New Freenas build. Must be cheap

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May 2, 2013

I searched on hardware stores from my country and got this config and prices.

My idea is to start with 4 drives and get 4 more in the future. 3Tb WD red/green on first stage.

Any tips are apreciated. Freenas will be on a usb stick​
€ 73,90*
1 x AMD A4-5300 Accelerated Processor, CPU
€ 44,99*
1 x Kingston ValueRAM DIMM 8 GB DDR3-1333 Kit
€ 63,90*
1 x Seasonic G-650
€ 119,90*
1 x Fractal Design Arc Mini
€ 71,90*
Importe neto
€ 374
Do you think would be the same an N40L with just the 4 hdd?​
I only seek home media nas​


Resident Grinch
May 29, 2011
It seems likely to be (at least) a little faster than an N40L, but lacking the possibility of ECC, beware the greater potential for loss of data.

Good: 8 SATA ports (fits your plan)

Bad: Realtek ethernet, no ECC


Old Man
May 28, 2011
I don't think the Realtek will be a problem with that CPU. Should be able to get close to a maximum throughput.

The Seasonic G-650 is nice but if you could save a few bucks and buy maybe the 450 or 550 in favor of more RAM.

RAM, shoot for 16GB up front, you will like yourself more. Did you check to see if the ValueRam was on the motherboard compatibility list? Ensure you enable tunables in FreeNAS to get the best performance out of the memory. If you do shoot for 8GB RAM, check the motherboard user manual to see if you can use a single stick and buy one 8GB stick. This gives you a less expensive upgrade later. Do not buy 2GB sticks no matter what you do, you will hate yourself when you do want to upgrade and have to replace all of them.

As for the Motherboard, One with ECC RAM would be nice but there is a huge cost going that route and most of us home builders will not spend the extra money on ECC RAM. Just backup your important data to CD-R or DVD-R periodically. It's likely not going to be RAM that fails but a hard drive. Otherwise it seams fine.

The CPU, you might consider going for the A4-4000 to save a little money, it's more than strong enough for a NAS processor. Again I'm pointing out the 16GB RAM option here.

As for the hard drives, go with the Red as the firmware has features specifically to handle NAS unique problems like vibrations and timeouts. It's worth the extra money. Drive sizes are controversial as well... Assuming you are building a RAIDZ1 then if you have a failure of a single drive, when you replace it you have a shorting time to rebuild (resilver) the new blank drive vs. a larger drive. This becomes a problem should a second drive fail during this rebuilding and then all your data is gone. This is one reason many people prefer RAIDZ2 format as it allows to 2 drive failures before your system looses data.


May 2, 2013
Thx for your tips!

I actually have an N40L with 3x2TB green WD and I'm getting 78-80MB/s transfers with just 4gb ram on Raidz1. I asked about N40L becouse i can plug the actual HDD on another PC temporally so I install new 4x3TB on N40L and transfer all info back.

My idea is to start with 4 HDD raidz1 and later add 4 more in raidz1 so thats why I'm taking this Seasonics so won't have to sell and buy new one.

Is ECC a must?? I was expecting to buy an UPS so Freenas shutdown safe. I agree about 8gb ram stick so when i take 4 more HDD can upgrade to 16gb but i think 16gb for 4 HDD is a little overkill.
On Kingston website there is no ECC memory set compatible



Active Member
Jan 22, 2012
I am confused about the n40l and the new machine since you talk about putting the 4 drives in the n40l and copying the data back.

Bro you can put 16gb ecc ram in the n40l. I've 8gb exc in mine and 16gb ecc in my 54l.


Resident Grinch
May 29, 2011
ECC is not a "must". It's just proper paranoia. Pretend you have six disks. You can build a striped pool that offers no data protection against failure, and you'd probably agree that's bad. Or you can stick all your disks in a RAIDZ1 and have 5/6ths the space usable. You'd probably agree that's desirable, right? Except that some of us would argue that that is also dangerous, because the resilvering process is extremely stressful, and any blocks that might be unreadable on the remaining disks could translate to data loss. So RAIDZ2 is better protection. It is guarding against the fallibility of real-world systems.

