Old mount from a long gone jail causing issues with boot.


Jun 14, 2016
Hey team,

I deleted a jail that had a bunch of mount points on it, 9 to be exact. for whatever reason when i deleted the jail the mount points must have remained. I did not know that till I went to reboot the server many moons later. While trying to boot I am bombarded with the below line so many times I think freenas freaks out and as such I cannot access the web gui nor can I ssh into it. Oddly from the terminal shell all my plugins are running and can access them.

mountd 3795 - - bad exports list line /old/mount/path/ : symbolic link in export path or statfs failed.

My question is where do I go to remove the 9 above bad mounts. /etc/exports shows the bad mounts but I can change them because i am using the cli and all changes are reset after reboot

running truenas 12.2

Please let me know what other info you need. Thank you so much for your help.
