Reinstall? Advice, please

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Sep 9, 2011
Four 2TB SATA drives; RAIDZ1. 8GB RAM.

I upgraded from 8.0.4 to 8.2.0-RELEASE-p1 (after saving the config), then set up a jail and got the Logitech Media Server running, but I don't think as saved the new config after doing that.

Everything ran OK for 3 or 4 days, but I left a file copy operation running last night before I want to bed -- copying files from another machine to the FreeNAS machine -- and when I checked this morning, I had a string of "path not found" (or some such) messages. 'Net view' from two other machines (two different operating systems) showed no sign of the FreeNAS machine, but I could still access Logitech Media Server through the gui, and I could ping the main FreeNAS IP address and the LMS IP address; I don't remember trying to access the FreeNAS gui.

I rebooted the FreeNAS machine, and everything looks OK, except that I get an "unhandled exception" error when I try to access the FreeNAS machine via the GUI.

From the command line, all the directories seem to be OK, even including the jail and software directories, but jls does not show the presence of the jail.

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/django start

generates no errors.

same for

# cd /usr/local/www/freenasUI
# python runserver

Am I correct in thinking that the only way to recover is to create a new boot device (the current one is a 4GB CF card in a USB-connected 50-in-one reader; can I use an SD card instead?) then do an auto-import? I assume that I'll have to set up the jail and LMS again.

I have copied freenas-v1.db to one of my datasets, and I understand that I'll have to copy that back to /data.

Any other precautions? Am I missing anything? How to prevent a reoccurrence?
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