ZFS was designed to be implemented on ECC servers. It offers no substantial protection for in-core data, which means that if ZFS reads some metadata into core, it gets corrupted in-core, and then written back to disk, you have a problem on disk that nothing has caught and corrected. Will this happen to you? Who knows. I say DRAM errors appear to be rare. But we actually buy ECC around here which means that we can actually check, and bad RAM sticks are easily spotted and replaced. You want an enthusiastic debate about the topic, read here.

You can think 16GB for 4 hard drives is overkill if you want, but if you have a pool of 4 3TB drives, the hardware recommendation is for at least 12GB of RAM. This is basically because FreeNAS comes sized by default for a moderately large storage system. And it's 2013. RAM is cheap. I had to get over that too.


Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012
Another issue with bad RAM without ECC is that if you do a scrub that scrub could potentially corrupt your entire zpool since everything is being read, checked, and rewritten(if corrupted). If the data isn't corrupted on disk but is being corrupted in RAM you could "correct" data that isn't faulty and actually corrupt your zpool completely. Someone actually had this happen earlier this year and he had no backup. He ultimately lost everything if I remember correctly.


May 2, 2013
Sorry about my english.

Ok you got me about ECC, will check then.
Also 16Gb ram it logic to get that amount.

About N40L is becouse i already have it with raidz1 3x2TB wd green. I don't want to loose information when upgrading THIS N40L with new 4x3Tb red wd. Will need a tricky way to build disk on same PC without loosing data. N40L even with mod bios wouln't be able to have 4x3tb and 3x2tb at the same time to transfer data. Hope now i explained it better.

In case it can't take all this data, thats the reason why i tought about new system upgradable up to 8HDD

Becouse i need to keep it low cost... think N40L will be enough for 4x3TB wd red on raidz1 upgrading to 16Gb??



Jul 1, 2011
Gotta love how people are still posting questions in the HOW TO section....

Where are the bright and shiny new volunteer moderators?


Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012
Yep. Well my account is pretty broken because of the upgrade... I'm not doing posts at this time...

William Grzybowski

May 27, 2011
Let's not hijack threads anymore. Seems like bad ju-ju. We _can_ move discussions like these to the Staff Area, or a group PM. >=]
It is funny how you guys handle things.

We have a hard time developing FreeNAS every single day, dozens commits a day, everything to make it better, and for a simple forum change that attitude.

The forum even was a change to make it better, there are still going to be improvements, but if you can't even cope with that and help, well... what can I say, thats very demotivating

Maybe I should slow down as well


Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012

The issue is that the moderators have had promises made for longer than I've been a member(16 months). It's not that I don't think that change can happen, but the glacial speed at which changes get implemented (if they actually do) doesn't justify my time spent on the forums anymore. I typically checked the forums at least twice a day, and sometimes 5 or more times if I'm helping someone with a specific issue. All sorts of promises were made in January and October. So far things aren't better and right now I'd take the old forum software over the new. At least I could use it. How a moderator ended up with a more broken forum than the average users is.. beyond me.

Here's how I see things in the future(and the past, even the recent past) shows that this isn't likely to change:

