Jail Mount Points to non-empty destination?


Jan 27, 2019
I do not know if this question is specific to the MineOS plugin/jail as this is my first attempt to do what I'm doing. But I am reinstalling the MineOS plugin. Based on things I found on the interwebs, it was suggested that I created a separate dataset on my pool that mounts to the games/minecraft folder in the jail.
So, in my pool, I created a new dataset (actually a dataset in a dataset) Pool > MineOSDataset > games.
Then I installed the MineOS plugin. Then I went to the jail, stopped the jail, and attempted to create a mount point to the destination /mnt/FreeNASPool1/iocage/jails/mineos/root/var/games/minecraft. However, I get the error "destination must be empty".
What I don't understand is that this folder will never be empty even with a fresh plugin install. There are 4 folders underneath it.
Am I missing something fundamental here about creating mount points? The tutorials I read suggest this is what you do, so at least at some point it must have been possible?
Thanks for any help!
Jul 10, 2016
Yeah, this validation seems to be a feature that was recently introduced in the GUI.

Assuming the directory on your pool where you want to store your Minecraft data is called /mnt/tank/mcdata, you can either add individual mountpoints for each of all the subfolders (archive, backup, import, profiles and servers) or mount from the command line:
iocage stop mineos
iocage fstab -a mineos "/mnt/tank/mcdata /var/games/minecraft nullfs rw 0 0"
iocage start mineos