Hi all Freenas users,
I would like to ask you on your opinion, if is worth to update to freenas 8 or not. Currently i am at freenas 0.7.2 and i was happy with it till i installed on my mac new OSX Lion. And because the version of netatalk in Freenas 0.7 and OS X AFP implementation are incopatible, i am without AFP. So i would like to upgrade to freenas 8.0.1 this week where will be netatalk 2.2.
As far as i know, there is no transmission GUI client (only command after manual install) and no webserver (witho no easy alternative to install) in freenas 8.
Another option is stay with 0.7.2 and wait for 8.1 (release date unknown).
But I have also buyed some new HDD and i want to make ZFS raid from 4x1TB hdd. I am afraid, that when i wil create zpool on 0.7.2 I wouldnt by able to easy upgrade to 8.*** and that would be a huge problem if i will need to destroy the zpool.
So i am having a dilemma what to do....
every comment appreciated
I would like to ask you on your opinion, if is worth to update to freenas 8 or not. Currently i am at freenas 0.7.2 and i was happy with it till i installed on my mac new OSX Lion. And because the version of netatalk in Freenas 0.7 and OS X AFP implementation are incopatible, i am without AFP. So i would like to upgrade to freenas 8.0.1 this week where will be netatalk 2.2.
As far as i know, there is no transmission GUI client (only command after manual install) and no webserver (witho no easy alternative to install) in freenas 8.
Another option is stay with 0.7.2 and wait for 8.1 (release date unknown).
But I have also buyed some new HDD and i want to make ZFS raid from 4x1TB hdd. I am afraid, that when i wil create zpool on 0.7.2 I wouldnt by able to easy upgrade to 8.*** and that would be a huge problem if i will need to destroy the zpool.
So i am having a dilemma what to do....
every comment appreciated