1. All the promises that have been made to moderators have mostly been left unfulfilled. And sure, people can keep saying "its coming", but they've been saying that for 2 years. I'm not longer listening when somoeone cries wolf. Show me the wolf and then I'll believe it.
2. The newness of the forum will eventually wear off (has it already?) and we'll be left with a forum that is broken and in whatever condition it happens to be in. I'm a moderator and for a few days I didn't even have permissions that regular users have(I couldn't edit my own signature, edit anyone's post.. even my own). Then things got better(HolyK fixed those 2 issues), then worse. Right now my forum settings are broken(and yes, I realize I'm just 1 person and not that important) but it does demonstrate that the forums should NOT have just been "rolled out without a thought" and then left all weekend to fester. Will more stuff get fixed this weekend? I'm betting there won't be unless HolyK fixes them.
3. As for demotivating, maybe I should stop and ask myself why I log in when the forums are more broken than they were 2 weeks ago(but this is an "upgrade", right?), people are still posting to the wrong sections(How-Tos are for guides, not questions), promises from before I was here(about 16 months ago) are still unfulfilled(and any attempt to ask about them via emails or PMs are unanswered), etc. I don't see why I should donate my time any longer. I'd bet I spend at least 10 hours a week in the forums(and probably more than 20) and I'd bet that the people with the power to get things don't don't spend 1/4 of that time in the forum. Sure, this week they may have spent their fair share, but I bet if it were averaged out over the year, they've probably spent less than an hour a month.
4. When was the last time someone asked a question that was directed at an iXsystems employee in the forum and got no response? Hint: last week.

It's not that the project isn't worth the time. Its that each person values their time differently. Some people (like me) don't have an appreciation for getting continually fed shovels of BS that things are changing/improving/whatever, then nothing for months(years?) Just because we got new forum software doesn't tell me things are changing. It tells me someone knows how to write a check and install some software. In fact, that really sums up exactly what appears to have happened here since it is blatantly obvious that no testing was done with the forum software before making it public. The plan appears to have been "load up the software and we'll fix it later". From the stuff I've been told many of the complaints in the forum are from 2011 and even with this new forum software they still aren't fixed. How much time should I allow for "later"? It's not like old time moderators from 2011 and 2012 weren't promised big changes "later" and they still aren't here. Should I really hang around a forum that has a track record of promises that, when fulfilled, is measured in years?

I do respect you William. I may have my information wrong, but you seem to be one of the top providers of code to FreeNAS and you aren't even an iXsystem employee. Despite how much things may suck in the forum you're very committed to the project and are okay with swallowing more BS than I am. I hate BS(which is why I hate all politicians). Tell me how crappy things really are, and give me a date you will have them fixed by, and put it in writing. Don't tell me "later" and then walk away(which seems to be the norm with regards to the forum).

And I feel bad for Holykiller because he was the "forum technician" and was completely uninformed as to the new forum software as I was before the rollout. There's no doubt he's trying to fix things and is confused beyond all understanding while others(everyone else?) stands around telling the moderators that 'changes/improvements are coming". Every time I visit the homepage I see HolyK online. Where's all the iXsystems people that loaded this POS software and created this mess? Their weekends need to be spent fixing the smelly pile of poo that they created. If working on your weekend isn't "fun" perhaps you shouldn't have pushed the poo out the door. And from what I've heard this isn't the first time the forum has been completely screwed up trying to "fix" things and then walked away when they realized how much the poo stunk.

This just isn't working for me. This is the "straw that broke the camel's back".

William Grzybowski

May 27, 2011
I'll keep it short because we all know what happens here and what doesn't.

I understand the frustation.

But doing that does not seem a grown up way to solve a problem IMHO. As I said before, the contribution of all you guys is as valuable as developers because without it users would be kept in the dark and possibly couldn't use the software.

I am not an iXsystems employee in the common sense, I don't live in USA, I don't participate in every decision and I don't know about the commings and goings about that but I am paid by them to develop FreeNAS.

Tell you what, email me your concerns and forums issues and I will be happy to pass it along to the responsibles.
If you're willing to do that it is [wg] . at . FreeBSD () org


Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012
I appreciate your willingness to help, but I've already made my gripes multiple times to more than 1 person at iXsystems(James got 2 lengthy email from me in the last 9 days) and I've made several posts in the admin section of this forum of my issues as well as complements/complaints/recommendations/ideas back in a thread in January when big promises were made that were then abandoned(note: the thread was closed). There's been no discussion on when my profile/permissions/whatever will be fixed(I don't blame HolyK for this since I know his hands are tied more often than not). I couldn't even send PMs or edit my own post(let alone anyone else's) for 5 days after this forum was updated! The emails I sent James last week gave specific examples of things that are screwed up, and like always, never got a reply or acknowledgement that the email was even received.

