[FreeNAS 9 Plugins] - SAB / SB / CP / HP / Maraschino / HTPC / Mylar / LL / Gamez

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Dec 18, 2014
a few weeks back we switched the sickrage repo we were pulling from. I think in some cases people had to edit files in /var/db/sickrage for the switch to work properly. this isn't freenas specific, I bet if you ask on the new sickrage github they could help track down what you need to do.


As I mentioned before I have updates I can do for Sabnzbd, CouchPotato, Plex, and Sickrage. Is it ok to do those using the "Update" button on these or is it best to upload the pbi file directly into the jail to do the upgrade. Does this matter? Is one way better than the other? What I don't want to do is mess up anything else that I followed in your video because it has worked so well for me. I will search on github/sickbeard and if I don't find anything I will post a new topic. I will give my solution here as well to help out others that may have had the same problem.

Joshua Parker Ruehlig

Hall of Famer
Dec 5, 2011

As I mentioned before I have updates I can do for Sabnzbd, CouchPotato, Plex, and Sickrage. Is it ok to do those using the "Update" button on these or is it best to upload the pbi file directly into the jail to do the upgrade. Does this matter? Is one way better than the other? What I don't want to do is mess up anything else that I followed in your video because it has worked so well for me. I will search on github/sickbeard and if I don't find anything I will post a new topic. I will give my solution here as well to help out others that may have had the same problem.
the update button should work, and if something breaks you can always delete the plugin and reupload it to your jail since the settings are stored outside the pbi directory. you should stop the services before trying to upgrade.


Mar 6, 2013
Hi Josh,

I just used the update button for Couchpotato, autoupdatecp.9_4. Now the webui is just plain black. Anything i should do?
Delete and reinstall the plugin keeps the settings?

Thank you.

Joshua Parker Ruehlig

Hall of Famer
Dec 5, 2011
Hi Josh,

I just used the update button for Couchpotato, autoupdatecp.9_4. Now the webui is just plain black. Anything i should do?
Delete and reinstall the plugin keeps the settings?

Thank you.
did you stop the service first? you might want to try restarting the jail, and check if the service starts and stops. if you delete the plugin you'll likely lose your settings unless there's other plugins installed to the same jail. you'll want to save /var/db/couchpotato if you do try a reinstall.


Mar 6, 2013
Not first no. Now i stopped and started it, also the jail. But only black screen.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn Moto G met Tapatalk

Joshua Parker Ruehlig

Hall of Famer
Dec 5, 2011
Not first no. Now i stopped and started it, also the jail. But only black screen.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn Moto G met Tapatalk
maybe your old instance auto-updated, to a later commit then what the plugin ships with.
you could try this..

service couchpotato onestop
mv /var/db/couchpotato /var/db/couchpotato-bak
service couchpotato start

then view CP and it should update itself to the latest commit, then..

service couchpotato stop
rm -r/var/db/couchpotato
mv /var/db/couchpotato-bak /var/db/couchpotato
service couchpotato start


Mar 6, 2013
I did so, it said it didn't need an update. After moving couchpotato back, blac screen again. No idea what the best thing is for me to do. Thanks.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn Moto G met Tapatalk

Joshua Parker Ruehlig

Hall of Famer
Dec 5, 2011
I did so, it said it didn't need an update. After moving couchpotato back, blac screen again. No idea what the best thing is for me to do. Thanks.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn Moto G met Tapatalk
I would stop couchpotato, enable debug logging in the config, delete the current log, start couchpotato, try the access the page, then post the log to the couchpotato forum or github


Dec 18, 2014
the update button should work, and if something breaks you can always delete the plugin and reupload it to your jail since the settings are stored outside the pbi directory. you should stop the services before trying to upgrade.


I have a conversation going on at GitHub as you suggested at https://github.com/SickRage/sickrage-issues/issues/658. A this point I don't know what to do. If you get time, can you read though that and see if anything rings a bell for you please?


