I'm having problems in 2 areas that i'd like to figure out. I have a windows 7 pro pc in my office and freenas 8 running nearby. I can't get two things to work. Keep in mind I can access files, write files, and all that, there must be something in windows messing this up.
I cannot run my windows backup with freenas as the destination. Will not write.
I also cannot run an automatic import from my camera straight to the freenas folder. Cannot write.
Both just seem to give a generic error message.
CIFS is set up as anonymous, with nobody and nogroup as user. Again, I don't have any other problems but these automatic items from windows....
Can anyone shed some light or point me in a direction.....
I'm having problems in 2 areas that i'd like to figure out. I have a windows 7 pro pc in my office and freenas 8 running nearby. I can't get two things to work. Keep in mind I can access files, write files, and all that, there must be something in windows messing this up.
I cannot run my windows backup with freenas as the destination. Will not write.
I also cannot run an automatic import from my camera straight to the freenas folder. Cannot write.
Both just seem to give a generic error message.
CIFS is set up as anonymous, with nobody and nogroup as user. Again, I don't have any other problems but these automatic items from windows....
Can anyone shed some light or point me in a direction.....