Quite frankly, if the feedback I've provided by email and in the forums in the admin section(and this post since its not in the admin section) aren't sufficient, then I'm completely content with moving on. I've made my gripes quite a few times to various people(even back in January I had a rather long post where other people had complaints and improvement ideas that was ultimately closed) and if they haven't gotten that feedback yet then they need to be looking inside their organization and figuring out who is taking the feedback and shoving it under the mattress and disciplining that person(s) accordingly. There comes a point at which incompetence shouldn't be tolerated. I can't vouch for who is and isn't part of FreeNAS officially or what their responsibilities(and what is even within their control) but I've made my comments via email/forum posts/PMs fairly clear.

I know I'm not the first moderator to say goodbye to the forum this month and I also know that I'm not going to be the last.



The issue is that the moderators have had promises made for longer than I've been a member(16 months). It's not that I don't think that change can happen, but the glacial speed at which changes get implemented (if they actually do) doesn't justify my time spent on the forums anymore. I typically checked the forums at least twice a day, and sometimes 5 or more times if I'm helping someone with a specific issue. All sorts of promises were made in January and October. So far things aren't better and right now I'd take the old forum software over the new. At least I could use it. How a moderator ended up with a more broken forum than the average users is.. beyond me.

Here's how I see things in the future(and the past, even the recent past) shows that this isn't likely to change:

1. All the promises that have been made to moderators have mostly been left unfulfilled. And sure, people can keep saying "its coming", but they've been saying that for 2 years. I'm not longer listening when somoeone cries wolf. Show me the wolf and then I'll believe it.
2. The newness of the forum will eventually wear off (has it already?) and we'll be left with a forum that is broken and in whatever condition it happens to be in. I'm a moderator and for a few days I didn't even have permissions that regular users have(I couldn't edit my own signature, edit anyone's post.. even my own). Then things got better(HolyK fixed those 2 issues), then worse. Right now my forum settings are broken(and yes, I realize I'm just 1 person and not that important) but it does demonstrate that the forums should NOT have just been "rolled out without a thought" and then left all weekend to fester. Will more stuff get fixed this weekend? I'm betting there won't be unless HolyK fixes them.

You should probably note that many of us at iX put in extra hours to bring you free stuff because we think it's cool. Sure, there's also a product keeping that afloat, but at the end of the day we care about what we are working on. Many of the developers are so passionate about their code you would think they gave birth to it... So please, give us just a little kudos and praise; it will go a long, long way. :)

HolyKiller is one of very few forum members who has stepped up and provided us with as much administrative assistance as we allowed him to give. The Moderators have also done an excellent job of working with us to tackle the issues as they happened. (Are we experiencing spam issues currently?)

Also note, we planned the roll out, it happened. Life moves on. I personally tested the migration 3 times before assisting Josh in the process to make it live. This was carefully planned as to make sure all google search results correctly forwarded to the new links. (Anyone complaining about internal links being broken lately?). I don't appreciate being publicly ridiculed, as an individual, or a team, (who does really?) - after all the effort and man hours that have been allocated to this project, it is disheartening to read posts like yours. I understand how we got here; but do you recognize some of the immediate benefits we gained by moving forward? The dust has certainly not settled. We still have much planned and an endless list of TODOs. :)

3. As for demotivating, maybe I should stop and ask myself why I log in when the forums are more broken than they were 2 weeks ago(but this is an "upgrade", right?), people are still posting to the wrong sections(How-Tos are for guides, not questions), promises from before I was here(about 16 months ago) are still unfulfilled(and any attempt to ask about them via emails or PMs are unanswered), etc. I don't see why I should donate my time any longer. I'd bet I spend at least 10 hours a week in the forums(and probably more than 20) and I'd bet that the people with the power to get things don't don't spend 1/4 of that time in the forum. Sure, this week they may have spent their fair share, but I bet if it were averaged out over the year, they've probably spent less than an hour a month.
4. When was the last time someone asked a question that was directed at an iXsystems employee in the forum and got no response? Hint: last week.

