Downloading/Restoring Specific Sections of an Encrypted Backup (With Encrypted Names)


May 8, 2019
I've started backing up my server to cloud storage. At the time I thought encrypted with encrypted file names was the way to go. Obviously its the most secure, however, I started really thinking about what restoration would be like and while it will be easy enough to restore the entire backup, I'm not sure if there is a good way to prioritize sections. Ex. I have a media dataset, but maybe I want to prioritize the videos folder inside it. Is there an easy way to figure out/decrypt the file/folder name with the key/hash in hand? Or is it going to be more effort than its worth? Maybe I should restart with names unencrypted?

Thoughts? Thank you for your time.


May 8, 2019
Nothing huh? Well, unless someone pipes up, then for anyone else who runs across this wondering the same things. Its going to be annoying, but my plan now is to use exceptions to break my backups into multiple parts with the items I think I may want to prioritize in their own individual backup tasks pointed to labeled destination folders in the cloud. So I'll know in broad strokes what is in them even though the actual files and directory names are encrypted.