i can't access Time machine in Nightlies Version


Mar 30, 2022
actually i can create a time machine dataset in stable version ,but i have to use gpu of 11400 in Nightlies version, now it can't work and i will show the steps what i done,if any one know how to do ,pls tell me,thanks!!
1, create a group "TimeMachine" which has smb right
2, create a user "mba" who charge the macbook air backup.
3, create a default dataset "backup"
4, create a sub dataset "m1" under "backup" ,set share type to smb,and add a user "mba" with full controll in acl
5, add a smb share which path is /mnt/hikarupool/backup/m1, and set purpose is Multi-user time machine.
6, restart smb
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after the steps, i try to use macbook to access m1 dataset ,but it tell me have no permission to access:mad: