Help With Traefik sticky routes


Sep 28, 2023
I currently have a server running TrueNAS as the main node for all my applications, hosted on it as native TrueNAS applications or as the external-service chart on other hosts, via traefik.

Does anyone know a 'supported' way of adding a route to traefik with the sticky label enabled?
I'm currently trying to set up mattermost on a separate host from my TrueNAS, and mapping '' to it, but it fails to connect the required websocket. After digging around for a while, it seems like i'm missing enabling 'sticky mode' on the websocket path (on my case the path was /api/v[0-9]+/websocket).

This discussion on the traefik forum indicates how to do it using kubernetes labels:
But I'm not sure how to apply them on the 'external-application' chart. Is there any way to do this officially or otherwise?

I'm running TrueNAS-SCALE- with Truecharts enabled.