snapshot unavailable in jail - worked in 11.3


Nov 27, 2019

I've got a small issue where I need some "external brain" help :smile:

Short about the setup:

- TrueNAS 12 (upgraded from 11.3)
- raidz2 pool (data) with datasets exported via NFS
- jail (freenasbackup) with bareos-fd for backups. Jail is at 12.2-RELEASE

I have a "mailstorage" dataset which is exported via NFS and used for Maildirs. This part works fine.
Same dataset is mounted into the backup jail.

I've written a script using the API to create a snapshot before backup and remove it again after. This part works as well.

Where I hit a roadblock in 12 vs. 11.3 is the part where I want to access the snapshot.

In 11.3 I could just access "/mnt/mailstorage/.zfs/snapshot/backup" (snapshot is named "backup" to be easy to find) and pull the files from within the jail

In 12 I seem to hit some kind of roadblock - but might easily be something I'm missing.
After creating the snapshot via API I try to access it from within the jailwith ls or getfacl and get this error:
root@freenasbackup:/mnt/mailstorage/.zfs/snapshot # getfacl backup
getfacl: backup: stat() failed: Operation not permitted

If I then run the same command (getfacl) on the host system itself it succeeds, so my thought is I might have missed some option on the jail?

the fun part:
After having run the getfacl command on the host system it also succeeds in the jail .... and that's where I'm stuck right now, and scratching what's left of my hair.

Any ideas of what I might have missed?

I have a workaround in mind (cronjob with getfacl on host) which I could fall back to if everything else fails :P