Watchdog timeout

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Jun 15, 2011
It took me some time to pinpoint my unstable NAS running
When coping large amounts of data, igb0 did a network reset. After a few minutes it was online again. Console gave me: "
igb0 watchdog timeout errors
". I know, weird stuff.

Skimming the freenas forum resulted in: replacing all ethernet cables, replacing the cheap Gb-switch with a brand-a type. Burning a new USB-stick with freenas, replacing the USB with a brand-a type. Adding more ECC ram...well all the stuff you can do easily. :)

No success...Then I noticed I had 4 NAS boxes with the exact same hardware, only this one had 8 disks, but also more RAM. So I checked the IPMI for some stats. The MB temp and CPU temp where 15 Degree celsius higher. As Adam Savage would say "Well there's your problem". The IPMI did not alert, because it was still in the safe zone. (61 c / 141.8 degrees Fahrenheit).
The last few day's weather was also getting warming , that resulted in more unstable behaviour, retrospective. ;)

The Box was a UNAS casing <>, clearly with to little ventilation. And the build quality is like those gray boxes from the nineties, with screws made out of beewax.

So tonight I had some diy-time, and put everything inside a Fractal design Define R4. Guess what...solid as a Rock! ZFS replication: done, rsync: done. Temperature : 41c/105.8 F.

Lesson learned:
-Don't buy a UNAS casing, unless you put it in the fridge or have some more inspiration than I had in fixing the ussue.
- keep those boxes ventilated.

ASRock C2750D4I
32Gb ECC
ps: listen to Cyberjock and buy ecc ram


Mar 14, 2014
I'm so happy I found this thread. I have the same motherboard, and I've been having the exact same error whenever I start doing some serious data transfer to or from the NAS. My motherboard temp has been getting up to 45c, which I didn't really think was out of bounds for a fanless motherboard. However, I took the side of the case off and pointed an external fan at the back of the motherboard and it dropped temps down to 32c. Absolutely no problems now. I guess this motherboard is just really sensitive to temperature.

Now I need to decide if I want to find a way to get better cooling in my Lian-Li PC-Q25 or buy a brand new case.
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