
  1. B

    Where is the NextCloud Plugin data file stored in the jail?

    I need to set custom permissions for the data folder of NextCloud using the shell. I can't seem to find where the folder is in the jail. Thanks in advance!
  2. S

    Plex Plugin or Manual Install in Jail?

    I've been running FreeNAS and Plex server separately for many years. I'm about due for a complete hardware refresh for both and would like to condense the footprint a bit. I'll be north of 60 usable TB on the updated build and plan to supply the appropriate amount of memory to appease FreeNAS...
  3. Florian8619

    Jail installieren

    Liebes Forum, ich habe über >Jail > Templates eine Template hinzugefügt und zwar Ubuntu 13.04. Jetzt habe ich mit diesem Template ein Jail erstellt. Habe mich mittels ssh mit dem NAS verbunden. Im Jail Ordner von der Ubuntu installation habe ich die Datei /etc/rc.conf bearbeitet bzw das NO auf...
  4. C

    Weird Files Issues

    I store my work in progress code in a mounted directory within a jail. FN: /mnt/dir/dir/projects Jail: /usr/local/www/nginx/dir/projects Everything has been fine for a while now. Yesterday I had spent hours working on some code, and today, I had used the shutdown from FN web interface because...
  5. emk2203

    How to change file ownership properly in jail by a script?

    I am running transmission in a jail and would like to have the resulting downloaded files to have a different owner than the transmission user. I know that I can run transmission as a different user by adding transmission_user and transmission_group to the jail's rc.conf, but then I have one...
  6. nojohnny101

    SOLVED Script for updating pkg

    hwy everyone, I have a plex jail on my box that I installed manually (via package) and every now and thn I have to manually go into the shell and update it (pkg update && install etc). Has anyone had any luck getting this into a script that can used to update the jail via crontab? I don’t know...
  7. Borja

    How to use --storage-class option in s3cmd jail?

    Hello, Im not sure how i can specify this option using s3cmd implementation of s3cmd jail. I was using Standard_ia storage class for backups and now i want to use s3cmd to sync files but i found this problem. How can i do it? Thanks
  8. RalfR

    epair interface in jail no active and no media attribute

    Since I've upgrade to FreeNAS 11, no newly created jail can access the Internet anymore. I posted more details here. When comparing a working jail (created prior to upgrading to 11), ifconfig yields the following lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 16384...
  9. RalfR

    Network unreachable from inside jail, DNS resolution works fine.

    I'm crossposting here as I realised, this might be more appropriate in the networking section. I so hope, somebody can shed some light on the issue as it currently renders FreeNAS mostly unusable for me. Hi everyone, I'm not a FreeBSD / Linux pro but hope, you guys can help me resolve an issue...
  10. RalfR

    Network unreachable inside jail, DNS resolution works fine.

    Hi everyone, I'm not a FreeBSD / Linux pro but hope, you guys can help me resolve an issue I'm having with jails being unable to connect to the Internet. I've been running my FreeNAS system for a while, having upgraded from FreeBSD 9.x via 10.x to 11.x. I've got a couple of jails (all from the...
  11. PD_ANZ

    Nextcloud Jail & Dropbox external storage

    Hi All Just an update on the Nextcloud 10 jail in the plugins repository for FreeNAS 11 U3. Dropbox made this announcement which may break some features in your nextcloud jail. https://blogs.dropbox.com/developers/2017/09/api-v1-shutdown-details/ If this feature is important to you as it...
  12. Florian8619

    Empfehlung der Profis Jail oder VM

    Liebes Forum, erstmal mein Vorhaben. Und zwar möchte ich auf meinem FreeNas11 nextcloud am Laufen haben, dazu Web, und Mailserver. Der Fileserver, FTPserver wird bereits direkt über FreeNas erledigt. Ist es besser die ganzen Dienste einzeln in Jails zu Packen oder Kann ich auch alle in ein...
  13. M

    Can't remove folders inside Plex plugin jail

    Hi, I was trying-out the Plex camera upload feature, after which I foundation out it created it's own folders inside the jail. Nog I'm trying to remove them. Sadly I don't have access to the folders. They see to have only a Unix owner and Group. The setup is a ssd dataset with the jail. I've...
  14. H

