Here is a synch on, compression off, record size 16K test after BIOS changes.
Auto Mode
File size set to 524288 kB
OPS Mode. Output is in operations per second.
Command line used: iozone -a -s 512M -O
Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds.
Processor cache size set to 1024 kBytes.
Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes.
File stride size set to 17 * record size.
random random bkwd record stride
kB reclen write rewrite read reread read write read rewrite read fwrite frewrite fread freread
524288 4 22088 22649 345977 342938 277856 18634 298145 25845 247717 23279 22625 320338 316925
524288 8 18699 19555 281264 272460 242009 17761 206286 23760 213098 19425 19356 233624 238386
524288 16 15348 15311 142649 132718 152798 15498 141504 20491 152915 15551 15385 118293 109392
524288 32 10823 10406 90298 90522 114350 10276 89425 12824 110196 10967 10813 53241 66468
524288 64 6201 6645 32870 44692 51955 6456 33437 7493 32527 6689 6839 22839 36163
524288 128 3670 3278 31965 31649 33708 4043 18890 4399 20291 3902 3468 22593 27468
524288 256 2405 2294 18718 18144 12339 2141 17493 2905 7460 2240 2587 5758 8761
524288 512 1279 1477 4045 6601 7280 1286 8687 1735 4162 1275 1459 3182 4639
524288 1024 665 780 1850 2972 3821 679 4494 988 5915 596 732 2969 3518
524288 2048 360 323 2113 2107 2116 332 1545 421 1765 374 315 1375 1422
524288 4096 183 146 985 917 1005 191 1472 202 441 168 160 582 609
524288 8192 85 79 416 404 396 92 485 92 238 82 95 149 159
524288 16384 43 38 178 169 181 47 234 45 92 43 38 98 97
iozone test complete.
Here is a synch off, compression off, record size 16K test after BIOS changes.
Auto Mode
File size set to 524288 kB
OPS Mode. Output is in operations per second.
Command line used: iozone -a -s 512M -O
Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds.
Processor cache size set to 1024 kBytes.
Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes.
File stride size set to 17 * record size.
random random bkwd record stride
kB reclen write rewrite read reread read write read rewrite read fwrite frewrite fread freread
524288 4 111667 119149 336434 347803 194594 89076 315069 148233 208375 122403 115359 317707 232941
524288 8 78859 112411 182790 215608 177820 88411 164612 141886 148604 98523 95586 271420 190667
524288 16 73804 84856 191229 178865 177511 74686 124422 128961 140550 76393 94896 96863 143167
524288 32 38349 46196 121239 130260 117580 32701 115528 73278 109846 47612 48851 103936 52042
524288 64 20680 23983 62043 63506 61935 25529 46832 39234 46402 20836 24014 49599 53224
524288 128 11023 13405 36126 15906 26491 10563 34033 18418 33484 12899 9482 23033 22362
524288 256 5363 6196 18120 17969 18810 6360 9371 9585 14186 5563 6279 12577 14723
524288 512 2937 2996 10242 11794 11139 2227 8641 4761 9018 3200 3163 7446 5888
524288 1024 1363 1577 4483 4060 4658 1561 4471 2846 3524 1172 1572 3127 3236
524288 2048 658 917 3092 2089 963 682 2236 1140 2291 804 857 1784 762
524288 4096 332 376 1022 1045 1022 384 550 497 654 340 390 717 913
524288 8192 167 136 395 397 410 182 413 211 221 156 182 217 208
524288 16384 82 72 176 178 188 108 103 90 120 79 88 70 74
iozone test complete.