Nice job,I know this thread is pretty old, but I thought I'd share this with all the long-suffering C2750D4I users who have managed to survive the watchdog bug and high temps.
Disclaimer up front - I am offering the following purely with the view of information sharing and take no responsiblility for any harm that may occur to people systems as a result.
I have long monitored my C2750D4I CPU temps and worried about how hot it gets. I am fortunate to have access to a 3D printer and decided to design and print a fan mount that fits over the CPU heatsink and allows a 90mm cooling fan to be mounted. I've decided to share the STL file of the part for anyone else who has access to a 3D printer and wants to build it as well.
The design of the part was driven by the size and shape of my case (Silverstone DS380) - which is why the fan is offset and the overall profile of the mount is quite low. I have designed cutouts to insert M4 nuts (to take the M4 bolts that lock the mount onto the heatsink). To fit the nuts into place, simple screw the nuts onto a very end of a threaded bolt, heat with a lighter or candle (while holding the other end with pliers) and gently push the nut onto the part cutout. This forms a very nice snug fit. Then you just need to fit a 90mm fan to one end and bolt the other end onto the heatsink.
I've been really impressed with the results. Prior to fitting the adaptor, my CPU temps were 40oC at idle and 60oC under load (generated by transcoding a x265 HVEC file in emby). After fitting the fan these temps droped to 28oC and 41oC respectively (using exactly the same benchmarks).
Attached are some photos of the finished part and the STL file (in a zip) for printing.
Please don't ask me to print the part on someone else's behalf as I don't have the time or resources, but otherwise feel free to use it.
Cheers, Rich
The design of the part was driven by the size and shape of my case (Silverstone DS380) - which is why the fan is offset and the overall profile of the mount is quite low. I have designed cutouts to insert M4 nuts (to take the M4 bolts that lock the mount onto the heatsink). To fit the nuts into place, simple screw the nuts onto a very end of a threaded bolt, heat with a lighter or candle (while holding the other end with pliers) and gently push the nut onto the part cutout. This forms a very nice snug fit. Then you just need to fit a 90mm fan to one end and bolt the other end onto the heatsink.
With that in mind I've got a few questions:
What plastic did you use in the printer?
How long were the M4 bolts that you used?
Did you installed the fan so that air was drawn over the heat sink and exhausted out the top of the fan?
I'm looking to do this also. I've had my board for almost 3 years now and just started seeing heat issues to the point that it started shutting down automatically. Near idle temps around 63C. It's a little of a coincidence that I just updated my bios and BMC to the latest version, along with FreeNAS to the latest stable build.the big difference was that I mounted the NF-A6x25 directly to the heatsink.
I also had this high cpu temperature problem with my 2750d4i motherboard. I noticed there is qualified vendor list of cooloer from asrock:
I have no 3d printer to make a customized one. Is it helpful to use a cooler in the list?
Unfortunately I believe that is the list for socket 1150 boards and not the integrated CPU that we have. I would be willing to mail you a shroud and a couple of bolts if you live in the USA. I can provide a link for the fan you need to buy.
On mine I did have the fan blowing down to the CPU rather than drawing are up which I wish I would have.
Many thanks Ryanakata ... unfortunately I'm in China. I'll try to find 3d printer provider to make the shroud according to the STL model provided by Rich. Link for the fan is still appreciated. I need it to choose the fan which can be fixed appropriately.
Ordered the shroud via 3dhubs today, a lot of firsts for me. A great thanks to rich110 for sharing the STL! Would never even have thought about this upgrade otherwise.
@ryanakata: Why do you use a copper shim actually, instead of directly mounting heatsink on the CPU with some thermal paste? Would you remember shim size and where you bought it?
Also, any idea how much thermal paste I should order (will only be using it for this one)?