SOLVED checksum validation failed

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Apr 23, 2013
Please for the love of god , someone help me... I have put too much faith into FreeNAS and all my family photos are on this thing.

it was running fine, i shut it down for a few days and now it won't boot.

9.10.2-U5 from a USB stick..

6 x 1tb drives as data

when it boots, it gets the the GNU GRUB boot screen and it starts its count down after count down on the highlighted FreeNAS (9.10.2-U5) it
immediately gives me 4 error messages of the same type.

error: checksum verification failed.
error: checksum verification failed.
error: checksum verification failed.
error: checksum verification failed.

press any key to continue...

I have tried moving the usb stick to another usb port.. nothing..
i have tried verbose mode, still nothing

I am extremely sick to my stomach now (have i lost everything ?) what do I tell my family?

Someone said that i could just simply install FreeNAS 9.10.2-U5 onto another usb stick and import the pools , is that true? if so how?
Also I cannot find a download for 9.10.2-u5 so how would i install it onto another stick the file i had is on the share i created. can i use the later version?
or do I have to use 9.10.2-u5 ?? Please oh please help...
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Feb 18, 2014
9.10.2-u5 is here for download. It seems likely that your USB is corrupt. So you could try making another stick after downloading the iso again. If you can again successfully boot with a new stick upload your old configuration file if you saved it - if not manually reconfigure FreeNAS. If you followed the normal conventions for your original installation your data should be safe.

The information requested by @Bostjan above will help people here understand your situation. Also please describe your hardware and the setup of your pool on your disks.


Aug 19, 2017
take a deep breath :)

okey to start with your boot drive(s) and storage pools are separate, if you lost your FreeNAS boot drive don't necessarily mean you lost your data. USB sticks aren't ideal as boot devices, they tend to fail regularly ^^ but they are cheap and replacing them is easy.

So what you need to do is to make sure you have a good USB drive, easiest way is to buy a new one ^^ (i use them up as candy)

Install 9.10.2-U5 to a new USB key (so you will need at least 2, I would get 3 and run a mirror boot pool). It might not be a bad idea to disconnect your storage drives just to make sure you don't do anything bad during install.

Then when you have FreeNAS up and running again you read back the saved config, you did save a config right? if you didn't, you have to reconfigure the machine yourself.

At this point you can import your storage pool again and everything should be fine.

The beauty of ZFS is that your data is safe as long as your drives don't die on you beyond your redundancy level, backups are sure to be intact. Speaking of witch, it might be a good time now to start looking into a offsite backup solution. That way you wont lose all those pictures if you for some reason lose the machine or the array.


Jun 28, 2014
It might depend on your FreeNAS version, but in some cases the config is also backed up into the pool. In that case, once you get access to the pool, you can restore the prior config.


Apr 23, 2013
FIRST I want to SAY thank you for everyone that has reached out.., great community i wasnt expecting so soon..

I have a linuxMint Small Form Factor PC (HP dc7600), i installed ZFS tools on it, using the sudo apt-get install zfs command,
after that i plugged in the PNY USB stick into this system, first thing i did was mkdir /tmp/freenas_usb then I ran the lsblk command
to find the device, which was /dev/sdb so i issued the command xdd if=/dev/sdb of=/tmp/freenas_usb/freenas8gb.img bs=64K status=progress
this made an exact image of the pny usb stick for backup purposes.

then I switched to root and then issued the zpool import command

i was able to see the freenas-boot filesystem as well as the mike_volume , both showed online and no errors,
#root@:~ # zpool import

  pool: freenas-boot
  id: 14146660498753067820
state: ONLINE
status: Some supported features are not enabled on the pool.
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier, though
some features will not be available without an explicit 'zpool upgrade'.

freenas-boot ONLINE
gptid/ccf6de20-02b9-11f7-b31b-00185d01d640 ONLINE

then I issued the
#root@:~ # mkdir /tmp/freenas
#root@:~ # zpool import -R /tmp/freenas freenas-boot

then checked the status
#root@:~ # zpool status -v

pool: freenas-boot
state: ONLINE
status: One or more devices has experienced an error resulting in data
corruption. Applications may be affected.
action: Restore the file in question if possible. Otherwise restore the
entire pool from backup.

then i listed the zfs list
#root@:~ # zfs list

freenas-boot														  1.71G 7.6G 31K none
freenas-boot/ROOT											   1.67G 7.6G 25K none
freenas-boot/ROOT/FreeNAS-9.3-STABLE-201702250051 4.46M 7.6G 515M /tmp/freenas
freenas-boot/ROOT/FreeNAS-9.3-STABLE-201702160044 5.55M 7.6G  517M /tmp/freenas
freenas-boot/ROOT/FreeNAS-9.3-STABLE-201702282017 1.66G 7.6G  517M /tmp/freenas
freenas-boot/ROOT/Initial-Install					   1K 7.6G  507M legacy
freenas-boot/ROOT/Wizard-2017-02-25_05:05:54 1K 7.6G  507M legacy
freenas-boot/ROOT/Wizard-2017-02-25_05:27:47 1K 7.6G  507M legacy
freenas-boot/ROOT/default								 504K 7.6G  508M legacy
freenas-boot/grub												 27.2M 7.6G 6.80M legacy

then I ran
#root@:~ # zfs get all
#root@:~ # zfs get all freenas-boot/ROOT/FreeNAS-9.3-STABLE-201702282017

so then i ran
#root@:~ # zfs mount freenas-boot/ROOT/FreeNAS-9.3-STABLE-201509282017
#root@:~ # ls /tmp/freenas

