Hello, a bit of context:
I want to add some IOT devices to my wifi. They fail to do so I think because my U6 lite ubiquiti access point uses the same SSID for the 5g as the 2.4g. I've used the phone app to manage the SSIDs so far but this is deliberately hobbled.
A chum suggested using the unifi controller. Therefore, I have deployed the ix-unifi-controller app from the Truenas catalogue. As I will lose my configuration by re-setting the AP to adopt it, before I moved over I wanted to check all the necessary ports were open - as there's no documentation on the App if this is done automatically or if you have to do it yourself (or how to).
I can connect to the controller UI, it detects my access point. To try to confirm the ports needed were open I ran:
I don't see the ports Ubiquiti demand be opened in that listing. I would very much appreciate if someone would advise that, 'yes, the ports are open and here's how to check', or if I have errored, 'no, you're using the wrong command, do this'.
Many thanks in advance.
I want to add some IOT devices to my wifi. They fail to do so I think because my U6 lite ubiquiti access point uses the same SSID for the 5g as the 2.4g. I've used the phone app to manage the SSIDs so far but this is deliberately hobbled.
A chum suggested using the unifi controller. Therefore, I have deployed the ix-unifi-controller app from the Truenas catalogue. As I will lose my configuration by re-setting the AP to adopt it, before I moved over I wanted to check all the necessary ports were open - as there's no documentation on the App if this is done automatically or if you have to do it yourself (or how to).
I can connect to the controller UI, it detects my access point. To try to confirm the ports needed were open I ran:
root@truenas[~]# k3s kubectl get services -n ix-unifi-controller NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE unifi-controller ClusterIP <none> 30072/TCP 5d20h unifi-controller-unifi-portal ClusterIP <none> 30074/TCP 5d20h
I don't see the ports Ubiquiti demand be opened in that listing. I would very much appreciate if someone would advise that, 'yes, the ports are open and here's how to check', or if I have errored, 'no, you're using the wrong command, do this'.
Many thanks in advance.