Then bump the thread. Send a PM, invite alfredperlstein to the conversation if you really feel like cracking a whip down. Even with tapatalk we may miss a post or two, or TL;DR may be taking place. A friendly ping is always welcome.

It's not that the project isn't worth the time. Its that each person values their time differently. Some people (like me) don't have an appreciation for getting continually fed shovels of BS that things are changing/improving/whatever, then nothing for months(years?) Just because we got new forum software doesn't tell me things are changing. It tells me someone knows how to write a check and install some software. In fact, that really sums up exactly what appears to have happened here since it is blatantly obvious that no testing was done with the forum software before making it public. The plan appears to have been "load up the software and we'll fix it later". From the stuff I've been told many of the complaints in the forum are from 2011 and even with this new forum software they still aren't fixed. How much time should I allow for "later"? It's not like old time moderators from 2011 and 2012 weren't promised big changes "later" and they still aren't here. Should I really hang around a forum that has a track record of promises that, when fulfilled, is measured in years?

I didn't see anyone step up to help except for HolyKiller. Which team do you suppose launched All of this gets done by the same team. We also tested the forums, but could not account for one user (You) who seemed to have been punished the most by the upgrade. If you're volunteering to start a Web Quality Assurance Team, I would be very happy to hear that. It's tough to QC stuff you're also working on. An extra set of eyes is always welcome.

I do respect you William. I may have my information wrong, but you seem to be one of the top providers of code to FreeNAS and you aren't even an iXsystem employee. Despite how much things may suck in the forum you're very committed to the project and are okay with swallowing more BS than I am. I hate BS(which is why I hate all politicians). Tell me how crappy things really are, and give me a date you will have them fixed by, and put it in writing. Don't tell me "later" and then walk away(which seems to be the norm with regards to the forum).

Until now, forums have always been at the bottom of my priorty list. Things only got fixed when urgent and brought to my attention. Now it has been placed at the top of my priority list. :)
And I feel bad for Holykiller because he was the "forum technician" and was completely uninformed as to the new forum software as I was before the rollout. There's no doubt he's trying to fix things and is confused beyond all understanding while others(everyone else?) stands around telling the moderators that 'changes/improvements are coming". Every time I visit the homepage I see HolyK online. Where's all the iXsystems people that loaded this POS software and created this mess? Their weekends need to be spent fixing the smelly pile of poo that they created. If working on your weekend isn't "fun" perhaps you shouldn't have pushed the poo out the door. And from what I've heard this isn't the first time the forum has been completely screwed up trying to "fix" things and then walked away when they realized how much the poo stunk.

HolyKiller did great work - but he isn't an employee and we could not grant him the access required to perform a lot of meaningful operations. I personally spent several days with him to get things back on track. I had to switch gears and move to's redesign, which actually still occuring right now. Soon we'll have a re-re-re-launch of that will be yet another step in the right direction. Then it's off to's re-launch, which will then move the forums to #2 on my list. All things considered, I like Xenforo a lot more than vB. And fyi, I ran an Ikonboard when I was 16, PHP-Nuke/Post-Nuke then a heavily modded phpBB forum when I was 18 - but it was just for me and my friends because MySpace was not around at that point. We all moved to Friendster, then MySpace, then Facebook, then Twitter, and now Google Plus (or all of the above). I have a geeky interest in forum software and experience setting up and administering many different options across multiple platforms. However, I have never been involved in a community as active and large as the FreeNAS Community (I'm not worthy!!) - I would greatly appreciate you looking at the forums again and this time think about the amount of effort that must be put in to not only read some of your several page posts, but reply to each of your points in an intelligent way. It feels unfair when you refuse to keep your messages clear and concise and choose to weave these multi-page rants in several different places in the forum. It feels unjust. I could spend my entire day just chatting with you guys about some magical add-on that is somehow revolutioning the art of communication. I could also make installing, configuring, and maintaining forum add-ons a full-time job. For now it's what I do when there's no pending web projects on my plate. As you can see by the new ratings feature I added today. ;-)

