Permissions for each user for dataset

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Mar 12, 2017
Hello everyone,
I write because I have not found anything on the web that would allow me to solve my problem.
My problem is that having a dataset that I call "Daset1" I have not figured out how to assign permissions for users who have 3, permissions must be assigned so that "user1" and "user3" can both read and write and "user2 "should only read.
I only managed to assign permissions for the user owner and group owner.
I hope I explained and I thank those who help me.
Jan 7, 2015
What you want is to set up group permissions. You should be able to find plenty of info on how to do it. But in a nutshell User1 and User2 are in the same group which has ownership of the dataset, read/write, and for simplicity sake we will call this group readwrite. This is done when setting dataset permissions. The "other" in this case will be your user who is in a different group with only read, so selecting only read under the other category, is how you do this basically. While all boxes are checked under "owner and group" only read and possibly execute under other. Remember that users can belong to more than one group.

Hope this makes sense, good luck!
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