New Freenas build. Must be cheap

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Resident Grinch
May 29, 2011
We hear and understand your frustrations. Do you understand ours?

Again, they're not _my_ frustrations. I've been having to play apologist for iX and FreeNAS devs for awhile now. I probably understand your side of this better than you do, because you've done such a good job of following Vogel's rule. Fortunately, I seek no compensation or acknowledgement, so I'm fully paid off... but I kind of wish that what I was saying was getting through to you guys, but I get the strong impression that what I'm saying is being lumped in as "just another malcontent longtime user" or something like that.


FreeBSD Advocate
Sep 4, 2012
It's getting through, believe me. We're much better software creators than forum admins/mods, that's for damn sure.

It's my fault for letting Marketing proceed without giving the community and mods a chance to participate or even posting a heads-up. As Josh said, there was a chance to move and they convinced me to do so in a passing, "yeah, go for it...", probably while I was working on something else.

For the abrupt forum migration with no notice, I apologize. It won't happen again.



Thanks for the sincere apology Matt.

It's great that you have recognized the mistake made here, however I must caution you that next time you upgrade the forums and not everyone is happy we will have to let you go.

The powers that be have also stated that I might be sacked as well, as well as Josh and James. William will continue to work on the forums, but only under his sock-puppet persona "cyberjock".

I'm very sorry, but it's how we're proceeding with the project.

Now can we get back to the release?



Resident Grinch
May 29, 2011
Drink! Drink! Drink! .... err wait wrong place... "make release!" "make release!" "make release!"


May 28, 2011
It's getting through, believe me. We're much better software creators than forum admins/mods, that's for damn sure.

It's my fault for letting Marketing proceed without giving the community and mods a chance to participate or even posting a heads-up. As Josh said, there was a chance to move and they convinced me to do so in a passing, "yeah, go for it...", probably while I was working on something else.

For the abrupt forum migration with no notice, I apologize. It won't happen again.

You guys worry too much, the forums were in a bad way here every time I visited them. They need work, imho they're impossible to navigate clearly.

If you guys need a suggestions for the forums, I'd be happy to help if I can. I'm heavily involved (as MYstIC G) in FreddysHouse (the carry forward site from the old UK gaming website BarrysWorld). We've been running XenForo there since release, though I'd say in advance I'm no good with themes! :)

That said you don't put the cart before the horse. FreeNAS is an awesome piece of software and that is obviously going to be the focus of attention, anyone who isn't on board with that is missing the point.

If it wasn't for FreeNAS I'd have never never started tinkering with FreeBSD and be sitting here considering how well BSD might run on my main desktop going forward. Keep up the good work chaps, it is appreciated!
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