Unable to get bridge working


Mar 10, 2023
I'm kinda smacking my head into the wall on this one.

Now, I've learned that it's nearly impossible to setup a bridge and have it stick in the webUI. It will basically time out and reset it self. So off to the console "1 Configure Network Interfaces".

So I manage to get it to look like this.

I want a properly bridge network so that I can basically get to the NAS from the VM's. A perfectly normal thing to want to do. I want my VM's to consume the services I actually deploy on the NAS.

Which from what I understand should work perfectly. It doesn't.
- I loose all access to the webui on Truenas.
- The True nas host is not pingable on
- From the Truenas linux shell I can not ping anything.
- And obviously I have no access to my VM's or any other service on the NAS now. Because the network is basically broken.
So basically I have no networking at all.

Now If I remove the bridge in the cli the webui comes back to life. I can ping etc.
- But now the VM's are effectively pointless.


Anyone else run into this brick wall? And if so how did you fix it?

By the way. This bridge should be a checkbox. I know people have issues with VM's seeing the host. This is why it's optional.


Powered by Neutrality
Jan 1, 2016
Now, I've learned that it's nearly impossible to setup a bridge and have it stick in the webUI. It will basically time out and reset it self.
This is not correct. It works fine from the GUI if you do it right.

I want a properly bridge network so that I can basically get to the NAS from the VM's.
I can't see from your screenshots what member interface you set in the bridge (if any). You need to have enp0s3 as a bridge member or nothing will work.


Mar 10, 2023
This is not correct. It works fine from the GUI if you do it right.
Because I lose access to the interface I no longer am present a save and keep style option. So it times out and resets. I've seen the videos of it working for people and I go tit to work on a completely different machine. But since the interface is no longer accessible once you "test" it resets for me.

So No on my setup I can not use the gui. I have to use the terminal.
I can't see from your screenshots what member interface you set in the bridge (if any). You need to have enp0s3 as a bridge member or nothing will work.
enp0s3 is the bridge member.

Traffic forwarding simply does not work.

Now when I try this on a completely different host I got the bridge to work. Using exactly the same process. This is a new development btw. I'm most likely going to rebuild the host. As I no longer trust the install. I'm working on the assumption that I must have mangled something while trying to figure out why VM's had no access to the host. Only to learn I needed a bridge. My hand is up for this to be stream lined in the gui. Because it is not at all obvious this is where you need to go to get VM's functional. And by Functional I mean having VM's being able to access mass storage.

Bridging is proving to be pretty flaky.


Powered by Neutrality
Jan 1, 2016
Only to learn I needed a bridge. My hand is up for this to be stream lined in the gui. Because it is not at all obvious this is where you need to go to get VM's functional. And by Functional I mean having VM's being able to access mass storage.
Do you mean this? (I guess it's the page of the docs that you didn't read)



Mar 10, 2023
Do you mean this? (I guess it's the page of the docs that you didn't read)

I'll respond to the bait, for the benefit of others trying to sort this out.

I eventually did read that post. But in order to find it I had to actually know what sort of problem I was having in the first place. Which leads down numerous threads of people asking for help and the various tangents of the topic those lead down. The net result is in most cases people like myself will try a lot of different things trying to debug the situation.

Only to find a core configuration that is genuinely unexpected. Clearly myself and a lot of other people out there have had this. There's youtube video's on the subject.

A primary use case does involve VM's utilising mass storage to persist data. So when you smack into this, it can be quite confusing. It is confusing, lets be honest.

Now the instructions on the post should work. But in reality I would use the CLI for this every time from now on when playing with network settings. One little network hickup and it's going to take a ridiculous amount of time trying to work it out. Losing access to the web UI just when an unseen timer kicks off that resets what you just did is not at all intuitive. Because when the UI does come back what you were just working on is gone. This is frustrating. I'm sure this has led more than one person down the road to a rebuild out of frustration. Where as the console level network configurator doesn't suffer from this issue.

I'd also like to see a warning popup when provision new VM's in the UI if no bridge is detected. Advising people of potential lack of connectivity.

Now that all said.

I still have the issue with that 1 machine. It's looking like a defect at this point. Because I have now managed to replicate a working scenario on a couple of nuc's and standalone PC. It's just this one machine where it falls down. And I'm willing to leave it at that for now. Swapping out the motherboard and CPU for another set is the next step. Not that I think they are bad. More I think they aren't properly supported by the OS/kernel/micro code or something. Since I know that main board works just fine with KVM under RHEL/CENTOS and Debian.

Now that I can replicate the issue I will try to narrow it down and post the intel when I find it. I just simply don't have enough info to raise a bug that anyone would be able to action. I have some theories but they are just that atm. Most of them revolve around the 2.5G nic and how well it's supported. But the nic is just guess work at this point. No evidence to support that theory yet. It has to be evaluated.


Powered by Neutrality
Jan 1, 2016
I was reminded by a bug ticket I was looking at for VM/bridge that if you have apps running, you need to stop them before you configure the bridge (also any running VMs)... maybe that helps?


Jul 27, 2023
Made an account to
I was reminded by a bug ticket I was looking at for VM/bridge that if you have apps running, you need to stop them before you configure the bridge (also any running VMs)... maybe that helps?
Made an account to reply and say that this is what helped me get my bridge created after many days of trying to figure out why nothing I did worked. It pays to read the documentation carefully :)


Jan 4, 2023
I was reminded by a bug ticket I was looking at for VM/bridge that if you have apps running, you need to stop them before you configure the bridge (also any running VMs)... maybe that helps?
Please help me, I have closed all apps and the cpu does not support virtual machines. But I still can't successfully set up the bridge interface







I can't access web ui again until it times out


Powered by Neutrality
Jan 1, 2016
Are you pressing "p" on that last screen to persist the changes?