When I’ve heard that the next issue of BSD Magazine will be dedicated to FreeNAS, the idea came to my mind. I thought that we need a demo!
NetOpenServices (www.netopenservices.com) gave me the opportunity to do it. Opportunity not only in terms of hosting but also in terms of security. I’m aware that giving out the admin account has it consequences. The demo is hosted like a professional one, so there should be no problems with keeping up the host, even if it will appear popular among BSD Magazine readers.
The FreeNOS is a name for a FreeNAS 8.3.1 demo host, that you can find at http://freenos.netopenservices.org. There is no catch – you can play with all the stuff freely and you can even destroy all of the data! Everything can be done with no consequences for the rest of the hosting, since every two hours a kind of refresh of all the components is done automatically. So, every two hours all the data is erased. That’s what I call a real demo.
To play, you have a full VM with 8 Go of RAM, and 12 virtual HD of 40 Go.
Figure 1. System
The plugins system is up, with two plugins: Firefly and Transmission.
Figure 2. Plugins
For the demo, you have a user called ‘bsdmag’ to test the ‘shell’ for example.
Figure 3. Shell
I’ve put the maximum number of services up.
Figure 4. Services
I’m really impressed by the work done by FreeNAS on ZFS, so I have divided the disks into encrypted ZFS. During your tests you can change it, erase, or do whatever else you want.
Figure 5. ZFS
All who want to test it, need to send an e-mail to bsdmag@netopenservices.org only, with ‘FreeNAS – BSDMAG’ in the subject of a message to receive all the login/password details.
The demo is for all April and I’m working on extending its validity. Don’t hesitate to e-mail info@netopenservices.fr with a subject “FreeNAS demo” to explain that you would like it to be available longer.
I wish you enjoy the reading and let the show begin! Come and play with FreeNAS!