8.0.4 coming soon...

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From 8.0.3-p1 to 8.0.4-BETA1 with FreeNAS-8.0.4-BETA1-x86.GUI_Upgrade.xz

What happens if you do the following?

1. Transfer over the file to /mnt/tank
2. Execute 'xzcat /mnt/tank/path/to/upgrade.xz | sh -x /root/update && touch /data/need-update && shutdown -r now'



Ok. So it's another issue with uploading / installing the image... I'll jot that down for later. I've seen it before a handful of times in the past, mostly dealing with scenarios where the webserver couldn't write to the temporary store, but this is different as the logs didn't report that /var was full, etc.


I don't see many comments about how 8.0.4 is working, or not working. Is anyone using it? Garrett, have you been getting some testing responses?

No real responses so far (just one), but I see that 1800 downloads have been done on the SF site.

I just got home from work travel so I can possibly play with 8.0.4 tomorrow and give you some feedback but first time to spend some time with the wife and family.

Family comes first of course.

My current feedback is for advertising the Beta product is available for download:
1) Links to 8.0.4 are at the bottom of your Release Notes page (very long page), would be nice to see something at the top stating the links are at the bottom of the page.


2) No MM build? Thought you would be posting one. I'd think you would get a few more testers if they knew they could get a little MM going.

There is one: https://sourceforge.net/projects/freenas/files/FreeNAS-8.0.4-multimedia/

Ismael Duarte

Jun 13, 2011
Ok. So it's another issue with uploading / installing the image... I'll jot that down for later. I've seen it before a handful of times in the past, mostly dealing with scenarios where the webserver couldn't write to the temporary store, but this is different as the logs didn't report that /var was full, etc.

First time to me, I've done the GUI upgrade a lot of time without any problem.


Jun 7, 2011
On support.freenas.org I saw that the included samba got bumpted to 3.6.3 on trunk
Is there any change that this version of samba will also make it into FreeNAS 8.0.4, as this version of samba has some important bugfixes.


On support.freenas.org I saw that the included samba got bumpted to 3.6.3 on trunk
Is there any change that this version of samba will also make it into FreeNAS 8.0.4, as this version of samba has some important bugfixes.

I'm seriously debating whether or not to do it in 8.0.4. I'm going to talk with some of the other iX folks before doing it..


I'm seriously debating whether or not to do it in 8.0.4. I'm going to talk with some of the other iX folks before doing it..

Ok. Got buy-in from jpaetzel and I think it's a good idea, so 3.6.3 will be in 8.0.4.

Going to do some integration tests with a build from scratch, then once that's ok I'll start the official BETA2 builds (multimedia and non-multimedia spins) tonight.

Joshua Parker Ruehlig

Hall of Famer
Dec 5, 2011
FreeNAS 8.0.4 64bit

I noticied my freenas box is only utilizing around 1GB of its 16GB of ram. In 8.0.3 it would boot and immediately utilize 12GB, I'm assumming using prefetch. I commented out the last 3 lines in /boot/loader.conf and rebooted and my vm.kmem_size_max / vfs.zfs.arc_max went to higher values (checked with zfs-stat) but my ram still refused to be used up.

Can you list out the things you tuned for lower spec'd machines? I just want to use all my ram again like 8.0.3 did, thanks!


Jun 7, 2011

Thx for the effort, looking forward to upgrade in the weekend :)


FreeNAS 8.0.4 64bit

I noticied my freenas box is only utilizing around 1GB of its 16GB of ram. In 8.0.3 it would boot and immediately utilize 12GB, I'm assumming using prefetch. I commented out the last 3 lines in /boot/loader.conf and rebooted and my vm.kmem_size_max / vfs.zfs.arc_max went to higher values (checked with zfs-stat) but my ram still refused to be used up.

Can you list out the things you tuned for lower spec'd machines? I just want to use all my ram again like 8.0.3 did, thanks!

The following three items are the only ones I tuned for lower spec machines:


I'll see if I can get our GUI guru (william) to make the entries visible in the GUI under the tunables section. These values can be overridden via the 'Tunables' support (it's called 'Loaders' in 8.0.x -- sorry for the confusion) noted here: http://doc.freenas.org/index.php/Tunables . This is the preferred method as it will always survive upgrades, whereas entering values into /boot/loader.conf will not.

You will need to reboot the box after making these changes as these are boot-time tunables -- not runtime tunables (sysctls).

I'm writing up a living doc which describes what needs to be set and tweaked in order to get good performance with FreeBSD as a base OS (it's geared towards FreeNAS/TrueNAS, but the general recommendations should apply to FreeBSD as well). We'll need to add more notes on how to tweak the protocols to go faster as well.


I updated the release date to 02/24, because it took a bit longer than I expected to figure out the shadow copy support issue. I want to provide performance recommendations for FreeNAS, so that's the reason why I'm sticking to the 02/24 date.

I'll try and throttle the commits so we can polish up what we have right now and shoot for 8.0.4-RC1 (tentatively Sunday/Monday) and -- finally -- 8.0.4-RELEASE.

Joshua Parker Ruehlig

Hall of Famer
Dec 5, 2011
thanks for the detailed info! I would love if I could do this all in the gui like you said. Thanks for all your work

k, I removed my edits to /boot/loader.conf and set..


In the gui under add loaders, hopefully everything will work when I reboot

gui settings worked, but it seems FreeNAS still isn't using memory like it used too. In 8.3 as soon as I booted it, FreeNAS took 6GB memory. Then it crept up to 14GB.

I'll try hitting my box with request and see if it starts eating into ram now. zfs-status -A (arc summary) seems favorable with 14431.90M for target arc size.

Started streaming some video files and memory use spiked to 11.3GB, I'm happy =]


Grr.. made a rookie mistake and forgot to enable MULTIMEDIA support in BETA2 -_-.. I'm going to yank the dang builds because they're no different from the regular ones.


Old Man
May 28, 2011
Grr.. made a rookie mistake and forgot to enable MULTIMEDIA support in BETA2 -_-.. I'm going to yank the dang builds because they're no different from the regular ones.
Don't you love it when a plan comes together. Hey, we all make mistakes, no big deal. I'll be looking for it. I have Saturday to test it out unless I get drafted to work on the car. Depends on the weather right now.

EDIT: Also, I agree that the builds are really no different and if you put out a single version to which the user still has to enable the extra features, that "should" be fine since they are not actually running until that occurs. I'd say you get a lot of folks testing the MM builds already so it's pretty sound.



Don't you love it when a plan comes together. Hey, we all make mistakes, no big deal. I'll be looking for it. I have Saturday to test it out unless I get drafted to work on the car. Depends on the weather right now.

EDIT: Also, I agree that the builds are really no different and if you put out a single version to which the user still has to enable the extra features, that "should" be fine since they are not actually running until that occurs. I'd say you get a lot of folks testing the MM builds already so it's pretty sound.

Thanks man :). Unfortunately I need to go fix the plist because it's busted when I try and make the package for the new version of transmission. Lame duck... well, here's to another quick weekend project I suppose! I'll update folks tonight / tomorrow on my progress.
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