vB and Xenforo are MUCH easier than hacking Ikonboard, so in that regard, they are amazing peices of software. However, I always had a lot of trouble with vB and I am not sure why. Perhaps it was too different for me from my phpBB/Ikonboard background. Xenforo feels more friendly to the administrator and because of that I think it will help me help you a lot better than vB did.

This just isn't working for me. This is the "straw that broke the camel's back".

I am so sorry. I will happily escort you to the door, would you like more free software to test before you go? 9.1 Beta is now available, featuring pretty flippin' amazing additions to jails, plugins, the volume manager and much, much more!

Don't lose faith because the forums aren't as shiny as you would have liked them. I stand behind the work I did as well as the additions HolyKiller provided. I realize our forum was never "perfect", but then again, PHP isn't the perfect programming language either. Which is why we ditched M0n0Wall for Django. It's always better to go with technology that "sucks less".

That's a rule to live by if you ask me. :)


Resident Grinch
May 29, 2011
What the hell is this? In the middle of a god damn release, are you guys all high? Knock it off.

It is great and all that you guys over at iX have been focusing on pumping out releases, but you've not been particularly active in the forums, and some of the people who have been shouldering the load here in the forums (ProtoSD, cyberjock, HolyKiller, etc) have been blindsided by the way things have been handled. For someone with a whopping 3 posts to their name to come in and offer such commentary in response to a discussion amongst longtime participants ... well, that's kind of the sort of mistreatment that they're complaining about.


It is great and all that you guys over at iX have been focusing on pumping out releases, but you've not been particularly active in the forums, and some of the people who have been shouldering the load here in the forums (ProtoSD, cyberjock, HolyKiller, etc) have been blindsided by the way things have been handled. For someone with a whopping 3 posts to their name to come in and offer such commentary in response to a discussion amongst longtime participants ... well, that's kind of the sort of mistreatment that they're complaining about.


First off: my last post to the forum was to initiate a program of giving the most vocal complaining mods access to the forum software. However as far as I know no one replied and/or stepped up to volunteer to help run the forums. It appears that granting access, card blanche to fix the forums was not taken up, and instead it fell back onto the shoulders of the development team.

Am I mistaken in that assessment? If so then by all means please point me at the person that was nominated by the mods to help out and contribute towards the forums.


Yes, we truly are in a release! And... Hey, did you know that sshd doesn't work in the latest BETA snapshot on both i386 and amd64?

Do you mind if the team goes to look at that?

I'd apologize for being short, however this is the call I am making. I am asking the team to focus on the software during the release cycle so that the best quality of software can be developed. James and William and all others at iX who can contribute will continue to contribute, however that will be focused on the release at the current time.

I implore those still vexed about forum features and associated hiccups to bear with us and give us until the end of the release to fix various issues.

-Alfred (4 posts and probably a few hundred FreeBSD+FreeNAS commits) Perlstein


Resident Grinch
May 29, 2011

First off: my last post to the forum was to initiate a program of giving the most vocal complaining mods access to the forum software. However as far as I know no one replied and/or stepped up to volunteer to help run the forums. It appears that granting access, card blanche to fix the forums was not taken up, and instead it fell back onto the shoulders of the development team.

