all default settings on a virtualbox, and ive installed 2 jails on it, one with Sonarr/Radarr/sabNZB and another one to try installing Transmission. Last night the jails were functional and I could work with them, yet this morning both are refusing to come online...
  37. T

    Will jails duplicate my files(meaning double the size for one file)?

    Hi all, I set up next cloud jails source from my shares location to destination under jails /mnt/. I finished setting up external storages under nextcloud. My concern is when I create a file under NextCloud, the file will also shown under my shares. Does this mean my files has been duplicated...
  38. Sokonomi

    Jails or VM?

    Ive been scoping out options on how to do what I want, and I keep hearing 2 distinct options; Jails, or a VM. For jails I see there are some negatives; mainly 'don't bother with native plugins because the updates are slow', and 'Jails are annoying with permissions on new files'. For VMs there...
  39. plexaFCI

    Jail and multiple IP4 aliases (GUI or cmd)

    Dear All, This is my first post in the FreeNAS forum, I am a bit experienced Qnap and Synology user with new love to FreeNAS. I need a little help with the problem i encounter. I created a jail and with it an apache24 service. Everything works excellent, with one web page hosted. But I...
  40. Sokonomi

    M.2 SSD as install drive for FreeNAS + Plugin Jails?

    I was wondering if it is possible to install FreeNAS on an M.2 drive and still use it to store some jails on it as well. I have a spare 128Gb M.2 Drive, and I feel it could be put to good use somehow in a FreeNAS. But I think FreeNAS destroys all partitions prior to install, so im not quite sure...
  41. svartalf

    smartmontools in the jail?

    I'm trying to use that amazing fan controller script by Stux here. It works great by itself, but I thought that it would be nice to put it into a jail, just in case. The thing is: smartctl is unable to access /dev/ada* disks from the jail. Right now I ended with a custom devfs ruleset, but...
  42. P

    Should I create iocage jails in 11.1 and convert my warden jails before upgrade to 11.2?

    I'm assuming I won't be able to run warden jails if I update to 11.2. If I use the command line to create iocage jails in 11.1 and then migrate everything over, is this the best way to go? Will I run into any problems after the upgrade to 11.2 if I do this?
  43. rwfitzy

    Nagios4 not found

    I had nagios4 installed from when this jail was setup on my FreeNAS 11.1, but was having issues with plugins and removed all as I wanted to reinstall. But now, nagios4 will not install... root@monitor:/usr/local/etc # pkg install nagios4 Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD...
  44. kaub07

    Transmission upgrade broke plugin

    I recently allowed FreeNAS to update my Transmission plugin via the GUI from 2.92 to 2.93 and now the plugin fails to start. The jail is running, but not the plugin. I see that it still has the “old.transmission-2.92....” but I can’t figure out how to make the system use the old version /...
  45. Moppen

    Ombi in a jail?

    Hi *.* as far as I understood it, it is at the moment not possible to install Ombi v3 on FreeBSD. So I tried it with v2 (v2.2.1 was the last v2) with this: https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/plex-request-or-similar.42187/#post-272728 Only that I pkg locked sqlite3 at first because...
  46. BlakeNagel07

    tun1 state changed to down

    I run openvpn on my transmission jail and it uses "tun1" as the tunnel for connections. Every couple of days I notice that transmission will not connect to anyone and realize "tun1" state has been changed to down. MY question Is there something i can do that when "tun1" state is changed to...
  47. pixel8383

    Cron an rclone task configured inside jail

    Hello, I am trying to setup my .sh file in order to use the FreeNAS cron-managment GUI. I want to execute an rclone task inside a jail and save the stOut buffer to a variable that I will mail when the task is terminated. Actually my code is the following: #!/bin/sh...
  48. J

    10G NIC Jail issues

    Hey Guys, I'm a long time FreeNas user and I've had 10G Nic's in my servers for years. I started having problems in 11.0 with the change of the jails virtualization system. Whenever a jail is started when running on 10G the server becomes unresponsive until I kill all jails from the command...
  49. P

    Need some help with updating java in the Mineos jail.

    So to use mineos to host v:1.12.2 of minecraft servers one needs java 8 but when i try to install it with pkg install openjdk8 it tells me to mount: mount -t fdescfs fdesc /dev/fd mount -t procfs proc /proc but when i try i get the error that the operation is not permitted. Thanks in advance...
  50. F

    No networking in iocage jail after upgrade to 11.1 U5

    I upgraded to 11.1-U5 this morning, and after reboot found I had no networking to/from my jails - I couldn't ping them from outside, nor reach outside from within. After checking a few things, I noticed some differences in the networking setup from before the reboot. 1) The ethernet device on...