Ok so I got hit with the Java 8 BS and couldn't use the ipmi interface. REALLY!!!!!! I didn't have Java installed before this and it updated to 8 the other night. Anyways, cleared Firefox, added the systems IPs, restarted both the servers and my desktop. I can login and start the Java app for the new X10 system but continue to get the security alert from the older X8 system. :( Anyone else run into this? Can you download an older version?
@pclausen .. Yeah I just decided to order the 64GB DOMs to get them. It's funny since I was on the phone with Supermicro last week and when talking about the DOMs they never stated the 16/32s were being phased out. If I had known that I'd have ordered the 64s sooner. Marbus90 must have an inside source :D
I haven't made up my mind on the vdevs yet. No, I wouldn't do 18 drives as cj did nor would I do 12 in a business environment. I've read the "rules" on the limits and while 6/8/10 are the typical selections 12 isn't likely to be much worse then 10. The system is in my home, I have spare drives on hand for quick swaps and will have backups of the important data. The bulk of the data on the server will be media which can simply be ripped from source again if it were to be lost. That said, I've also given thought to a few other set ups and separating the important data to separate vdevs from the bulk of the data. Still undecided at this time. Might setup a 12 drive vdev, automate an 80% population, pull a drive and rebuild/re-sliver to see for myself. I'm in no rush so I have time to play. :D
The Screws... So it seems there is a shortage on these currently. I'll order some from one of the online vendors but I'm told it's still 2-3 weeks before they arrive on the east coast from California for some reason. I stopped in 3 places who sell used racks looking for a 36" and no one had any screws, or 36" used enclosures. :( Took my name and number saying if any came in they'd call me. Usually get some every few months so hopefully I get a call soon. They had 42s but I don't need anything that large and I can't pick it up myself whereas the 36 still gives me plenty of room and I can put it in the back of the SUV.