How to set the timeout for cloud synchronization

Jan 17, 2024
I encountered some problems when using truenas scale's cloud synchronization.
Since my cloud service provider is not in the support list of truenas scale, I used alist to mount my cloud disk as webdav. truenas scale needs to transfer the backup file to the webdav first, and then alist will transfer the file to the cloud disk.
But I found that if my file is too large, truenas scale's cloud synchronization can quickly send the file to alist through webdav, but it will take a long time for alist to send the file to my cloud disk. After a few minutes, truenas scale will think that the file is stuck, and then stop the transmission of the current file and retransmit the file. This caused my cloud backup to retransmit the same file for several days. I would like to know if there is any way to make truenas scale's cloud synchronization more patient and wait for alist to complete the upload. Such as setting a timeout or something else.
Setting the bandwidth limit of truenas scale is useless because alist has to wait for the entire file to be sent to alist through webdav, and then alist will further upload the file to my cloud disk. It is also worth mentioning that only when alist has been uploaded to the cloud disk, he will notify truenas that the scale file has been transferred.
Jan 17, 2024
I find something interesting here cloudsync-fails.
by using the following command, I can set extra option for the cloudsync. As you can see, I set time out to 6 days, which is defininetly enough.
midclt call cloudsync.update 6 '{ "args": "--rc-server-read-timeout 6d --rc-server-write-timeout 6d --timeout 6d" }'