
  1. victort

    Scripted OnlyOffice Installation 02/21/2024

    Scripted Installation of OnlyOffice Document Server. This script will create a jail, install OnlyOffice and all of its necessary dependencies, and should be put behind a reverse proxy as https is not enabled by default. It is primarily created for use with Nextcloud. Instructions and downloads...
  2. victort

    Scripted MeshCentral Installation 09/17/2023

    Scripted Installation of MeshCentral. This script will create a jail, install MeshCentral, and mount the data outside the jail. This makes it easy to rebuild the jail without losing your data. Reinstall is supported without having to move or backup your data. Instructions and downloads are at...
  3. victort

    Scripted Zenphoto Installation 13/09/2023

    Scripted Installation of Zenphoto with Caddy with options to run behind a reverse proxy, self-signed cert, or completely independent and managing/renewing its own certs automatically using Caddy. This script will create a jail, install Zenphoto and Caddy using a $FQDN of your choosing, and...
  4. victort

    Scripted Zoneminder Installation 28/07/2023

    Scripted Installation of Zoneminder. This script uses essentially all parts of the plug-in install, including Nginx as the web server. It is configured to do port 443 as well as 80, and will create a self-signed certificate to use. I have little experience with Nginx, and only put this script...
  5. victort

    Scripted MineOS Installation 19/06/2023

    Scripted Installation of MineOS This script will create a jail, install MineOS, and mount the data outside the jail, making it easy to rebuild the jail without losing your data. Reinstall is supported. The script will just install overtop of your data files and should pick them up again. You...
  6. victort

    Scripted Photoprism Installation 03/06/2023

    Scripted Installation of Photoprism and Caddy with options to run behind a reverse proxy, self-signed cert, or completely independent and managing/renewing its own certs automatically using Caddy. This script will create a jail, install photoprism and caddy using a $FQDN of your choosing, and...
  7. victort

    Scripted Guacamole Installation 01/06/2023

    Scripted Installation of Guacamole with Caddy with options to run behind a reverse proxy, self-signed cert, or completely independent and managing/renewing its own certs automatically using Caddy. This script will create a jail, install guacamole and caddy using a $FQDN of your choosing, and...
  8. victort

    Scripted Uptime-Kuma Installation 05/31/2023

    Scripted Installation of Uptime-Kuma This script will create a jail, install Uptime-Kuma and mount the data outside the jail. This makes it easy to rebuild the jail without losing your data. Reinstall is supported without having to move or backup your data. Instructions and downloads are at...
  9. mistermanko

    Move jails to another pool

    Made this a resource, as this has helped me a couple of times and is simple enough for inexperienced users to succeed. I'd like to add a step-by-step guide that help me to do that. I it found over at I wanted to move jails from bluePool to ssdPool logged out from...
  10. S

    How to manually install Nextcloud on FreeNAS in an iocage jail with hardened security v2.0.1

    The Guide: This guide will show you how to manually set up and configure a Nextcloud server in an iocage jail, as well as how to harden your security to make sure your information is safe. Specifically, this...
  11. Oriann

    SOLVED FreeNAS 11.3-BETA 1 - How to update jails from 11.2 to 11.3-RELEASE

    Guys, serious question here... I got now up and running 11.3 beta 1 BUT how to update jails that are still 11.2-patchlevel whatever? When using pkg update it shows me now kernel mismatch and ask me if I want to IGNORE_OSVVERSION=yes Found command iocage upgrade -r 11.3-RELEASE jailname, made...

