Configuring Docker apps for multiple TrueNAS users


Mar 5, 2021
I recently got my TrueNAS system and I'd like to configure PhotoPrism for each family member.

PhotoPrism doesn't currently support multiple users, so I'm thinking of running one instance for each user. Thus, I have a storage layout like:
  • pool0
    • user_a (dataset)
      • photos (dataset)
    • user_b (dataset)
      • photos (dataset)
    • user_c (dataset)
      • photos (dataset)

Then under Sharing, I have 3 NFS shares:
  • /mnt/pool0/user_a/photos
  • /mnt/pool0/user_b/photos
  • /mnt/pool0/user_c/photos

Now I'm working on the Virtual Machine / Docker host.

My current thinking is to have 3 distinct VMs, one for each user. Each VM would mount a different NFS share, and each instance of PhotoPrism would use its own NFS mount for storage.

One obvious downside would be the overhead of 3 VMs when I could probably accomplish the same thing with a single VM and multiple PhotoPrism containers within a `docker-compose.yml`.

So my current questions are:
  1. is this a dumb approach and what would make more sense?
  2. when I run `sudo mount -t nfs /mnt`, why do I get "Couldn't follow remote path"?
  3. once I solve #2 (I assume it's some ownership issue), would it be more robust to use `freenas.local` as a hostname instead of an IP address?