    SOLVED Can't install MiniDLNA in jail

    Hello everyone! On the begining just want to say that I am completely new to FreeNAS and FreeBSD so please be patience :) . I successfully installed FreeNAS 11 U3 to USB stick and configured simple mirror of 2 drives. Then created SMB share that can be accessed from any PC in my network. Then...
  15. ZodiacUHD

    SOLVED Restart openvpn daily

    Hello everyone, I looked through the forum but i really didn't get how to setup a cronjob or a script to restart a service (or a jail). I set up transmission with openvpn and PIA, when the connection with the VPN is lost, everything stops. Since i'm not always able to access my NAS, i'd like to...
  16. S

    FreeBSD im Jail - Update zerschießt Server

    Hallo, ich bin Neuling und habe mir vor ein paar Monaten einen HP ProLiant MicroServer zusammengeschraubt und freenas installiert. Hier habe ich ein Jail (FreeBSD) angelegt und Apache installiert, MySQL, PHP und SSH. Nachdem ich ein paar Monate keine Zeit hatte, wollte ich nun endlich mein...
  17. helgew

    Unable to get avahi to work in FreeNAS 11 jail

    I have been banging away at this for a while now and am at my wits' end... I simply cannot get avahi running in a jail to see any mDNS requests. Running avahi-browse -av gives me nothing despite being on a very chatty network: [root@htpc ~]# avahi-browse -a -v Server version: avahi 0.6.31; Host...
  18. Jacopx

    Jail on a DMZ and system on LAN

    Buongiorno a tutti! ;) I'm running a system from some years, i use it for Plex, Transmisson, Gogs and since few weeks for NextCloud. I have gain a external-signed SSL from Let's Encrypt and everything works great. What i'm asking now is, since i have 3 ETH GbE port can i use one of these to...
  19. PC User

    Video Tutorial showing how to install OpenVPN inside a jail in FreeNAS.

    I'm a newbie to FreeNAS and I've been reading through various posts in this forum on installing OpenVPN. Some of them are discussing methods that are advance to me and they refer to other posts on "Getting Started". They're sending me back and forth for researching the basic shell commands...
  20. nine09

    Plugins wont install in FreeNAS 11.0

    I have just setup FreeNAS 11.0 in VMware and completed the initial setup. Every time I try to install a plugin it starts to download but stops at either "Downloading plugin" or "Creating template". If anyone knows why this happens please let me know. I have tried for days with no luck. I even...
  21. R

    SOLVED Troubleshooting Plex/Syncthing and some general confusion

    Hello everyone, this is a long post, there is no tl;dr version. I wish to ask about some of the things i either was not able to find in manual or online or am not able to understand. I am using FreeNAS 11. A) SOLVED Currently i have an issue with Plex. I installed the plugin, added storage...
  22. P

    Mirror jail storage.

    Hi, I'm using 256 GB Sandisk SSD for the jail, But now I want to create a mirror for it. As you may know this is very easy with boot volume. Just add another usb and use attach command and voila, now your boot volume is mirrored instead of a stripe. Now is there any easy way to do this for...
  23. D

    how to downgrade plexmediaserver plugin in jail

    OK, I have now the plexmediaserver version I want PlexMediaServer- (Version is installed by the plugin) and I can transfer it to my jail, but where and how would I install/downgrade it? Sorry guys, but it takes some time until I have a...
  24. D

    access jail via ssh

    I googled around and tried some things, so far: I started ssh with the jail shell with: service sshd onestart only because I have no idea how to access /etc/rc.conf. nano isn't installed etc. however. When i try to ssh into my jail, lets say: ssh: root@ I get asked for the root...
  25. A

    Move Jail from to new hardware

    Hello, I apologize if this has already been asked. I am new to FreeNAS. I have researched this issue to no avail. I set up a FreeNAS 11.0 on older hardware (nas1) for testing. As part of this install I installed nextcloud and got it configured. I have since spun up a new server (nas2) on...
  26. D

    [solved] Sonarr plugin - update through sonarr system?

    Hi dear FreeNas Friends, I am as new as you can be to FreeNas and wonder if an application like Sonarr tells you there is an update available, could you run it and would it be OK to do so or is a jail something more static? With Plexmediaserver for example, they screw every 5th patch the watch...
  27. P

    Jail permissions not working....need help!

