Performance gain from 4GB to 8GB

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Behold the Wumpus
May 28, 2011
Hi TwinDaddyKev,

Without knowing anything about how you actually use FreeNAS it's going to be sort of tough to say, but I would think going to an E-350 with 8GB you would see a decent increase in performance over what you have now, but I think you would see much less of a gain going from 8GB to 16GB. Going above 4GB enables prefetching, which you can also enable via a variable you set in the loader.conf file. Assuming you will only use a single Gig-E connection all you really can get out of the box is about 120MB/s so that's really all you need to aim for. Take a look in the forums as there are a number of users with E-350 boards who have been posting their results.

May 27, 2011
I'm not sure if you'd be able to tell 4 GB from 8 GB. part of it being the drives are very fast and will be able to seek very quickly lessoning the need for cache.

don't forget performance drops off after 50% or so and very quickly at around 75%. so don't plan on having to much more than half a TB.
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