Dear all,
I would need someone's help to build a working Mediawiki. Here below is where I got up to.
Created the jail
Downloaded Apache24 via 'pkg install'
Dowloaded PHP via 'pkg install'
Downloaded Mediawiki via 'pkg install'
I got the Apache running (as I managed to display the html file), but impossible to configure Mediawiki as it is impossible to open any PHP file.
Here is the display I get when I try :
"startSession() ) { if ( $installer->request->getVal( "css" ) ) { // Do not display errors on css pages $installer->outputCss(); exit; } $errors = $installer->getPhpErrors(); $installer->showError( 'config-session-error', $errors[0] ); $installer->finish(); exit; } $fingerprint = $installer->getFingerprint(); if ( isset( $_SESSION['installData'][$fingerprint] ) ) { $session = $_SESSION['installData'][$fingerprint]; } else { $session = array(); } if ( !is_null( $wgRequest->getVal( 'uselang' ) ) ) { $langCode = $wgRequest->getVal( 'uselang' ); } elseif ( isset( $session['settings']['_UserLang'] ) ) { $langCode = $session['settings']['_UserLang']; } else { $langCode = 'en'; } $wgLang = Language::factory( $langCode ); RequestContext::getMain()->setLanguage( $wgLang ); $installer->setParserLanguage( $wgLang ); $wgMetaNamespace = $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames[NS_PROJECT]; $session = $installer->execute( $session ); $_SESSION['installData'][$fingerprint] = $session; }"
So I got back in the PHP folder and made a few 'make install clean" in the 'ports' folder, but still no luck....
I'd appreciate some help as I don't know where else to look. Should I have to restart something, like a service ? Or configure something else ?
Thank you !
I would need someone's help to build a working Mediawiki. Here below is where I got up to.
Created the jail
Downloaded Apache24 via 'pkg install'
Dowloaded PHP via 'pkg install'
Downloaded Mediawiki via 'pkg install'
I got the Apache running (as I managed to display the html file), but impossible to configure Mediawiki as it is impossible to open any PHP file.
Here is the display I get when I try :
"startSession() ) { if ( $installer->request->getVal( "css" ) ) { // Do not display errors on css pages $installer->outputCss(); exit; } $errors = $installer->getPhpErrors(); $installer->showError( 'config-session-error', $errors[0] ); $installer->finish(); exit; } $fingerprint = $installer->getFingerprint(); if ( isset( $_SESSION['installData'][$fingerprint] ) ) { $session = $_SESSION['installData'][$fingerprint]; } else { $session = array(); } if ( !is_null( $wgRequest->getVal( 'uselang' ) ) ) { $langCode = $wgRequest->getVal( 'uselang' ); } elseif ( isset( $session['settings']['_UserLang'] ) ) { $langCode = $session['settings']['_UserLang']; } else { $langCode = 'en'; } $wgLang = Language::factory( $langCode ); RequestContext::getMain()->setLanguage( $wgLang ); $installer->setParserLanguage( $wgLang ); $wgMetaNamespace = $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames[NS_PROJECT]; $session = $installer->execute( $session ); $_SESSION['installData'][$fingerprint] = $session; }"
So I got back in the PHP folder and made a few 'make install clean" in the 'ports' folder, but still no luck....
I'd appreciate some help as I don't know where else to look. Should I have to restart something, like a service ? Or configure something else ?
Thank you !