I have some money saved up and have purchased some things.
I have the node 304, power supply and 3 WD red 3tb drives (still need 3 more).
I am torn on the motherboard / chip.
I can't decide between the following:
ASRock C2750D4I
I can get that for $375 new from newegg right now.
The only con I have with it is that the chip is soldered on and if something happens the whole thing is junk. I also know nothing about Avoton C2750 Octa-Core Processor as far as speed and what it can do. I believe I read this was used in the freenas home box that they sell. I believe it will do what I want to do but am still hesitant because everything is together.
It would run cooler and easier than anything else.
The other decision maker is:
ASRock E3C226D2I
Paired with an i3 chip that supports ecc ram and the board. Not sure which one to get for the chip either for the best bang for my dollar.
If I go this route, I can always upgrade to a xenon processor down the road. I can reuse the i3 for a business computer that I will eventually build as well for just business purpose needs. I know this way will use more electricity overall.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Whatever board I go with it needs to fit in the node 304.
I have about $550 saved up right now, hoping to sell a few more items and get the last 3 drives and then I am set after I get this decision on the board / chip selection done.
- Shay