Mar 6, 2013
I would stop couchpotato, enable debug logging in the config, delete the current log, start couchpotato, try the access the page, then post the log to the couchpotato forum or github
Hi Joshua,

I was to confident, where can i find the config file, how to enable debug there, and where is the log to delete?

thanks in advance.

Joshua Parker Ruehlig

Hall of Famer
Dec 5, 2011
Found it, set debug to 1?

Verstuurd vanaf mijn Moto G met Tapatalk
I don't know off the top of my head, try googling 'enable debug couchpotato'. everything should be under /var/db/couchpotato


Dec 18, 2014
I have have taken advice and reinstalled sickrage and I am getting post processing issues now with sabnzbd. I am not sure what to check for. I think I almost got this set back up the way it was prior. Thanks for your time!

[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: Loading config from [/usr/local/share/nzbToMedia/autoProcessMedia.cfg]
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: Checking database structure...
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: Checking if git needs an update
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: No update needed
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: nzbToMedia Version:3e4861e87c543a4d2debd8997feb16bda3ef5339 Branch:master (FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE)
[15:03:08] [ERROR]::MAIN: Failed to connect to Transmission
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: #########################################################
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: ## ..::[nzbToMedia.py]::.. ##
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: #########################################################
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: Script triggered from SABnzbd 0.7.17+
[15:03:08] [WARNING]::MAIN: Data from SABnzbd could not be parsed
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: Auto-detected SECTION:SickBeard
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: Calling SickBeard:tv to post-process:BLAHBLAHBLAH.nzb
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: Attempting to auto-detect tv fork
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: SickBeard:tv fork auto-detection found custom params {}
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: SickBeard:tv fork set to custom
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: FLATTEN: Flattening directory: /mnt/media/downloads/sabnzbd/complete/tv/BLAHBLAHBLAH
[15:03:09] [INFO]::TRANSCODER: Checking [BLAHBLAHBLAH.mkv] for corruption, please stand by ...
[15:03:09] [INFO]::TRANSCODER: SUCCESS: [BLAHBLAHBLAH.mkv] has no corruption.


[15:03:09] [ERROR]::MAIN: A problem was reported in the /usr/local/share/nzbToMedia/nzbToSickBeard.py script.
SickBeard: Failed to post-process - Returned log from SickBeard was not as expected.!

Joshua Parker Ruehlig

Hall of Famer
Dec 5, 2011
I have have taken advice and reinstalled sickrage and I am getting post processing issues now with sabnzbd. I am not sure what to check for. I think I almost got this set back up the way it was prior. Thanks for your time!

[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: Loading config from [/usr/local/share/nzbToMedia/autoProcessMedia.cfg]
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: Checking database structure...
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: Checking if git needs an update
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: No update needed
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: nzbToMedia Version:3e4861e87c543a4d2debd8997feb16bda3ef5339 Branch:master (FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE)
[15:03:08] [ERROR]::MAIN: Failed to connect to Transmission
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: #########################################################
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: ## ..::[nzbToMedia.py]::.. ##
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: #########################################################
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: Script triggered from SABnzbd 0.7.17+
[15:03:08] [WARNING]::MAIN: Data from SABnzbd could not be parsed
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: Auto-detected SECTION:SickBeard
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: Calling SickBeard:tv to post-process:BLAHBLAHBLAH.nzb
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: Attempting to auto-detect tv fork
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: SickBeard:tv fork auto-detection found custom params {}
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: SickBeard:tv fork set to custom
[15:03:08] [INFO]::MAIN: FLATTEN: Flattening directory: /mnt/media/downloads/sabnzbd/complete/tv/BLAHBLAHBLAH
[15:03:09] [INFO]::TRANSCODER: Checking [BLAHBLAHBLAH.mkv] for corruption, please stand by ...
[15:03:09] [INFO]::TRANSCODER: SUCCESS: [BLAHBLAHBLAH.mkv] has no corruption.


[15:03:09] [ERROR]::MAIN: A problem was reported in the /usr/local/share/nzbToMedia/nzbToSickBeard.py script.
SickBeard: Failed to post-process - Returned log from SickBeard was not as expected.!
if you were using the setup from my blog match sure the actual webroot and the webroot in the config match.


