NFS Share and Jail Mount Points Failed


Nov 25, 2016
I am running a TrueNAS Core server at home. I recently upgraded from 12.0-U7 to 12.0-U8 and then 12.0-U8.1. Shortly after that My issue occurred and I have been unable to resolve it through my searching.

My server server is running on a Supermicro motherboard with 16GB of ECC ram and a X3460 CPU with one pool (tank) made up of two vdevs of 4 drives each running raidz2. My OS drive is a small 32gb SSD.

I have a NFS share setup on my home network with several computers given access through static IP addresses. I also have several Plugins setup with mount points setup. Both the NFS share and the Plugin mount points are setup to access /mnt/tank/myshare. This setup had been working well for me pretty much unchanged since ~2019.

The Issue
One day earlier this month all of the NFS shares and the Plugins could no longer access the files in the /mnt/tank/myshare directory (no plugins or shares are setup anywere else). No Alarms were active. My desktop running Fedora 35 gave the notification "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the consents of "myshare"." when I attempted to open the shared folder. The Nextcloud clients cannot load files from this server.

- I checked that the IP address of my client was still the same whitelisted IP as in the TrueNAS NFS share Advanced settings and it was.
- I checked the fstab file on my Client was still configured correctly and it was.
- Remounting the share location on the client and or restarting the Client did not resolve the issue.
- I thought something might have broken with the share for some reason. So, I deleted the share and recreated it. No luck. same with the mount points for the plugins.
- I thought this might have been due to the version upgrade breaking something since i had upgraded to the U8 the U8.1 a few days apart. So, under System --> Boot I loaded up my U7 boot file. This did not correct the issue.

I have the configuration file that i saved before I upgraded to 12.0-U8, a 12.0-U7 configuration. It feels like reinstalling this configuration file would be the next step of trouble shooting, but I am struggling to find how to reinstall the old configuration. Can someone point me to the right place in the documentation or tell me how to do this?

Or let me know how else this issue may be resolved or ask a question if you might have any incite.

I really appreciate any help!
Thank you!


Nov 25, 2016
I found the issue. If anyone cares.

I had a configuration issue from my initial setup, way back in 2019, where the folder that I was storing all of my data in was in a "Phantom" dataset. I could access it through the file system, but it did not show up in the pool area of the GUI. This had worked for a while, but it seems that the recent update finally broke the permissions on this miss-configured dataset.

Before I figured this out i ended up reinstalling my pre-upgrade config file, no luck, Installed a fresh image of TrueNAS Core and imported the data set. Also no luck.

I started looking into the ACL permissions and could not find a way to edit them on the "myshare" dataset. Somehow this lead me to the this TrueNAS forum thread from last year with the solution I needed. See the link below for the solution to this issue

Phantom Folder Fix

Now I get to transfer 8.5TB of date from one data set to another with the shell. hooray!!

Best Regards,