OpenVPN Client Configuration Path


Sep 15, 2017
[Apologizes if this is a repost. I have done searches on both here and on Google but all I found was using the OpenVPN client via GUI in TureNAS.]

I have a backup TrueNAS system I keep remotely. Both mirrored USB boot flash drives died at the same time (at least within a week of each other, I have since switched to SSDs as of this morning for the boot pool). This morning, now that my backup is restored and the system is running, I am trying to restore the OpenVPN client to boot automatically on startup like I had it before.

So, I installed the latest version of TrueNAS CORE (v12.0-U8.1) but I had to restore a ~year-old backup from FreeNAS v11.3-U5 (what can I say, it was stable for so long and I had no need to make any changes, thus no more a recent backup). Everything seems to be going great except one thing: I had an OpenVPN client configuration (file-based, not GUI-based) automatically starting on boot. I still have the files (configuration, certificates, etc) but can not figure out where on the filesystem to stick them.

I have a vague recollection of something like /etc/openvpn/ but I do not see anything like that on TrueNAS CORE. I did a find -x / | grep -i openvpn but that only turns up places for OpenVPN binaries. I would rather continue using the file-based approach and not the GUI if possible. Not sure what to do here. Any suggestions on folders I should create or something?