Fan Control - SUPERMICRO A2SDi-8C-HLN4F?


Jul 12, 2013

I need your help because I don't really know how to set this up. Searching the net didn't yield any useful results either.
I have the following problem:
Everything runs normally and there are no problems. Now in winter, when I open the window where my NAS is located, it is cold in the room. And then the following alarms constantly appear.
New alerts:
* Fan FAN2 Deasserted Lower Non-recoverable going low : Reading 1200 < Threshold 200 RPM.
* Fan FAN2 Deasserted Lower Critical going low : Reading 1200 < Threshold 400 RPM.
* Fan FANA Deasserted Lower Critical going low : Reading 1900 < Threshold 500 RPM.
* Fan FAN2 Asserted Lower Critical going low : Reading 0 < Threshold 400 RPM.
* Fan FAN2 Asserted Lower Non-recoverable going low : Reading 0 < Threshold 200 RPM.
* Fan FANA Asserted Lower Critical going low : Reading 500 < Threshold 500 RPM.
* Fan FAN3 Asserted Lower Critical going low : Reading 400 < Threshold 400 RPM.
* Fan FAN3 Deasserted Lower Critical going low : Reading 1400 < Threshold 400 RPM.
* Fan FAN2 Deasserted Lower Non-recoverable going low : Reading 1200 < Threshold 200 RPM.

It's clear that you don't need to turn the 3 fans up so high because everything gets colder, but the alarms are annoying.
I found the following command on the net (I think it even comes from the forum here). It doesn't seem to work somehow or I'm implementing it incorrectly.

ipmitool raw 0x30 0x70 0x66 0x01 0x00 0x32

I have 3 fans connected to FAN2, FAN3 and FANA.

mynas001# ipmitool sensor | grep -E "^FAN|^CPU Temp"
CPU Temp         | 51.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 0.000     | 0.000     | 0.000     | 88.000    | 93.000    | 93.000
FAN1             | na         |            | na    | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
FAN2             | 1200.000   | RPM        | ok    | 200.000   | 400.000   | 600.000   | 1300.000  | 1400.000  | 1500.000
FAN3             | 600.000    | RPM        | nc    | 200.000   | 400.000   | 600.000   | 1600.000  | 1700.000  | 1800.000
FANA             | 1900.000   | RPM        | nc    | 300.000   | 500.000   | 700.000   | 1900.000  | 2000.000  | 2100.000

I am very grateful for any tips.


Nov 3, 2014
This worked for me. Adjust as-needed.

I had to play around with the thresholds a bit until the errors would stop.

ipmitool -H <yourmanagementIP> -U ADMIN -P <yourmgmtpassword> sensor thresh FAN3 lower 50 100 150