To upgrade or not?

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Steve Salier

Dec 10, 2012
Seems like there are still MANY lingering regressions folks are encountering when upgrading (via the GUI) from various major/minor versions of FreeNAS 9.10.1 to 9.10.2- some of which are serious.

I have 2 80TB+ systems - one on 9.10.1-U2 and one on 9.10-STABLE (June 2016 build) - which are running fine and have no intention on upgrading until FN10 GA's (whenever that will happen :smile:)

I was curious what others are doing - waiting for FN10 or risking upgrading to stay current ?

My primary driver for incremental upgrades are SAMBA updates and the occasional GUI bugs that my users complain about ...


Old Man
May 28, 2011
First of all, I would recommend against upgrading if your systems are working fine, however you should read what was fixed in the new releases so you can ensure you make a good decision.

Second, you have three types of people:
1) The Early Adopters - They always get the latest upgrades.
2) The Waiters - They wait until the current version has been out for a while to ensure it's working properly before upgrading.
3) The Never Updaters - They install what works and so long as it's working, they never update again, unless something requires them to update.

I have been a member of all three but when it comes to FreeNAS, I'm a Waiter now. I will test out the new stuff on a non-critical system but for my critical data, I'll wait to see what shakes from the trees before I upgrade.

EDIT: As for FreeNAS 10... You need to build a test machine and run FreeNAS 10 when it comes out to ensure it works as desired. Only after testing would you upgrade a work system. If presented to upgrade your pool, do not! Wait until you are sure the system is running fine otherwise you will not be able to roll back to the previous version of FreeNAS.

Steve Salier

Dec 10, 2012
i just realized there in another post with the same title and general purpose ---- sorry folks ...
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