Unable to access shares after upgrade to 9.3-BETA

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Nov 22, 2014
I've just upgraded my FreeNAS to 9.3-BETA but now have two problems that may be related.

1. Can not resolve the Hostname but can ping the IP address. Was able to resolve before the upgrade and nothing has changed on my network
2. Can not access any of the shares. FreeNAS is showing them in the GUI and all appears to be ok no problems being reported. But can not access the shares evening using my IP address.

I am only using CIFS share due to mixed environment of Windows and MACs.

I switched of the CIFS service but now can not start it back up. Can anyone assist?

Thanks in Advance!


Jun 13, 2013
Do you have a software firewall on you PC MAC that would prevent it from seeing the network shares?
Do you have Files and network discovery enables in Windows?

Try to access the share as follow:
in file explorer:


or use the IP address of the system where Freenas is installed:

If share is up and running and you have proper address then it will show.

If still unsuccessful, go to Services, and access CIFS options.
Select amongst option the Bind IP address to be the same as you Freenas IP address.
Check the protocols too.
If everything fails, check you have DHCP enable on FREENAS and that it advertise the IP address you think it should be using. Check with DHCP allocation on your router and make sure it is setup properly too.


Nov 22, 2014
Thanks Apollo,

Firewalls disabled on both Windows and Mac, network discovery also enabled on Windows PC. The only thing I did not have selected is bind to IP. It is now but still can not get CIFS to start. I get an error message flash up "Unable to Start", but don't know how to access the logs.

The only change was the upgrade to 9.3-Beta. Previously everything was working a treat. Also can not get Plex plugin to start. I'm sure it's all related but can't figure out what is causing it.


Jun 13, 2013
I had a similar issue with Plex jail not starting, and I think I had to do some of the following: (I am currently doing it under but should be similar under 9.3beta)

Go to Jails->Configuration:

Make sure all is setup.

Then: Jails->View Jails:
Select Plexmediaserver jail and at the bottom of screen press the Stop icon.
Repeat step with Start icon.

Then: Plugins->Installed:
Select ON.

Hopefully this will fix the issue with plugins.

Try CIFS again and see if helps.
Otherwise, I would go through the entire Freenas features in the GUI and try to spot IP related issues. This may simply be a case of address used multiple times within Freenas for different purposes.
Also, I think with 9.3beta, the jails get their address through DHCP. Is your router allocating enough IP addresses or do you have it to only allocate just a strict minimum? like one for every device you own? if that's the case, allocate more of them.


Nov 20, 2014

The Samba log is '/var/log/samba4/log.smbd'. Also you could enable the console output on the GUI to help find the problem.
System -> Advanced -> Show console messages in the footer

Some problems with plugins are down to using HTTPS protocol (bug). In the GUI set the protocol to HTTP.


Jul 6, 2013
I have also just installed 9.3 beta and had a similar problem getting CIFs to work. ISCSI worked a treat.
I finally resolved CIFS by looking at the user account for guest and I needed to clear the "Disable password login", after that all appears to work.


Jul 6, 2013
Post full 'testparm' output.

dos charset = CP437
workgroup = WALLER
netbios name = FREENAS
server string = FreeNAS Server
server role = standalone server
map to guest = Bad User
null passwords = Yes
obey pam restrictions = Yes
smb passwd file = /var/etc/private/smbpasswd
private dir = /var/etc/private
guest account = guest
max log size = 51200
server max protocol = SMB2
time server = Yes
deadtime = 15
max open files = 211367
hostname lookups = Yes
load printers = No
printcap name = /dev/null
disable spoolss = Yes
dns proxy = No
pid directory = /var/run/samba
panic action = /usr/local/libexec/samba/samba-backtrace
idmap config *: range = 90000001-100000000
idmap config * : backend = tdb
acl allow execute always = Yes
create mask = 0666
directory mask = 0777
ea support = Yes
directory name cache size = 0
kernel change notify = No
store dos attributes = Yes
strict locking = No
dos filemode = Yes

path = /mnt/Waller/WallerNAS
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
veto files = /.snapshot/.windows/.mac/.zfs/
vfs objects = zfsacl
zfsacl:acesort = dontcare
nfs4:chown = true
nfs4:acedup = merge
nfs4:mode = special
recycle:subdir_mode = 0700
recycle:directory_mode = 0777
recycle:touch = yes
recycle:versions = yes
recycle:keeptree = yes
recycle:repository = .recycle/%U
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