Lets say I have a FreeNAS box using Active Directory (so I can assign permissions to shares based on Windows Domain).
Now, lets say the FreeNAS box restart and when it comes back online, for whatever reason, the Domain Controller is not available until a few minutes later.
Upon restart, FreeNAS will complain saying the domain is not available, etc,, later the Domain Controller shows up, but by that time FreeNAs is already not working with the Domain anymore.
At that point, if I go into the GUI "Directory| Active Directory" I can just put the Domain password again and tick the checkbox for "enable" and then the FreeNAS Directory connection works again.
But that is a manual process,,
How can I get FreeNAS to try automatically and see if the Domain Controller is back online and do that automatically?
Why is this important? because the FreeNAS itself might be the Domain Controller (with a VM running Windows Server), and we know that we can make the VM start up automatically immediately after FreeNAS boot up, but I havent found how to delay the Directory part on FreeNAS until the VM is up, or how to make FreeNAS try again after a few minutes.
Im open, any idea is welcomed.
Now, lets say the FreeNAS box restart and when it comes back online, for whatever reason, the Domain Controller is not available until a few minutes later.
Upon restart, FreeNAS will complain saying the domain is not available, etc,, later the Domain Controller shows up, but by that time FreeNAs is already not working with the Domain anymore.
At that point, if I go into the GUI "Directory| Active Directory" I can just put the Domain password again and tick the checkbox for "enable" and then the FreeNAS Directory connection works again.
But that is a manual process,,
How can I get FreeNAS to try automatically and see if the Domain Controller is back online and do that automatically?
Why is this important? because the FreeNAS itself might be the Domain Controller (with a VM running Windows Server), and we know that we can make the VM start up automatically immediately after FreeNAS boot up, but I havent found how to delay the Directory part on FreeNAS until the VM is up, or how to make FreeNAS try again after a few minutes.
Im open, any idea is welcomed.