I am able to get it to work, but only if I "manually" start the server by, as root in the jail and in the directory /srv/minecraft, typing in the "java -jar minecraft_server.jar" command. The server starts normally and I can log on and all seems well (without extensive testing).
That begs my question, however, is why it works that way but doesn't seem to start automatically as I infer it should after following cyberjock's tutorial. The only changes I had to make from cyberjocks tutorial were to initially change permissions in the jail (using the recursive check block in the gui) to allow me to copy over the 4 files to the various locations in the jail using CIFS shares. This was done before changing the permissions as stated in the tutorial.
Again, it seems to work but I was wondering if anyone had any clues, based on how I had to get it working, why it won't work as per the tutorial. I guess I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but there is obviously something I don't understand and I'm hoping to gain some insight.
Again, thanks to cyberjock for the tutorial. Without it, I would still be sitting in corner somewhere, rocking, trying to get this thing to work.