    Networking issues with secondary NIC

    I believe it was around the official transition to iocage, I started having networking issues in jails. for a while after iocage was added in "beta", they were working with no issues. The host never has any issues with networking and I have set the default gateway and nameservers in "global...
  13. E

    Migrating dnsmasq to iocage jail

    Does anyone here have experience running dnsmasq in an iocage jail? (freenas 11.2). I had dnsmasq working in a warden jail, but was forced to move it to iocage, and can't seem to get it working. /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf: no-hosts addn-hosts=/etc/hosts_dnsmasq expand-hosts local=/lan/...
  14. R

    Lost on changing working jail networking to use VLAN

    Seems like with every topic I find that appears similar to my issue, I just get completely lost with figuring anything out. So please, forgive my lack of knowledge/experience on this front. What I have was a working iocage jail in FreeNAS 11.2-U5 that was previously using the same network as...
  15. G

    SOLVED Jails UI button stopped working & my jail doesn't autostart

    I'm running FreeNAS 11 on a homebuilt PC. I have a new-style (iocage) jail running Madsonic. I recently updated freenas to 11.1.U4, and when freenas rebooted, my madsonic jail wasn't started. I also noticed that the "Jails" button in the UI (left sidebar of the new-style UI) no longer does...
  16. N

    I messed up permissions. Can I fix them?

    TLDR version: I messed up the permissions on my only volume. Is there any way to fix it without deleting and recreating the volume? My system's running FreeNAS 11.2, having upgraded in-place from 11.1. A few days/weeks ago I was notified that there was an update to 11.2.U4: I left it for a few...
  17. dak180

    Activating Plex hardware acceleration

    I updated the Plex pkg and noticed this note: @@@ INTEL GPU OFFLOAD NOTES @@@ If you have a supported Intel GPU, you can leverage hardware accellerated encoding/decoding in Plex Media Server on FreeBSD 12.0+. The requirements are as follows: * Install multimedia/drm-kmod: e.g., pkg install...
  18. T

    Purpose of settings.json in iocage plugins?

    Hello there... I'm playing around with iocage plugins, and have it mostly working. However, I can't figure out how settings.json is used? I see no options reflecting the file being presented to the user. I have installed installed official plugin readmine, but the parameters in its...
  19. T

    Documentation of settings.json in plugins?

    Hello there. I'm working on a Postfix plugin. Can anyone point me to the documentation of the settings.json file as used in iocage plugins? I have been able to find some examples (a, b), but no document describing the possibilities. Thanks, Tobias
  20. O

    Plex vs Plex-Pass Plugin

    I have only found one thread on this topic, with no real answers. I have a Plex plugin managed by iocage, but have recently purchased Plex Pass. Do I need a Plex-Pass plugin to make use of the Plex-Pass features? What's the difference between those two plugins? If there are features in the Plex...
  21. N

    Transmission service is stopping randomly

    I installed Transmission manually in an iocage jail using this guide. However, the Transmission service stops once every few days. The jail is still up and running and I am able to start the Transmission service again without any problems. I tried rebooting the jail and the server itself without...
  22. path

    Activate pool or dataset for jail storage just spins forever

    I recently upgraded to 11.2. I wanted to create new plugins and migrate over from my previous jails. However at the first step where I activate a pool or dataset for jail storage it just spins forever. How can I diagnose this?
  23. V

    Update a plugin that received modifications

    Hi all, I have a pretty standard setup: FreeNAS 11.2-STABLE with some iocage plugins. For one of them, transmission, I made a modification to install nginx as a reverse proxy in order to enable TLS. However, whenever I update my jails with iocage update, it removes any extra package (including...
  24. T

    SOLVED Can not start jails after update to 11.2-U2?

    Hello there... I have updated from FreeNAS 11.2-U1 to FreeNAS 11.2-U2. I can no longer start jails using DHCP. Jails configured with own IP appears to work as they should. # iocage start foobar * Starting foobar + Started OK Traceback (most recent call last): File...
  25. N

    SOLVED Fresh reinstall of FreeNAS; after reimport of pool and config; jails won't start

    My original USB running my Freenas (11.2-RELEASE-U1) tanked so I installed on a new one. I uploaded my config and reimported my pool; but my jails won't start. It claims /mnt/iocoage is empty, which it is, but my iocage directory was always in /mnt/POOL/iocage I can't seem to find a way to...
  26. Aurimas N.

