May Plugins Update


May 20, 2019


The next batch of updated Plugins has been released. The updated versions are now available for new installs in the Plugins ⇾ Available section of the UI. Existing plugin installations can be updated to the new versions using the CLI instructions in this post.
Before updating a plugin, review its Release Notes in the table below to determine if the update will impact your configuration. Then, determine the jail_name for the plugin:  go to Plugins ⇾ Installed and note the name of the plugin in the Jails column.
To update the plugin, type this command, replacing jail_name with the actual name shown in Plugins ⇾ Installed:
iocage update jail_name
Note that you will need to restart the plugin once the update is finished.
It is recommended to make a snapshot of your current plugin version before updating. Detailed instructions for creating a plugins snapshot and rolling back to a previous snapshot are available in this post.

GitLab Users

If you are updating GitLab, the directory where all repositories and ssh permissions are stored was changed in this update from /usr/home/git back to /usr/local/git to match the recommended FreeBSD standards. Ensure /usr/local/git/repositories and /usr/local/git/.ssh do not exist as they can break the installation of other GitLab management tools. If they exist, stop the gitlab service and move the old files to the new location with:
service gitlab stop
mv /usr/home/git /usr/local/
Then, update your config files. Use the git diff command to determine what to change:
cd /usr/local/www/gitlab-ce
git diff config/gitlab.yml.sample config/gitlab.yml
cd /usr/local/share/gitlab-shell/
git diff config.yml.sample config.yml
cd /usr/local/share/gitaly
git diff config.toml.sample config.toml
Use vipw to change the home directory of user git back to /usr/local/git so it looks like this:
 git:*:211:211::0:0:gitosis user:/usr/local/git:/bin/sh
You can now restart the gitlab service:
service gitlab restart

Updated Plugins

Plugin from to Release Notes Notes
bitcoin-daemon 0.17.1_6 0.18.1_6 Refer to the Call for Testing for this plugin:
GitLab 11.10.1 11.10.4 Also fixes and
Jenkins 2.174 2.177
Nextcloud 16.0.0 16.0.1
Plex Media Server
Plex Media Server (plexpass)
Syncthing 1.1.1 1.1.2

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