    Hi, I have been trying to figure out how to have multiple plugins run inside 1 jail. I have created a standard jail template and used 'pkg' to install several plugins (radarr, sonarr, nzbget, transmission, and plex-pass) but run into an issue when I try to add a movie or TV show, it says...
  28. Chip Senkbeil

    phpVirtualBox jail template for FreeNAS 11

    Hi everyone. Trying to determine if FreeNAS 11 supports the old phpVirtualBox jail template from 9.10, or if there are plans to support that jail template in the future. I didn't see any mention if the template in the FreeNAS 11 release topic and haven't seen much mention of it recently other...
  29. molotov_kazic

    [FreeNAS-9.10.2-U2 (e1497f2)] | SickRage "Unable to create the folder" Permissions Issue

    Howdy Everyone, When trying to add a show via SickRage I'm getting this error in the logs: 2017-06-22 19:40:25 Thread-36 :: [96b53de] Unable to create the folder /media/tv/Fear the Walking Dead, can't add the show I've been going through the forums and the closest thing that I could find...
  30. A

    Jail is not reachable from outside

    Hey, I added two Jails to my FreeNAS 11 System. One is a Plex Jail, it is working great without problems, i configured a DDNS service and forwarded the port and I can reach it from outside my local LAN. But I also added a jail for VPN Server (SoftEther). This jail is working in my local LAN but...
  31. K

    Plugin disappeared after new freenas installation

    Hi, I was forced to prepare new installation of freenas, because when I clone pendrive with freenas then pendrive was damaged. After a new installation, the jail (nextcloud) are visible and automatically starts and runs. Unfortunately, nextcloud is not visible in the plugins tab - is it...
  32. SwisherSweet

    Installing Plex Media Server Plugin brought down FreeNAS Server

    Last night, I attempted to install the Plex Media Sever plugin on my production FreeNAS server. I had done this a few times with my test server with no problems. However, when the status reached 83%, the server disconnected from the network and would not obey console commands Here's a short...
  33. scrappy

    iocage-iX-plugin Crashplan on FreeNAS 11.0-RC4 wants to upgrade but fails

    Wanting to try out the latest and greatest Crashplan FreeNAS+iocage plugin, I got it all setup and running. When I bring up the Crashplan GUI over ssh Crashplan looks to be going through the motions of upgrading itself but is not able to. The GUI stops after a few moments. If I try...
  34. scrappy

    FreeNAS 11 + IOCAGE. How Do I Mount Host Datasets Inside Jails

    Now that iocage is functional in FreeNAS 11-RC4 I have created a few jails to play with. Today I decided to test out the Crashplan iocage plugin. No problem getting the Crashplan jail plugin up and running. This brings me to the real question: How do I mount FreeNAS host datasets inside the...
  35. Atomic

    Jails bestimmten Netzwerk Interfaces oder VLANs zuordnen

    Moin Forum, wie kann ich Jails in FreeNAS bestimmten Netzwerk Interfaces oder VLANs zuordnen? Ich habe zu diesem Thema auch schon die Suchmaschine meines Vertrauens bemüht aber leider ohne richtigen Erfolg. Meine FreeNas Box hat zwei NICs, einen im LAN (em0) und einen in der DMZ (em1). Ziel...
  36. D

    SOLVED Plugin uninstalled - missing jail! Restore possible?

    So I've been using FreeNAS with NextCloud for a while and I thought it was all pretty clear. Just now I mistakenly uninstalled the NextCloud plugin, while looking for a reason why it has stopped working. The jail that contained the nextcloud plugin has now gone. I am running daily snapshots and...
  37. IonutZ

    Problems with Plex Media Server on fresh install?

