I'm sorry to wake this thread up again, but system temps has been on my mind a LONG time. I've done digging and ran across this forum and thought I'd reply.
We have CPU graphs, memory graphs, heck even HDD activity graphs, those are about as necessary as CPU temp graphs. They are for informational purposes! HD, CPU and MB temp graphs, Heck even fan speed shows us how the hardware is doing in the machine, determining whether or not there is enough air flow or if there is some sort of problem, how the health of the hardware and supporting components are functioning, if a fan is going bad or if a heat sink is coming loose, ect. There are many reasons to monitor system wide temps and hardware, they give us insight into the health of the system and can give us a warning that system alerts may possibly miss. For instance if there is a time of day when the room that the system resides in is getting to warm or if under load if the system is having a hard time coping with getting rid of produced heat.
FreeNAS doesn't have the ability to just simply add an app so that someone can monitor the hardware being it uses a web interface and all. The lmsensors is already included in the CLI, why not a graph in the gui to show some history as well?
Yes, we can use things like splunk to monitor system loads, temps, ect. but not all of us are that savy. I've been trying to figure it out and I consider myself literate in a lot of ways, but apparently not enough to get splunk working decently and loading splunk into a VM adds more overhead than a simple graph ever would!
So, are temp graphs necessary? Absolutely!
Some may not think so, but then why the CPU, memory, HD, network, ect graphs? Because they provide valuable information. Another for instance would be, "Is the machine in question getting to full of dust and lint".
Not all of us put our machine is data center clean rooms. I'd love a data center style clean room but I also don't want the bill that comes along with it. I have better things to do with my money and if that means blowing out my machine every once in a while vs knowing it's clean all the time to save hundreds of $$ then I'm ALL over it!
Some may reply, "Well why don't you add it yourself?". Unfortunately I'm not a programmer nor do I have the knowledge necessary to do so, otherwise I would, then I'd write up a how to so others can enjoy the benifits of having system temp/fan speed graphs.
If I could afford it I'd just pay someone to do it. Heck, I wonder how many would donate to have someone write up such a feature.
Bottom line is, system health graphs are necessary. I'd love to have a health graph on everything including myself!
OK, enough of my ranting, but I hope to see this feature in version 10.