.cshrc  .profile .rnd  COPYRIGHT bin
boot  cfg  conf  data  dev
entropy etc  home  lib libexec
media mnt  nonexistent proc  rescue
root  sbin sys tmp usr

so now I can see the /data folder

so I then i attempted to save the /data folder and files
#root@:~ # mkdir /tmp/recover
#root@:~ # mount -t ext2fs /dev/da1s1 /tmp/recover
#root@:~ # cp -R /tmp/freenas/data /tmp/recover/
#read fail  /tmp/freenas/data/freenas-v1.db

i received read errors on the freenas-v1.db file,, YEP THE DATABASE file that is FreeNAS configuration..

so after reading all your comments I tried few things..

1. i downloaded the 9.10.2-u5 iso (thank you garm! and redcoat)
2. i burned it to a disk and booted my linuxmint machine to that disk
3. i did a install/upgrade onto the existing pny usb stick, and told it do upgrade the same version (did not format)
3a this said i would keep the database intact and upgrade and put the database back when complete.
4. after the upgrade was complete i shut down that linuxmint system and moved the pny usb stick into the NAS server.

This time it got further, passing through the countdown and onto most of the visual items you see during bootup.. however
it said it was runaway on /tty0 and i could see massive amount of script errors py.xxxxx or py.yyyyy just all kinds of trash I didnt understand
but knew i never seen it before during boot.

so back to the linuxmint system

1. boot cd insert NEW USB stick (16GB)
2. install/upgrade to new stick
3. complete install (FORMAT)
4. after the fresh install complete, shut down the linuxmint system and moved the NEW usb stick to the nas server.

it booted all the way up.. to a normal prompt, with of course a new IP..

accessing the new IP via webpage, i couldnt figure out where to change the IP , so back to the console and did it that way.
changing bge1 to the static ip that i wanted..

importing ... well i was confused on which to do, import disk or import volume, first i tried disks, as it said 5TB
however it was asking me what filesystem and zfs was not one of them.. so i knew that was wrong..
so i exited that and chose import volume, this time it asked encrypted zfs or not ? mine was not, it said importing...
once it completed i could see all the volumes , WOW! THEY ARE THERE!!!!!!
so i started the SMB service and pointed to the SMB share i had created before and was able to see my data!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG!! i was so gitty HELL YA , this is cool. there is my data i was so scared i had lost.. turns on the ZFS is pretty stable, yet the usb
isnt to be trusted.

so now its a matter of configuring the ftp and trying to remember the jails and nextcloud way i did things, needless to say, i have already made a backup config file onto my current PC.. i have searched and searched but cannot find the db file backup i did months ago. so i am ass out with
just having to reconfigure.. which is ok, ill accept that. I will also invest on a 4 or 6TB USB drive as a backup to my backups. :)

now i know about how powerful the dd command is, once configured i will use the dd command to make an image of the USB drive and have a spare USB stick on hand to image and have FreeNAS back up and running in a matter of moments. I think what ill end up doing is moving all the data over to the NEW USB 4-6TB drive and installing the newer FreeNAS 11 version and rebuild the pool and shares, ftp, etc.. I cannot seem to find anything that says i can do a direct upgrade from 9.10.2 to 11.x

AGAIN! Thank you all for your help and having me take a deep breath i needed that.
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Documentation Engineer
Nov 14, 2014
To avoid gambling with irreplaceable data again, please make a full external backup. Keep it off-site. FreeNAS protects against some types of hardware failure. It is not a backup.


Apr 23, 2013
printscreen please

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
To avoid gambling with irreplaceable data again, please make a full external backup. Keep it off-site. FreeNAS protects against some types of hardware failure. It is not a backup.

well i was using amazon, then they JACKED UP the price for storing my data., i created the NAS so i have more control over my data and you are right, i willl get a external drive and hook it up and see if i can figure a way to sync data to it.


Feb 18, 2014


Mar 24, 2014
I had 9.10.something and my USB died. I just downloaded 11.something instaled it on new USB imported the pool and my old config file and everything woked. Including jails.

I recomend that now that everything is still fresh in your head that you do the same and upgrade to 11 (fresh new install).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Apr 23, 2013
BTW does anyone know if i can go directly to 11.x without having to dismantle my current setup or will i have to start fresh?


Apr 23, 2013
I had 9.10.something and my USB died. I just downloaded 11.something instaled it on new USB imported the pool and my old config file and everything woked. Including jails.

I recomend that now that everything is still fresh in your head that you do the same and upgrade to 11 (fresh new install).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
so you cannot upgrade but can do a fresh install on a new USB stick and then ? what restore the 9.10.x ? once its backup


Mar 24, 2014
I recomend fresh. You still have working old USB around just in case - but just for initial setup.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Apr 23, 2013
I recomend fresh. You still have working old USB around just in case - but just for initial setup.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ok, so then once its up, i restore the backup db i been saving?
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