Deleting Nexcloud Pluging without deleting data?


Sep 3, 2023
I am a noob that self-hosts their own Next-cloud Instance. I just recently tried to Update the Nextcloud Plugin and I got the error that updates between major versions aren't supported.

So researching arround the forum led me to the realization that plugins aren't supported and I should install Next-cloud with this script.

I want to keep my Next-Cloud Data, so what do I have to delete? Will the new install detect my data and configs? If now how do I fix that? I assume the data in either the Jail or the Pool and I can safely remove the plugin, is that correct?

I am finding TrueNas very technical and would like to migrate to something like Debian+CasaOS. Since that would involve only changing the boot drive could a setup like that detect my data stored in the HDDs?