Am I mistaken in that assessment? If so then by all means please point me at the person that was nominated by the mods to help out and contribute towards the forums.

His handle is HolyKiller. He had made some very productive changes to the forum but wasn't granted sufficient access to go further. Then one weekend he came in to find that, without any warning or consideration, the old forum had been replaced.

Oh, I'm sorry. You meant were there any FURTHER volunteers? No, because pretty much everyone saw how you treated the last volunteer. Being qualified and competent to make changes to forum software is also a different skill set from being a moderator anyways, which is why HolyKiller was listed as "Forum Technician" or something like that.


Yes, we truly are in a release! And... Hey, did you know that sshd doesn't work in the latest BETA snapshot on both i386 and amd64?

Do you mind if the team goes to look at that?

No, and I'd imagine that you can even manage multiple threads of execution simultaneously like some of the rest of us do.

I'd apologize for being short, however this is the call I am making. I am asking the team to focus on the software during the release cycle so that the best quality of software can be developed. James and William and all others at iX who can contribute will continue to contribute, however that will be focused on the release at the current time.

I implore those still vexed about forum features and associated hiccups to bear with us and give us until the end of the release to fix various issues.

I am guessing that the mods might have responded well to that had it been thrown out there the weekend of the forum upgrade train wreck. Instead you left a void. I spent some time trying to placate annoyed moderators who suddenly found themselves without even basic privileges, but playing apologist for iXsystems is not the role I seek in all this.

Let me be exceedingly clear here: most of these guys are NOT from our world. They're not free software developers and they haven't managed free software coding projects. They don't understand the balancing act necessary to best allocate scarce resources - they were seeing empty promises and perceiving aloof, uncommunicative employees. It doesn't matter what the reality was. If you want them to be happy and to be contributing towards the success of your project, you cannot treat communication with them as a write-only medium.

-Alfred (4 posts and probably a few hundred FreeBSD+FreeNAS commits) Perlstein

Joe (several thousand posts, FreeBSD contributor/committer since before-FreeBSD, and creator of the proximate grandfather of NanoBSD, so chew on that) Greco. :rolleyes:


I was told once by the author of an incredible successful and popular open source project that many of the people who are reading this use everyday, "Never read your project's forums."

I understand his reasoning.

From a developer's standpoint this thread is incredibly demotivating. Sure, there is a lot of paid development on FreeNAS, but there is a lot of unpaid work on it as well. iXsystems does not pay us to go on weekend midnight coding binges, yet that happens nearly every weekend.

I understand how frustrating the forum change was. Especially when it was done drive-by style break the build take the weekend off. As a developer I can understand that frustration, even though I'll admit the forums are very low priority for me.

What happened was several key people had some time and we just cut things over. I stayed late on a Friday, made my wife wait for me at a restraunt. I could've said no to the migration and not done it, but the opportunity was there and I took it.

I understand everyone's frustration. I understand where the forums are in everyone's priority list. It bugs me that due to resource prioritization they are where they are. I'm type A. I want everything perfect.

We have hired some of the top FreeBSD developers to work on FreeNAS. We have hired one of the best open source documentation writers in the world to work on FreeNAS.

We hear and understand your frustrations. Do you understand ours? Our choice is dialing in the forums or dialing in FreeNAS 9. We want that to be pro. We want it to be great. We have to choose between the forums and FreeNAS development, we don't have the resources to do both. We have consciously chosen to address your issues with great software. Hopefully someday we'll have the resources to do both. Right now we had to choose between bringing in Alfred Perstein and bringing in a sysadmin. We chose the former. I stand by it. You're going to love FreeNAS 9.

Things will get better. The forums are on our radar. We have to do it slowly, iteratively, it sucks. Great things are coming. Be mindful of robbing developer momentum. Thanks for your passion. Thanks for your help. Thank you for helping improve the FreeNAS ecosystem.
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