Permissions destroyed everything

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Mar 23, 2018
Hi, let's start off by saying while I have programming and a lot of PC experience. FreeNAS I'm a complete noob.

So anyway I have a lot of media on my server, I used sickbeard, couchpotato and plex to make sure everything was organized nicely. One show was not working correctly and I kept getting errors. Trying to fix this one error I destroyed everything's permissions so no plugin will start any more. The media is in the jail dataset which I know is not the way to do it however I have approx. 2 TB of data I do not want to lose. I really need help either fixing the permissions so that plex etc works again or moving my media to another dataset so it is safe and I can reinstall the plugins etc.

I know I haven't given much info into the mess that I caused but that's because like I said in this I am a noob trying to learn fast. Let me know what info you need to help me fix this and I will get it for you.


Old Man
May 28, 2011
Please read the forum rules, they are short and tell you what data needs to be provided. Please provide it, it helps.

For your plight it is difficult to know what you did that caused the issues you are having so I would recommend that you either copy or move your data into a new dataset. If you have the space then copy, if you don't then move. You can do this from a shell and you would use the cp or mv command. Do a Google search for "freebsd cp" or "freebsd mv". The best option is to use the cp command if you have the space.

Provide us the output from the shell of the command df and this will show us the directory structure. Tell us here your files are.

BTW, many of us use Putty for the shell which means you would need to enable SSH in the GUI. Hopefully your skill set is able to do that. I'm not trying to insult you, many people don't know about this kind of stuff and to assume that everyone knows is absurd.

And take your time if you really value that data, ask and if you are unclear what comes next, make someone put it into steps for you.

I'm not on the forums a lot these days but if I'm here when you post, I'll toss you an answer.


Mar 23, 2018
Thank you, I should have read the forum rules before posting. Right not I am copying my data, it is taking a very long time so will probably leave it over night and then work on fixing everything tomorrow.

I also use Putty, also don't worry about insulting BSD is alien to me and I appreciate the help. Attached is my directory structure.


  • FreeNASdirectory.txt
    5.5 KB · Views: 309


Old Man
May 28, 2011
Since you are able to copy everything then you should perform just as you are doing and wait until everything is copied. I can see how you placed all your content inside the jail, try not to do that in the future or it can bite you hard if it's data you really want to keep.

Your best option might be to remove and reinstall your jails. I say this because it will be difficult for someone to give you advice when they are unsure of exactly what you did to cause the issue. However once your data is safe then you can try to fix the permissions issue, if you think that is what you had. But this time I'd recommend putting your content outside the jail and then link it to the internal jail structure. Also, I'm not sure if you will be wanting to upgrade to the new iocage jails with FreeNAS 11.2 but that is coming so make sure you take good notes on your configuration because it's very possible that you will need to upgrade in the future, even though there "should" be an automatic upgrade.

Lastly, when I try to assist someone with problems I ask them to treat me as if I know nothing at all and for them to be as descriptive as possible. I will treat them the same way. I do this so we don't make assumptions as it can really cause problems troubleshooting a problem. It's not being disrespectful, it's being cautious.


Mar 23, 2018
I am going to research on my own the best I can but, what I was finding when I kept it outside the jail is if I downloaded something in SABnzb for example it would get saved to a dataset inside the jail. I know how to link the jail storage to my dataset but it seems its location was still in the jail not my own?? For example if the plugin got deleted or corrupt I would lose the files. Sorry not sure if you understand that?

After this has copied over I will look into what to do for upgrading to FreeNAS 11.2. Thank you again for the help, I really do appreciate it.


Old Man
May 28, 2011
I understand what you are saying, unfortunately I do not use those applications so I can't provide any solid help there, I'm not sure why you can't save to an external location but I won't argue it if I can't test it myself. What I can ask just to ensure we are on the same page is just make sure you are sharing the dataset properly.

So for your setup I would create a new dataset from the GUI on your pool called "SAMedia" and that dataset could be called "Media_Content" using UNIX file type and case sensitive. This will give you "/mnt/SAMedia/Media_Content/".

Next you go into the GUI Left Pane -> Jails -> SABnzb -> Storage -> Add Storage, Source = /mnt/SAMedia_Content, Destination = /mnt/SAMedia/jails/sabnzb_1/TVMovies

And if you have different subdirectories then you need to add those as well. Doing something like this would ensure your data remains outside the jail. There are a few threads on these forums that guide you on how to install all of your applications and to get along using a single location for storage of your media. My advice is to find one of those threads and read it, then setup your system using just a few media files to ensure all your applications work fine, then copy all your media files back. Take your time and take good notes.
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