    Hey everyone, I upgraded to FreeNAS 11 and figured I'd upgrade Plex at the same time. I've had a Plex jail since 9.1 and it has worked well over the years. After upgrading to 1.5.6 (which is Plex latest) I started getting the screen in the screenshot attached. I don't know what to do next?! I...
  38. averyfreeman

    Please don't abandon Jails in future releases

    Hi, I recently went from using 10.0.4 Corral to 9.10 when I read that the development of Corral would be abandoned. Through that downgrading experience, I realize that Docker is incredibly useful and has a substantial user/code base, but I much prefer Jails. Jails are MUCH easier to use and...
  39. N

    Jail with openvpn, transmission, socks proxy

    I finally got a jail working with OpenVPN (client), Transmission, and a socks proxy (3proxy). I had to solve some reliability problems with a custom service/script, but I wonder if there is a better way. Basically, the Transmission and 3proxy configurations depend on the VPN endpoint IP address...
  40. S

    zpool not working in jail

    Please tell me how you can install the docker in the yail (freeNAS 9,10). I have a lot of containers that need to be placed in this jail. I made a jail. I'm root. I enter the following commands: # pkg install docker-freebsd ca_root_nss # dd if=/dev/zero of=/usr/local/dockerfs bs=1024K...
  41. Q

    FN 9.10.2-U3 jails problems

    Currently running FN 9.10.2-u3 Trying to create a jail first gave me the error cannot find template. after manually adding template: https://download.freenas.org/jails/9.10/x64/freenas-pluginjail-10.3-release.tgz https://download.freenas.org/jails/9.10/x64/freenas-pluginjail-10.3-release.mtree...
  42. V

    iocage for FreeNAS 9.10 ?

    Hi everybody, I just installed iocage in a FreeNAS 9.10 jail. Haven't done anything with it so far, but wonder, if I can install iocage not in a jail, but in the root-system ? Does anybody have experience with that ? If that would work, could these iocage-jails also be (re)used in FreeNAS 11 ...
  43. C

    Need some clarity on docker setup

    Hello I've got a standard FreeBSD jail setup as a webserver. On there I have nextcloud going. What I'm trying to accomplish now is getting collabora up for nextcloud online office capabilities. However, I'm not finding anything about getting collabora installed on FreeBSD. And on the nextcloud...
  44. chris pucknell

    Sonarr cannot establish filepaths

    Hey guys I've been trying to switch from Sickrage(unreliable, seemed to miss lots of episodes) to Sonarr, which is supposedly a lot more user friendly. I cannot get Sonarr to add a new series. I've added storage to the jail, just as i've done before with other plugins. It seems happy to...
  45. R

    Can't enable jails after reboot 9.10.2

    Hi, I tried googling my answer, and some said it was related to encryption, but my drives are not encrypted so the jails should be able to auto reload to my limited understanding. When setting it up I followed this guide here...
  46. xioustic

    [Bounty] FUSE Mount within a Jail (encfs / sshfs)

    Hello, I've spent a few days on this and not too sure how to proceed, so reaching out for help. I'll put a $75 bounty on this issue payable in Bitcoin. I want to use EncFS (Encrypted Filesystem) within a a jail. EncFS requires the usage of FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) which is native to...
  47. Junicast

    FreeNAS 9.10 IPv6 in jail

    I know there are already some IPv6 related threads for jails but I my wonderings keep being wonderings after reading them. 1) wtf is the WebGUI doing? When I disable autoconf and set an IPv6 manually this setting gets overwritten after starting the jail. The IP is still in there but greyed out...
  48. SavageCore

    Samba permissions within jail (cannot view file)

    Hey all So I have a jail deluge which has 2 mounts media (CIFS) and deluge_data. I'm using FileBotTool plugin in deluge to create a symlink from /mnt/deluge_data/completed/movies/Totally Cool/totallycool.mkv to /mnt/media/share1/Movies/Totally Cool (2017)/Totally Cool.mkv When browsing as...
  49. daddygoofball

    FreeNAS PLEX Jail DVR(Beta) Cannot Discover HDHR

    FreeNAS Build FreeNAS-9.10.2-U3 (e1497f269) Platform AMD A4-5300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics Memory 7334MB System Time Thu Apr 27 01:18:21 EDT 2017 Uptime 1:18AM up 4 days, 15:27, 0 users Load Average 0.12, 0.20, 0.32 Plex Jail Reinstalled to a new jail after updating FreeNAS from 9.3 to...
  50. Digitaldreams

    I'm Sorry...Yet Another Transmission Thread

    I hate to create yet another topic on transmission but I have spent literally 2 days (16 hours) looking for a basic guide that will show me some initial steps on doing a clean install, using the CLI, of transmission daemon in a jail without using the plugin. Since I'm a Linux novice, I'm...