updated to FreeNAS 11.2 RC1 and can't find my plex jail

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Sep 25, 2016
I run plex in a jail i created with a video tutorial without realy understanding what i did.

it worked fine for a long time and it is still running after updating to 11.2 rc1 but i cant find it in the gui
i know it is working cause i can use it and its online remoteley even.

just the jailt tab where it should be is grey as i dont have anny jails suposedly.
so i am puzzeled
even the smb share i made is working i can brows thhe file of my plex dataset.

the problem is I want to migrate the jail to an SSD or even a windows 10 OS inside a VM for faster updates and i am way better in windows shit.
i want to keep all my settings and movie data like what we have seen and stuff like that.

the whole reason i migrated to 11.2 rc1 is so that i could bring over the(plex) jail from my 9.10 instalation. and run a windows 10 vm on the same box


Aug 7, 2016
I run plex in a jail i created with a video tutorial without realy understanding what i did.

it worked fine for a long time and it is still running after updating to 11.2 rc1 but i can't find it in the gui
i know it is working cause i can use it and its online remoteley even.

just the jailt tab where it should be is grey as i don't have anny jails suposedly.
so i am puzzeled
even the smb share i made is working i can brows thhe file of my plex dataset.

the problem is I want to migrate the jail to an SSD or even a windows 10 OS inside a VM for faster updates and i am way better in windows crap.
i want to keep all my settings and movie data like what we have seen and stuff like that.

the whole reason i migrated to 11.2 rc1 is so that i could bring over the(plex) jail from my 9.10 instalation. and run a windows 10 vm on the same box
So you upgraded from 9.1 to 11.2? The entire jails system is being upgraded. You have a jail built with the warden system, we are moving to the iocage system. The new UI only works with the iocage jails. If you login to the legacy UI, you will still see your jail.
The good news is that you can convert your warden jail to an iocage jail and then update the jail from 9.1 to 11.2. Search the forum for warden migration script. Most all of the issues with the conversion script have been resolved so it's a fairly smooth operation.


Sep 25, 2016
okay didnt know that ... so many problems


Aug 7, 2016
No problems, just updating things to a newer more flexible system. With 12.0 we will (hopefully) massive improvements in options and flexibility for bhyve and jails. Configurable resource management for one. Potentially PCIe passthrough for bhyve. The future of FreeBSD is bright! FreeNAS just needs to catch up.
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