No Web UI using ZeroTier

Nov 23, 2023
As my screen name says, I admit to being the village idiot and know not what I do. New to TrueNAS Scale, installed ZeroTier, I can see both TN and my latptop connected in ZT. How do I get to my TN web UI from distant end? I can ping the ZT ip address from my laptop while riding on a different vlan, but I can’t get to the SMB share or web ui when typing in the ZT ip in a web browser or \ip address in file explorer. If there is a newb guide somewhere on how to stop making repetitive posts or where I should have looked first, please point me in that direction. I bow to the council of higher intelligence and greatly appreciate your vectors.

P.S. I did find someone else who posted the same problem, but no one answered and it was tacked onto a different thread. So some research effort was put forth.

System Information Overview
MB: Lenovo m93p (cheap build)
Intel(R) Core™ i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz
16 Gig Ram
2x 12TB spinning rust
2x 512GB SSDs (one for OS, one for apps)


Jan 10, 2024
I’m on windows with TN Scale. Here is what I did. Started testing first on my home network:
1. In TN for the ZT app I clicked on host network in the settings.
2. I made sure ZT ip was persistent after TN reboot. There is a blog recently where someone figured it out for TN Scale.
3. I then typed the ZT ip in my web browser to see if I got the TN ui. Which I did.
4. Then I made a user in TN and set up the SMB permissions for that user

With my laptop connected to ZT I tried outside the network to talk to TN:
1. Type in \\ZTip in the file explorer. You may have to mess around with the address. Try \\ZTip\poolname\path or something
2. then the windows credentials will pop up to sign in. use the same info you made from step 4 above. This is assuming you setup network sharing on pc properly. If you don’t get a pop up you may have to clear your logins.

Alternatively look at ‘file browser’ app. Many ways to set that up from outside the network. Use at your own risk when exposing it out though. Im using cloudflare.

Good luck.