Dec 18, 2014
I checked my config.ini and web_root = /sickrage was not there. It was showing as web_root = "". I have stopped the sickrage service, edited the config.ini to include web_root = /sickrage , saved it, and when I start sickrage again I get the following error...the same error SIMILAR to what I was getting in the beginning...the line is showing 1390 and 2103 now instead of 1313 and 2002.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/pbi/sickrage-amd64/share/sickrage/SickRage/lib/tornado/web.py", line 1390, in _execute
result = self.prepare()
File "/usr/pbi/sickrage-amd64/share/sickrage/SickRage/lib/tornado/web.py", line 2103, in prepare
raise HTTPError(self._status_code)
HTTPError: HTTP 404: Not Found

What I got in the original post before the wipe clean of sickrage and installation:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/pbi/sickrage-amd64/share/sickrage/SickRage/tornado/web.py", line 1313, in _execute
result = self.prepare()
File "/usr/pbi/sickrage-amd64/share/sickrage/SickRage/tornado/web.py", line 2002, in prepare
raise HTTPError(self._status_code)
HTTPError: HTTP 404: Not Found


Dec 18, 2014
web_root in config.ini and autoProcessMedia.cfg are both showing web_root = /sickrage if that is what you were asking me Josh. Thanks.

Joshua Parker Ruehlig

Hall of Famer
Dec 5, 2011
I checked my config.ini and web_root = /sickrage was not there. It was showing as web_root = "". I have stopped the sickrage service, edited the config.ini to include web_root = /sickrage , saved it, and when I start sickrage again I get the following error...the same error SIMILAR to what I was getting in the beginning...the line is showing 1390 and 2103 now instead of 1313 and 2002.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/pbi/sickrage-amd64/share/sickrage/SickRage/lib/tornado/web.py", line 1390, in _execute
result = self.prepare()
File "/usr/pbi/sickrage-amd64/share/sickrage/SickRage/lib/tornado/web.py", line 2103, in prepare
raise HTTPError(self._status_code)
HTTPError: HTTP 404: Not Found

What I got in the original post before the wipe clean of sickrage and installation:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/pbi/sickrage-amd64/share/sickrage/SickRage/tornado/web.py", line 1313, in _execute
result = self.prepare()
File "/usr/pbi/sickrage-amd64/share/sickrage/SickRage/tornado/web.py", line 2002, in prepare
raise HTTPError(self._status_code)
HTTPError: HTTP 404: Not Found
you should be accessig sickrage from http://jail_IP/sickrage not the link http://jail_IP:8081


Dec 18, 2014
Josh it finally works! Setting web_root = /sickrage in both the config.ini and autoProcessMedia.cfg was what needed to be done. The reason I was going to http://jail_IP:8081 is because in freenas, if you go to plugins in the left side, then go to sickrage and click that, you get window that says SickRage can be found here by default. By clicking "here" is what I was doing and that took me to http://jail_IP:8081. I guess by changing the web_root to sickrage "web_root = /sickrage", you are changing the "defaults" the window mentions. All is working now and thank you so much for sticking with me on this. Viewing the http://jail_IP:8081 produces the errors I mentioned earlier if the web_root is set.

Joshua Parker Ruehlig

Hall of Famer
Dec 5, 2011
Josh it finally works! Setting web_root = /sickrage in both the config.ini and autoProcessMedia.cfg was what needed to be done. The reason I was going to http://jail_IP:8081 is because in freenas, if you go to plugins in the left side, then go to sickrage and click that, you get window that says SickRage can be found here by default. By clicking "here" is what I was doing and that took me to http://jail_IP:8081. I guess by changing the web_root to sickrage "web_root = /sickrage", you are changing the "defaults" the window mentions. All is working now and thank you so much for sticking with me on this. Viewing the http://jail_IP:8081 produces the errors I mentioned earlier if the web_root is set.
glad you got it working!
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