    SOLVED All old jails CORRUPTED after latest updates 11.2

    After installing latest updates for 11.2 stable, all my jails that were created prior 11.2 and were later converted from warden to iocage, now show as CORRUPTED. Any way to fix them or to rollback updates?
  27. PetrZ

    Jail network loop

    Hi, I am facing a problem, I thought it's probably jail bridge loop. It occurred after update of FreeNAS to 11.2-U1. I was running some jails on 11.1-U6 without any issue. After update, when I start any jail, it seems there is broadcast storm and whole segment is flooded. There are 4 GbE...
  28. I

    Deleting the old release version

    I am trying to delete the old 11.1-RELEASE version from my iocage download & release folders. For this I tried iocage destroy -r 11.1-RELEASE However it resulted in telling me that 2 of my jails are dependent on that release even though I have upgraded those jails to 11.2-RELEASE Why is it...
  29. nojohnny101

    SOLVED collectd rrdtool plugin: red_update_r error

    I've been up and running with the latest version of 11.2-Release-U1 for a couple of days now and have started to get these error messages in my logs every 10 seconds. Jan 24 21:00:38 axio collectd[2426]: rrdtool plugin: rrd_update_r (axio.local/interface-epair0b/if_errors.rrd) failed...
  30. nojohnny101

    crontab in iocage jails

    I have a script I want to run with a cron trigger from within a created icoage jail. When I execute "crontab -e" it open up a vi editors but it doesn't seem to let me modify it nor does it present the expected controls that vi normally displays. It seems as though it is almost in read-only...
  31. PetrZ

    iocage fetch broken on 11.2-U1?

    FreeNAS-11.1-U6 # iocage fetch [0] 9.3-RELEASE (EOL) [1] 10.1-RELEASE (EOL) [2] 10.2-RELEASE (EOL) [3] 10.3-RELEASE (EOL) [4] 10.4-RELEASE (EOL) [5] 11.0-RELEASE (EOL) [6] 11.1-RELEASE (EOL) [7] 11.2-RELEASE [8] 12.0-RELEASE Type the number of the desired RELEASE Press [Enter] to fetch the...
  32. D

    iocage startup script

    I'm trying to setup a startup script to run two lines I currently do manually inside the jail source ~/py3-venv-pgadmin/bin/activate.csh python3 ~/py3-venv-pgadmin/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pgadmin4/ & I looked at a few resources, namely...
  33. M

    permissions on mounted files not working inside iocage jail? (11.2)

    I upgraded to 11.2 recently and created a new jail, to house a self-installed Plex instance. I gave it one mount, to a parent directory which internally has the folders set up as desired. FreeNas mount location: /mnt/OnePower/saidar (saidar is a child datastore of the root datastore OnePower)...
  34. M

    Jail on dedicated network

    Hi, I've problems setting up a jail's network configuration. The server has two network adapters: em0: - main interface em1: - only for jails I created a jail using the GUI. Settings: Release: 11.2-RELEASE VNET: unchecked IPv4 Interface: em1 IPv4 Address:
  35. S

    Can't get Jails to work with VLAN

    Hello, I am going nuts over this. FreeNAS 11.2 I have a VLAN set as an interface for FreeNAS. I can access the UI from the VLAN IP and performing traceroute from my computer I can see that it is going through the router (instead of directly connecting like on the LAN) so no problems with the...
  36. R

    There is something missing in the documentation that might make sense to mention.

    In "14.5.1. Managing iocage Jails" the user is explained how to "To open the console in the started jail, use iocage console" and right after that how to stop it: "Jails are shut down with iocage stop:" But what isn't said is how to leave the jail after entering it via the command "iocage...
  37. S

    SOLVED Iocage Jails Multiple Interfaces? (VNET)

    Hello! Just updated to 11.2 and things are going great! I am trying to do something that I have been putting off for a long time. E.g. I have a Plex jail that I can access on my LAN. I have IoT devices (for example Xiaomi Mi boxes) that I had to have connected to the LAN to be able to access...
  38. S

    SOLVED Problem with perl found but not found during make install in unifi iocage jail [FNAS11.1U6]

