Installing plex

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Finally I have have my NAS up and running! :)

Now I am in the process of installing plex, and I figured that it would be of quite a benefit to ask the community here for help before going out of my mind.

I can see most posts prefer a manual install in a jail and not the plex plugin? Why, is not quite clear to me, but something updates being delayed?

I have tried to follow this tutorial:
- I have created a jail, and this creates the first issue - since I am using Windows on all my pc's, I have selected a "Windows" Share Type on all of my datasets - should I also do this for the jail dataset, or should this be UNIX? Is using the Windows share type the general opinion when sharing mostly with windows pc's?

I selected UNIX for the jails (found a little info on this somewhere on the web) and continued, but I cannot get access to the jail in the final step through the web browser.
During the installation, when running the command: pkg install multimedia/plexmediaserver -y
I get the reply pkg: No packages available to install matching '-y' have been found in the repositories

I assume that this is not normal - should i delete the dataset and start over?
Is there another tutorial that I should follow instead?

Sorry for all the questions, but I am struggling a bit.


Jul 9, 2016
Try just pkg install plexmediaserver from within the jail.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thanks a lot - I now have the jail and plex installed.
I am struggling with permissions though - so I will need to do some more investigation before it's going to work...

Why should one not use the plugin instead? Is it only the due to the updates being delayed?


Jul 9, 2016
I have just switched over to using the new iocage plugin system and it seems to be working correctly. Plex says there is an update but hopefully it will be updated soon.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Aug 19, 2017
The plugins are Warden and complicated. In 11.2 a new plugin system is introduced based on the new jail manager, Iocage, that is leaner. So if you install plugins now you will have to spend time converting/migrating them later. It’s better just to roll your own at the moment, and it’s really not hard.

Most people will be tripped up on permissions between the jail and FreeNAS, they are in practical terms different operating systems. But it’s also quite easy. All you need to know is that when you link storage with nullfs to a jail, both OS must agree on the permissions. The same users and groups with the same IDs must exist in the jail and anything accessing the storage must be either the right user or a user with the right group membership.

I wouldn’t mix Windows style permissions (ACL) and jails though. It makes your life a bit more complicated.


I simply cannot give the correct permissions to plex...
I have been reading posts for the last two days, and nothing works!

I have tried to set permissions in plex and also changed a lot of permissions in freenas, but without it resulting in access to the files...

I ended up setting all my permissions on all volumes in freenas to user:root and group:wheel - should this be changed? Capture3.JPG Capture4.JPG

---and have, what can be seen in the attached file, in plex...

Could someone help?

Is there a step-by-step tutorial for setting up user permissions for plex somewhere?

(I know the subtitles should be in separate folders for each individual movie, this data was just from my old setup)


Aug 19, 2017
I’m not sure about any peculiarity with Plex but in general a service in FreeBSD is started with a script.

That script would name the user used to run the service. That user need to be either changed to a user with access or the default user needs to be given access. Personally I use groups, giving all service uses memberships in the groups they need for content access when content is shared between services. If it’s only internal content like a reverse proxy I set that up so it’s isolted from anything else, even if the device is in a jail.

root:wheel is a terrible practice.. FreeNAS has a default “media” group. I suggest you use that or make your own. Just make sure that the group has the same GID in both FreeNAS and the jail. It’s really simple.


Could anyone give me an example of good practice in Volume permissions?

Basically I would have a backup folder, which will include SW, Documents etc. and a Media folder containing movies, tv shows and music.

What would be good practice in giving these folders permissions?

Would I set up the entire volume as root:wheel?
Should I rather not log into Freenas with root and create a user instead?

I think once I have some "good practices" in place, I would be able to define how the rest of my setup should be arranged.

Some use a SSD as a jail volume - does this add any performance to the system?
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