Zombie transmission plugin that won't delete

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May 21, 2014
So I'm at the point where the jails storage volume no longer exists, there are no other plugins, but I can't delete the transmission plugin. This is the result of at least one (I wasn't keeping good notes) attempt to install/delete/reinstall the plugin.

I suspect that I need to blow away the plugins part of the FreeNAS DB and start again, but for the love of all that is storage: how? While I'm pretty literate on most things, I'll need exact instructions on how to do things like safely drop plugins_plugins and so on. I presume if I'm not worried about preserving anything plugin related this should be fairly simple and it won't cause the rest of the install to bork. I'm equally at home with CLI or GUI.

I *really* don't want to have to factory reset and then manually set up everything again. (Factory reset and load from backup .db obviously just propagated the problem.)

ix Systems FreeNAS Mini, FreeNAS-



Sep 13, 2014
I know this is probably a bit late to help you, but the same thing happened to me and I thought it might be helpful to have this information out there.

This is ridiculous and dangerous and not recommended at all, but here it is:

First of all, I deleted everything in my jails. I did something along this line:

sudo rm -rf /mnt/NAS/jails

Be careful, obviously.

I had to reboot in order to stop processes from touching these locations.

Then I went into the storage tab on the web UI, selected the jails dataset, and clicked the "Destroy Dataset" button at the bottom of the page.

Then, insanely, I went into the the freenas-v1 database and deleted the last reference to the plugin.

In an ssh session:

sqlite3 /data/freenas-v1.db

then in the sqlite> prompt

delete from plugins_plugins;

Note that this will delete all references to all plugins. You can tweak the SQL to be more specific.

Then it was gone. After that, I had a weird issue with installing new plugins which I resolved by setting the nameservers under the network tab to and These are Google's domain name servers. I have absolutely no idea why this worked, but I found the suggestion here:


I don't know if this will work for anybody else, but figuring out how to do this was not easy.
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