Botched upgrade

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Jul 3, 2018
I am fully aware that I screwed up and I deserve to get textually abused for it. :(

That said... HELP!

  • the short version is that I installed plex & nextcloud again before applying the old configuration. I think that's the cause of them not starting.

I upgraded from to 9.3 and then to 11.1U5. <forums> said this was a safe path. I did save my config before hand. I didn't check things over that much at the 9.3 stage and didn't resave the config at that point. When I arrived at 11.1, I had no plugins, no jails, no users and no shares. the data appeared ok. I did not realize all of this was missing at the time and was focused on the plugins, two of which I wanted to keep: nextcloud and plex. I was a bit freaked out because I was under the impression they would be brought along without a problem. I thought if I installed them, they might pickup the old configuration.- since this altered the disk, I this it's the cause of most of my problem.

I was a bit timid about uploading the configuration - I was not confidant I could do this from a much older version without harm. I'm more comfortable and knowledgeable now.

My user accounts, shares, jails and some old/unused plugings are back, but when I try to start plex or nextcloud, I have errors. I am unsure where to go from here. is it still possible for me to get the old plugin configuration back? I'm not so worried about plex, but nextcloud is important to me.

Looking in the volumes, I can see a 'jails' with my old jails in there, and a 'jails_2' with what I assume is the new plugins I installed.

Thanks in advance, and please try to be gentile. :(

- Dan
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Jul 3, 2018
I should elaborate on the errors - When I try to turn on a plugin (plex, or nextcloud or older plugins I didn't tinker with), I get "some error occurred" at the top of the screen and noting in the logs at the bottom of the screen. The service status for these plugins stay in the off position.

This was in the logs at the bottom of the screen just after boot:
Jul  3 20:24:51 freenas uwsgi: [freeadmin.navtree:562] Couldn't retrieve The read operation timed out


Jul 3, 2018
I managed to get things limping along by removing the VIMAGE flag in the jails. Turns out the jail's networks were not starting properly. I don't know if it helped, but I also removed a SMB share from the root of my volume (was a bad idea anyway)
  • The plugins are running fine, but I can't access the GUI configuration.
  • The plugins are not listed in the left hand treemenu.
Now I have a jail and a jail_2 directory. I'm not sure if I can delete the jail_2 directory likely created by my screw-up detailed above.

It would be nice to get those two bullet points above working again.


Are these the original jails or new ones you created in 11.1? If the original jails, I'm surprised they work at all given the ABI changes between FreeBSD 9, 10, and 11 (which are the 3 underlying OS versions that were jumped in the upgrade).

Given that the old jails have been deprecated and 11.2-BETA1 is out, I'd recommend upgrading and trying to reinstall your jails in the new UI. Should that not work out for you, you can always reboot back into your 11.1 boot environment.
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