    Hello people! I'd like to ask for a little help from someone more knowledgeable than me. I've tried creating an iocage jail and installing unifi controler software on it. Been running it in the old jail system up till this evening and decided it would be a good idea to try and set it up as an...
  39. Brownz

    lazylibrarian install in 11.2 iocage jail help

    Im attempting to install lazy librarian into 11.2 iocage. I found after a hard search there is a severe lack of install guides...something I'm quite dependent on being a freenas noob. so far I have muddled along using similar python based install guides: Current Install: pkg update pkg upgrade...
  40. FJoeAZ

    iocage starts but cannot attach console

    I have recently decided to do a fresh install of FreeNAS 11.2 with this fresh install I have setup a new pool for all of my data to live. I completed migrations of my data from the old pool to the new pool but left the legacy data like jails out of the migration. I then created a new iocage...
  41. E

    Enabling hardware access for HBA GUI

    My FreeNAS server has a Highpoint Rocket 750 HBA. In the past I used a warden jail to install the Highpoint WebGUI/CLI for configuration and monitoring, which worked very well - and still does as warden jail under 11.2. I now tried the same method on 11.2 with iocage, but I'm unable to get it...
  42. A

    MAC Address from Plex Jail

    I just updated Freenas server from 11.1-U6 to the new 11.2 version. Everything went smoothly and I saw in the release notes that the new iocage jails are default now. So I decided to redo my Plex jail. One thing that confuses me about the new interface is where do I find the MAC address for my...
  43. C

    Zoneminder cannot add any cameras

    Recently I tried to install the Zoneminder plugin on my FreeNAS 11.2 RC2 machine, but I ran into the following error: SQL-ERR 'SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1366 Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'V4LMultiBuffer' at row 1', statement was 'insert into Monitors set LinkedMonitors = ''...
  44. Jacob H. Weeks

    [11.2-RC1] iocage jails resetting on reboot

    I installed the Transmission plugin for downloading my favorite torrents. I set up Transmission with a mount point to the area that I store my downloads. I create a group in the jail that corresponds to the one I created that has write access to the downloads folder. I add this group to the user...

    SOLVED Warden jail still works in 11.2?

    Hi I have been study and prepare myself to upgrade from 11-release to 11.2. One big changes is the warden to IOCage jail change in 11.2. I thought once I upgrade to 11.2, my old warden jail and plugins will stop working. But looks like I am wrong? I only have one jail for plex and plex...
  46. B

    Syncthing does not connect to relay

    Hi. Installing syncthing via gui in 11.2 RC1. Test server with new/clean install. Comes up and syncing to local devices seem to work but it cannot connect to any outside relays. Did some reading and tried and verified the following: - The iocage has internet. Can ping and nslookup out by IP...
  47. Keven

    SOLVED Possible to install Ubuntu/Debian in iocage jail?

    Hi, I need to install teamviewer on my FreeNAS box to be able to start my desktop when i'm not home... have tried within teamviewer to have a port and ip address setup, but it only work for a time before my isp recycle my ip address. so by always having a teamviewer instance open i can start my...
  48. A

    Jail Migration Script (Tested on 11.1 -> 11.2)

    Hello all, EDIT: Please try the official migration script before this. This was written time ago when the official script sucked at getting jails to work out of the box. If your jails are starting and working fine after then you're good to go. I wrote this...
  49. sami

    iocage pool "disappears" on reboot (11.2-BETA3)

    Hi, Sure this strange issue is on a beta release, none the less I would like to learn why. I do not have any errors to post really so, please, help me out to which errors to look for. I have 3 pools connected to my test machine. freenas-boot (ada1 - freenas) tank (all media) iocage (ada0 -...
  50. E

    How to create a SVN repository on main pool?

    Hello, I am using FreeNAS 11.2-BETA3. I have setup an iocage jail (FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p4). Installed SVN in it. I also wanted to have my repository on my mail pool, outside of jail. For that I added a mount point in my jail. Everything seems normal until I try to create an empty repository...