Fan Control on X10 board

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Jun 28, 2015
Hi All:

I've been stabilizing my second Freenas server after a few DOA hardware pieces that were difficult to diagnose. One of the items I am trying to get working is fan control. My motherboard is a X10SRL-F in a 4u SuperMicro Chassis. The fans are set up per the scripts (FANA feeds the 3 mid-chassis fans and FAN1, 3, & 4 feed fans on the CPU heatsink and the rear case fans). I have reviewed all the documentation, set the upper and lower thresholds, and am now realizing that regardless of scripts, it seems like the duty cycle is not being set. I say this after trying the raw set/read commands myself and running the spintest script - you can see the output below. Any ideas on why this isn't working? I've tried searching in case there was an obvious config change that I needed to make but can't find it.

Thanks again for all your help.


Saturday, Apr 07, 17:19:15
								 ___Duty%___  Curr_RPM____________________
						MODE	 Zone0 Zone1  FANA  FAN1  FAN2  FAN3  FAN4
Conditions before test  Full	   100   100  4800  1600   ---  6100  6000

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Saturday, Apr 07, 17:19:19
								 ___Duty%___  Curr_RPM____________________
						MODE	 Zone0 Zone1  FANA  FAN1  FAN2  FAN3  FAN4
Duty cycle 100%		 Full	   100   100  4800  1600   ---  6100  6000
Duty cycle 90%		  Full	   100   100  4800  1600   ---  6100  6000
Duty cycle 80%		  Full	   100   100  4800  1600   ---  6100  6000
Duty cycle 70%		  Full	   100   100  4800  1600   ---  6100  6000
Duty cycle 60%		  Full	   100   100  4800  1600   ---  6100  6000
Duty cycle 50%		  Full	   100   100  4800  1600   ---  6100  6000
Duty cycle 40%		  Full	   100   100  4800  1600   ---  6100  6000
Duty cycle 30%		  Full	   100   100  4800  1600   ---  6100  6000
Duty cycle 20%		  Full	   100   100  4800  1600   ---  6100  6000

And in case it is helpful, sensor list is:

CPU Temp		 | 26.000	 | degrees C  | ok	| 0.000	 | 0.000	 | 0.000	 | 91.000	| 96.000	| 96.000
PCH Temp		 | 29.000	 | degrees C  | ok	| 0.000	 | 5.000	 | 16.000	| 90.000	| 95.000	| 100.000
System Temp	  | 18.000	 | degrees C  | ok	| -10.000   | -5.000	| 0.000	 | 80.000	| 85.000	| 90.000
Peripheral Temp  | 22.000	 | degrees C  | ok	| -10.000   | -5.000	| 0.000	 | 80.000	| 85.000	| 90.000
VcpuVRM Temp	 | 28.000	 | degrees C  | ok	| -5.000	| 0.000	 | 5.000	 | 95.000	| 100.000   | 105.000
VmemABVRM Temp   | 28.000	 | degrees C  | ok	| -5.000	| 0.000	 | 5.000	 | 95.000	| 100.000   | 105.000
VmemCDVRM Temp   | 23.000	 | degrees C  | ok	| -5.000	| 0.000	 | 5.000	 | 95.000	| 100.000   | 105.000
DIMMA1 Temp	  | 21.000	 | degrees C  | ok	| -5.000	| 0.000	 | 5.000	 | 80.000	| 85.000	| 90.000
DIMMA2 Temp	  | na		 |			| na	| na		| na		| na		| na		| na		| na
DIMMB1 Temp	  | 20.000	 | degrees C  | ok	| -5.000	| 0.000	 | 5.000	 | 80.000	| 85.000	| 90.000
DIMMB2 Temp	  | na		 |			| na	| na		| na		| na		| na		| na		| na
DIMMC1 Temp	  | na		 |			| na	| na		| na		| na		| na		| na		| na
DIMMC2 Temp	  | na		 |			| na	| na		| na		| na		| na		| na		| na
DIMMD1 Temp	  | na		 |			| na	| na		| na		| na		| na		| na		| na
DIMMD2 Temp	  | na		 |			| na	| na		| na		| na		| na		| na		| na
FAN1			 | 1600.000   | RPM		| ok	| 300.000   | 400.000   | 500.000   | 1700.000  | 1800.000  | 2000.000
FAN2			 | na		 |			| na	| na		| na		| na		| na		| na		| na
FAN3			 | 6100.000   | RPM		| nr	| 500.000   | 600.000   | 700.000   | 5600.000  | 5800.000  | 6000.000
FAN4			 | 6000.000   | RPM		| nr	| 500.000   | 600.000   | 700.000   | 5600.000  | 5800.000  | 6000.000
FAN5			 | na		 |			| na	| na		| na		| na		| na		| na		| na
FANA			 | 4800.000   | RPM		| ok	| 300.000   | 400.000   | 500.000   | 5600.000  | 5800.000  | 6000.000
12V			  | 12.000	 | Volts	  | ok	| 10.173	| 10.299	| 10.740	| 12.945	| 13.260	| 13.386
5VCC			 | 5.026	  | Volts	  | ok	| 4.246	 | 4.298	 | 4.480	 | 5.390	 | 5.546	 | 5.598
3.3VCC		   | 3.350	  | Volts	  | ok	| 2.789	 | 2.823	 | 2.959	 | 3.554	 | 3.656	 | 3.690
VBAT			 | 3.047	  | Volts	  | ok	| 2.375	 | 2.487	 | 2.599	 | 3.775	 | 3.887	 | 3.999
Vcpu			 | 1.809	  | Volts	  | ok	| 1.242	 | 1.260	 | 1.395	 | 1.899	 | 2.088	 | 2.106
VDIMMAB		  | 1.200	  | Volts	  | ok	| 0.948	 | 0.975	 | 1.047	 | 1.344	 | 1.425	 | 1.443
VDIMMCD		  | 1.191	  | Volts	  | ok	| 0.948	 | 0.975	 | 1.047	 | 1.344	 | 1.425	 | 1.443
5VSB			 | 4.948	  | Volts	  | ok	| 4.246	 | 4.298	 | 4.480	 | 5.390	 | 5.546	 | 5.598
3.3VSB		   | 3.316	  | Volts	  | ok	| 2.789	 | 2.823	 | 2.959	 | 3.554	 | 3.656	 | 3.690
1.5V PCH		 | 1.518	  | Volts	  | ok	| 1.320	 | 1.347	 | 1.401	 | 1.644	 | 1.671	 | 1.698
1.2V BMC		 | 1.218	  | Volts	  | ok	| 1.020	 | 1.047	 | 1.092	 | 1.344	 | 1.371	 | 1.398
1.05V PCH		| 1.050	  | Volts	  | ok	| 0.870	 | 0.897	 | 0.942	 | 1.194	 | 1.221	 | 1.248
Chassis Intru	| 0x1		| discrete   | 0x0100| na		| na		| na		| na		| na		| na
PS1 Status	   | 0x1		| discrete   | 0x0100| na		| na		| na		| na		| na		| na
PS2 Status	   | 0x1		| discrete   | 0x0100| na		| na		| na		| na		| na		| na


Jun 28, 2015
Found the solution. Apparently on my board (maybe all?) mode needs to be set to full prior to adjusting duty cycle.

ipmitool raw 0x30 0x45 0x01 0x01


Jun 2, 2016
Otherwise the IPMI will override your changes
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